Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 378 [Spreading the Dharma and Admiring the Sages, Returning to Xujia Village]

The sun is setting!

From the pavilion on the back hill of Xujiabao, the sun is particularly clear.

Qiao Huizhu sat on the edge of the pavilion, her body trembled, and suddenly she sneezed.

Xu Changan took out the fox fur in his hand, gently draped it over her, and said: "You are not in good health. If you go back to your hometown at this time, I am afraid it will not work!"

"I don't know if it is spring or winter now?"

Qiao Huizhu shook her head: "Husband, I may not have much time!"

She turned her head and looked at Xu Changan: "Before I die, I just want to see the place where I lived when I was a child and smell the breath of the countryside. If I can sleep in my hometown forever, it would be a kind of luck!"


Xu Changan nodded and said: "Tomorrow morning, I will take you there after I finish teaching the children!"

"Okay!" Qiao Huizhu smiled, she tightened the fox fur on her body, and looked at the setting sun.

The western sky was surrounded by red clouds and dazzling golden clouds.

The next morning!

Xu Changan came to the school!

He waited for the children to come early.

As expected, Xu Muxian was the first one.

"Grandfather, I kowtow to you!" Xu Muxian knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Xu Changan.

Xu Changan nodded, smiled, and said: "Muxian, come here... stand beside me, I will teach you a set of exercises!"

After observing for several months, Xu Changan found that Xu Muxian was not bad.

She had a pure heart and a strong heart.

"I will tell you orally, you should remember it in your heart and try to figure it out!" Before Xu Changan passed on the method, he reminded her, "Remember my words. This method only has the Qi Refining Chapter and the Foundation Building Chapter. When you have completed your foundation building, come and ask me for the Golden Elixir Chapter..."

"In addition, except for my Xu family disciples, you are not allowed to pass it on to others, let alone copy it!"

"Can you do it?"

"Yes!" Xu Muxian realized that the method that the ancestor was going to pass on to her was extraordinary, so she knelt on the ground and raised her hand and said, "I, Xu Muxian, swear to the Heaven..."

Xu Changan waited quietly for her to finish her oath, and then began to teach.

When he had the ice attribute spirit root, he naturally obtained a heaven-given method.

This method was passed on to Xu Muxian in its entirety.

As for what level she can reach in the future, it depends on her own opportunity and luck.

Anyway, Xu Changan will never train his bloodline descendants like the Ji family trains disciples.

Sometimes, giving too much is not beautiful.

After the teaching was completed, Xu Changan took Qiao Huizhu and left directly from Xujiabao.

The huge flying boat traveled for half a day and arrived at Qingniu Town.

In order not to cause a sensation, Xu Changan took back the flying boat before arriving at Qingniu Town, and pushed Qiao Huizhu to Qingniu Town on a cart.

Qingniu Town was still the same as before, with almost no changes.

What made Xu Changan happy was that the war between Qi and Yan did not affect the secular people here.

He bought a tall horse and a luxurious carriage, and drove the carriage all the way from Qingniu Town back to Xujia Village.

The village that was slaughtered was desolate.

But after decades, it has become prosperous.

The name of the village is still [Xujia Village], but the people in it are no longer people from Xujia Village.

The carriage stopped at the door of a family.

Xu Changan lifted the curtain on the carriage.

Qiao Huizhu stretched her head and looked at the house in front of her. She was stunned and said, "Husband... This is our home, but... It seems to have changed!"

"The gate has changed, but the two-story building at the back is still there!"

Xu Changan nodded.

At the beginning, the monks from Xiaolinggu slaughtered the village and cut off the gate of Xu Changan's house, but the two-story building at the back did not collapse.

Now no one knows whose family lives there, but the two-story building at the back is still the same as before.

A fat and strong middle-aged man walked out of the yard aggressively, looked at Xu Changan and said: "What are you talking about, this is my home, when did it become your home?"

"Hehe..." Xu Changan smiled: "Brother, let me ask, where did the people in Xujia Village come from now?"

The man said fiercely: "What do you mean where did you come from? We have been here since we were young!"

Xu Changan said: "About 80 years ago, this village was killed by people. Haven't you heard about it?"

The man's fierce face finally showed a trace of fear, he said in a low voice: "Who are you? How do you know so much?"

Xu Changan smiled and said: "I used to live in this village!"


The man was so scared that he ran to his home, but he bumped into the door with a bang.

Qiao Huizhu laughed loudly behind him.

She took a deep breath of the rural atmosphere and said, "Don't scare him..."

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be spring here!"

In Xujiabao, spiritual power nourishes everything, and it is like spring all year round.

So when the two came down, they didn't know what season it was in the secular world. Fortunately, it was spring in Xujia Village.

"Help me down!"

Xu Changan opened the door and helped Qiao Huizhu down from the car.

At this time, many people had gathered around the carriage.

The man who was just scared out of his wits came out of his house again, holding a basin in his hand, and the basin was full of hot dog blood.

Just killed a dog.

"Tiezhu, stop it!"

A trembling old man with gray hair walked out of the yard. He looked at Xu Changan and Qiao Huizhu in shock and said, " two are immortals?"

The surrounding villagers immediately started to talk.

Xu Changan asked: "Why do you say we are immortals?"

"Hey!" The old man said: "I have heard people say since I was a child that there is a stupid immortal in Xujia Village... with white hair. When my father brought me from another village to live here, someone once said that our house was where the immortal lived!"

"Dad!" Tiezhu, with a fierce look, put a basin of dog blood at the door and asked: "How do you know it is them?"

"Yes, there is no doubt about it!" The old man flopped and knelt on the ground, saying: "I was only ten years old at that time. When I moved here, I saw the portraits of the previous male and female owners in this house, exactly like you two!"

"That's... you you you... in that portrait, your hair is white!"

The old man pointed at Xu Changan.

The magic power in Xu Changan moved slightly,

and his hair turned white instantly.

"Ah..." Everyone around was shocked.

The old man said excitedly: "Yes, yes, yes... Immortal... It's really an immortal!"

"Please spare my life, immortal, when we came here, this place was in ruins, we didn't mean to occupy your house on purpose!"

"Tiezhu, why don't you move quickly... make room for the immortal!"

"Hehe!" Xu Changan smiled and said: "Old man, you have lived in this house for so long, it is no longer mine. You can continue to live here, I didn't come here to ask you for the house!"

"I'm just taking a look!"

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