Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 376 [Magical Use of Jute, the Talisman of Formation]

For the next period of time, Xu Changan did not practice.

He accompanied his wife and looked after the children.

This short time in the secular world made Xu Changan deeply nostalgic.

When he got up in the morning, he heard several disciples chattering about something.

Xu Muxian said: "Let's use dog blood. It is said that people in the mortal world use dog blood to drive away evil things. Once dog blood comes out, all evil things will be scared away!"

Xu Changan walked out with a tall figure and said: "What are you talking about?"

"Meet the ancestor!"

The disciples saluted Xu Changan one by one.

Xu Muxian said: "Ancestor, there is a cave underground in our back mountain. It is gloomy and scary. We are thinking about whether to use dog blood to drive away evil spirits!"

Xu Changan nodded.

He knew about the cave. At that time, Mr. Chen of the Chen family killed countless children in it to extract blood and refine blood beads.

It would be strange if it was not gloomy!

"This is for you!" Xu Changan took out the [Thunder Ruler] from the storage bag and said, "The most feared thing for evil spirits is the power of thunder and lightning. This ruler has the aura of thunder and lightning. If you take it down, it should be able to drive away the evil spirits!"

"Okay!" Xu Muxian was not polite either. He took the ruler and took his brothers and sisters down the cave together.

Xu Changan frowned slightly and muttered to himself, "When the dog blood comes out, all evil spirits will be scared away!"

"Where did you hear this?"

Soon, he remembered.

Some time ago, Uncle Qingxu returned the jute he borrowed before ascending to heaven. At that time, he said, "When this thing comes out, all things will be scared away."

Xu Changan suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Xu Muxian felt familiar when he said it just now.


This... When this thing comes out, all things will be scared away?

A flash of lightning flashed through Xu Changan's mind. He felt as if he had grasped something important, but in an instant, he couldn't say what it was.

So, he immediately sat on a rattan chair in the yard and began to think with his eyes closed.

One breath, two breaths.

After more than a dozen breaths, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed in his eyes: "I understand... I understand..."

He waved his hand, and the jute appeared in the void in front of him.

A strand of jute, the roots below exploded, and the roots above also exploded.

From a distance, it looked like a dumbbell-shaped double sphere.

Above the jute, there was a trace of mysterious breath.

Xu Changan narrowed his eyes slightly: Since everything is evaded, then... I wonder if the [Immortal Hell Fire] in the Golden Talisman Space can also be evaded?

Let's give it a try!

If you fail, you will lose a root of jute, and if you succeed, you will have ten times the acceleration.


Xu Changan moved his mind and directly threw all the jute into the Golden Talisman Space.

A magical scene happened.

The jute, which was bathed in the rules of the Qingxu Heaven and Earth, directly opened up a space of ten feet in the sea of ​​fire.

All the fire was driven away by it ten feet away.

Xu Changan was overjoyed.

A space of ten feet, that can also be used for cultivation!

The next moment, he turned around and landed directly in this space.

Above his head, the golden talisman rotated slowly.

Four more [Hongmeng Aura] floated.

The level of this Hongmeng Aura was extremely high, and it was unscathed in the face of the immortal nether fire.

In the corner, there was also the Emperor's [Zuoyuan Drum] which was also unscathed!

"Come..." Xu Changan waved his hand, and the four [Hongmeng Aura] and Zuoyuan Drum were all collected by Xu Changan into the space opened up by the jute.

In the void not far away, there was another talisman about a foot square suspended there, with a trace of lines flowing on it all the time, over and over again, never stopping.

In the previous Qi Refining Stage, each time you break through a level, you will get a talisman.

Later, when you reach the Foundation Establishment Stage, you no longer have this treatment, but what Xu Changan did not expect is that after breaking through from the thirteenth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage to the first level of the Golden Core Stage, the Big Golden Talisman will reward you with another such talisman.

Xu Changan took a deep breath, walked to the side of the talisman, and then looked at the flowing patterns on it, and began to draw with his hands.



Three times!

The complexity of this pattern is ten times or even more complicated than any previous talisman.

Therefore, Xu Changan spent three days drawing before learning this talisman.

And once this talisman is learned, it will be engraved in the soul. As time goes by, not only will it not be forgotten, but it will become clearer in memory.

After learning the talisman, Xu Changan also understood the function of this talisman: the array talisman.

What is the array talisman?

As the name suggests: absorb the array.

After the formation talisman is drawn, it can be unfolded on the ground with a thought, and then the formation method and materials can be used to arrange the formation on the unfolded talisman.

This formation is interesting.

He can use the formation talisman to collect it and take it away.

It seems to be a useless talisman.

But in fact, it is very useful.

For example, a fourth-grade defensive formation was collected with the formation talisman.

No matter where you go in the future, you can just wave your hand and the formation will be unfolded instantly.

This is just a defensive formation. What if it is a trap formation?

Think about it, there is a fourth-grade trap formation on the formation talisman in your hand. Even if you encounter a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, you don’t have to be afraid. A talisman thrown out will trap the opponent in a fourth-grade trap formation.

It will take some time for you to break the formation.

By the time you break the formation, I will have already escaped.

When you catch up with me, I will set up a fourth-grade trap to trap you.

A life-saving weapon!

However, this thing also has advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is: expensive...

You should know that the total value of the materials needed to set up a fourth-grade trap is more than 1 million medium-grade spirit stones.

If you throw this thing away and run away, it means that 1 million medium-grade spirit stones are gone. If you don’t have enough financial resources, you can’t support it.

Of course!

In addition to being used to save lives, this thing also has other uses.

For example, before, Xu Changan had to rearrange the formation every time he arrived at a place. And every time he left, he had to dismantle the formation and take away the materials for setting up the formation.

This is extremely time-consuming.

Because even for ordinary large formations, each one takes several days to set up.

If you set up a formation of the level of [Mountain Protection Formation], such as [Hidden Moon Fantasy Sea Xumi Formation], it will take several months.

But it’s easy with the formation talisman.

When leaving, just wave your hand and pack it up.

When you arrive at the new place, spread it out with a wave of your hand.

Simple and practical, it saves a lot of time.

The key is that this kind of talisman does not exist in the world. If you make two of them and auction them at the auction, they will probably be sold like crazy, right?

So, it can also quickly make money.

"Not bad!" Xu Changan looked at the talisman with satisfaction and nodded: "It's a very good auxiliary item!"

"Let's try drawing one first!"

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