Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 367 [Reading the Spring and Autumn Annals at night, sticking to the rules]

"What a loud tone!"

Chun Yulong's blow was blocked by someone with a letter. He was horrified but also angry at the same time. So he looked at Qingxu and said, "Who are you talking to? Do you have such a high reputation?"

The monk in white clothes turned his face, moved his feet slightly and came into the void, facing Chun Yuqiong across the air.

His face was indifferent, and the three strands of green beard under his chin were floating like a fairy.

A strong wind blew through the void, and the white sleeved robe made a sound and flew up and down.

Qingxu said: "I am the Master Qingxu!"

"Tai Xuan Sect, Master of Miaolian Peak!"

Chunyu Long smiled coldly and said, "I haven't heard of it, but I heard that a monk named Xu Changan came out of your Taixuan Sect. He was famous all over the world, but it was a pity that he was torn into pieces by lightning from the sky!"

Li Chijian's eyes on the mountain behind were red. He was holding a huge sword in his hand, and his eyes were like a knife.

A few years ago, the news of Xu Changan's death under a thunderous thunder came back to Taixuanmen. He was inexplicably sad at the time.

Now that the opponent actually mentioned his junior brother in front of the battle, Li Chijian wished he could go there in person and tear the opponent into pieces.

Unfortunately, it's not that powerful.

"No problem!" Qingxu said: "After today, the word [Qingxu] will definitely scare you!"

Chunyu Long said: "How dare you say such arrogant words even though you are just a golden elixir?"

Qingxu smiled and said, "Have you ever heard that there is a Zhongni in Lu?"

Chunyu Long said: "What nonsense are you talking about? There is no more Lu State now!"

Take a clear step forward.

The book composed of thirteen jade slips in his hand flew into the sky.

"There is a Zhongni in Lu!"


Qingxu opened his mouth, and a jade slip fell from the sky, turned into a hundred-foot jade stone, and hit Chunyu Long's head from the air.

"Damn it!"

Chunyu Long is a second-grade national scholar, and the power of incense in his body is extremely strong.

With a wave of his hand, the jade seal turned into a size of a hundred feet.

With a bang, the force of the blow on Qingxu's head was blocked.


Qingxu took the second step out.

"Hold the knife to carve the Spring and Autumn Period!"


The second jade slip fell again.

The heavy power on it carried unparalleled brilliance and pressed Chunyu Long's body down hundreds of feet.

"Lend me Haoran Qi!"


Qingxu took the third step.

The third jade slip above his head fell.

Between heaven and earth, another magical aura seemed to condense on the third jade slip.

The cyan aura of awe-inspiring energy was the same as the aura of awe-inspiringness in the golden bones of Qiuren Ruins. It instantly blessed the jade slip and hit Chunyu Long's head.


This time!

The jade seal protection on Chunyu Long's head was completely smashed and cracked.

And he himself was pressed to the ground.

"Seven steps to defeat the enemy!"


The fourth piece of jade was reduced to a hundred-foot jade stone, and fell suddenly again.

This time, Chun Yulong didn't force the attack, he moved sideways to avoid it.


He could hide away, but the national warriors around him couldn't hide away.

As soon as the jade stone fell to the ground, several national warriors were turned into flesh and blood.

"Seventy-two Wise Disciples!"

"Welcome to Confucius with clothes and hats!"

"The Master is like the sun and the moon!"

"Glory shines through the ages!"

"Yan Hui observes the sky!"

"Confucianism inspires bull fighting!"

"Zilu rushes to Wuyue!"

"I can save Lu alone!"

Qingxu means one step at a time, and each step at a jade slip.

The jade pieces were reduced to huge rocks falling from the sky. The second-grade national scholar Chun Yulong who was pressed down was breathless and retreated all the way.

Bang bang bang...

Blood splattered on the ground!

Countless fourth-grade and even third-grade national scholars were buried under the pure jade slips.

On the mountain peak behind him, Tian Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and shouted: "Okay!"

Li Chijian gasped in shock and asked, "Uncle, the method used by Patriarch Qingxu doesn't seem to be our Xuanmen method?"


Tianxuan said: "Qingxu has been traveling abroad for these years, and I'm afraid he has had a lot of opportunities. If I guessed correctly, this should be the method of Confucian Confucian disciples using awe-inspiring aura to control the power of heaven and earth. Although it does not belong to my Taoist sect, But he also has such great power!”

"It's really breathtaking!"


The thirteen jade slips above Qingxu's head fell one after another!

When the last jade slip fell to the ground, Chunyu Long said: "Qingxu, this is not a Taoist technique. I know it is the Confucianism's "Night Reading of the Spring and Autumn Annals". Thirteen jade slips use the awe-inspiring energy to destroy mountains and seas. Now that your awe-inspiring energy has been exhausted, it’s time for you to be decapitated, right?”

"Array up!"


"Help me kill this person!"

Although many of the soldiers below died, there were more alive. They ordered and prohibited them. After hearing Chunyu Long's order, they formed a formation in three breaths. Everyone condensed the power of the incense in their bodies, and then lent it to Chun Yulong. .

Chunyu Long's aura became stronger and stronger.

His body also became taller, and suddenly became the size of a hundred feet.

"Hahaha..." He laughed loudly and said: "I have the perfect power of Nascent Soul at this moment, and I will kill you today..."



The spiritual power and the power of rules between heaven and earth, mixed with the endless power of incense pure in the dragon's body, were transmitted into the mace, and the mace instantly became the size of a hundred feet.

The big stick fell down on the head, blocking out the sky and the sun, and the sunlight above the head was dimmed.

"Junior brother, be careful!"

Tian Xuan shouted later, drew his sword and came to help.

But Qingxu waved his hand and suddenly took off a seemingly ordinary belt from his waist, then waved his hand and said: "Stick to the rules..."


The belt instantly turned into a mountain range, stretching across the void and falling in front of Qingxu.


The hundred-foot-long mace fell hard on the mountain range.

The mountains shake a few times, but they remain unbreakable.

Chunyu Long on the opposite side was immediately shocked and said: "Sticking to the rules is the power of the Mohist giant!"

"What a Xuanmen monk, with just a golden elixir, how can he be so difficult to deal with?"

Qingxu ignored him. He sat in the void, closing his eyes and mouth!

The mountain range stretching in the void in front is majestic, immovable and unbreakable.

"Break it for me..."



Boom boom boom...

The mighty power that could only be exerted by the Nascent Soul fell down one after another. However, the mountains that the belt turned into could not be shaken no matter what.

Chunyu Long stopped, and shouted from the air, "It is said that when the Mohist giant came from the Song Dynasty to the Chu Kingdom, he turned his belt into a city, and one person blocked the attack of a million troops from the Chu Kingdom. Could it be that you are also a Mohist?" A giant?"

Qingxu opened his eyes and said: "No!"

Chunyu Long asked: "Then why do you have the power of a giant?"

Qingxu said calmly: "Borrowed it!"

"Hahahaha..." Chun Yulong laughed suddenly: "Qingxu, I admire your defensive power, but so what?"

"You can only defend, but you can't kill me!"

"I can't kill you, but I can also defeat your Taixuan Sect!"

Qingxu said a few words calmly: "No hurry, just wait!"

Chunyu Long said: "What are you waiting for?"

Qingxu's eyes narrowed slightly, and a killing intent filled the air: "After half a stick of incense, my nephew arrives, and I will kill you!"

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