Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 388 [Terrible Wu Lian, Yun Meng Arrives]

"Xu are not dead?"

When Xu Changan looked at Hehuan Patriarch, he also looked at Xu Changan.

Of course, Xu Changan did not change his appearance.

Because there is not much need now.

The two knives hanging above his head were basically removed for the time being.

Let alone whether Tie Zhongtang was afraid of the terrifying power of Qingxu, even if he was not afraid, this guy was only in the Nascent Soul state now, and he had lost his true body, so it was impossible for him to come out to settle accounts with Xu Changan for the time being.

The second prince of Yan State?

That was even more impossible!

Now that Lulong County has become part of Qi State, can he still run to Lulong County to destroy me?

Moreover, cultivators practice and face the world with their true appearance to achieve the best state, so Xu Changan restored his appearance.

Unexpectedly, I met this Pure Yang Zhenren today.

Pure Yang Zhenren looked at Xu Changan with complicated eyes.

At the beginning, his disciple Huang Buyan was killed by Xu Changan with a punch.

This can be said to be a deadly feud.

But because Yunmeng was there, and Xu Changan revealed two puppets in the Nascent Soul stage, he thought again and again and had to retreat.

Later, he heard that Xu Changan was killed by the Nine-Nine Destruction Thunder Tribulation when he was crossing the Jindan Tribulation.

But unexpectedly, this kid is alive and kicking again.

Pure Yang Zhenren's eyes narrowed slightly: Should I take action and kill this kid?

He is only at the third level of the Jindan stage now.

After all, the revenge of killing a disciple is like killing a son!

Secondly, once Xu Changan gets up, it is hard to guarantee that he will not cause trouble for me.

Finally, his Taixuan Xianzong has grown stronger, where will my Hehuan Xianzong go in the future?

Continue to lose to their spiritual stone mines?

Also, it was because Xu Changan killed his true disciple that year that Pure Yang Zhenren's luck was damaged, and at the same time there was an obstacle in his heart, and his cultivation was stagnant.

So many years have passed, and there has been no progress.

Later, Xu Changan was killed by the heavenly tribulation, and he felt that he was doing well again.

But now I actually saw this kid again.

If I don't kill him, then my cultivation will continue to be futile in the future?

In just over a hundred years, I will die of old age.

A trace of determination flashed across the eyes of the Pure Yang Zhenren, and then he snorted coldly, and the huge pressure turned into a dark cloud and fell on Xu Changan's head: "Xu Changan, you killed my disciple, and today I will kill you, do you have anything to say?"

His divine consciousness suppressed Xu Changan, making Xu Changan speechless, and then he raised his hand, picked up a peach blossom stick, and hit Xu Changan with a stick.

The peach blossom stick seemed weak, but it instantly turned into a size that could reach the sky and the earth, carrying unparalleled power, sweeping everything.


Xu Changan didn't care about so much, and all the blood and qi in his body poured into the [Asura Plate].

The Asura Plate instantly turned into dozens of feet.



The power of the Nascent Soul Stage was still too great, and Xu Changan was simply unable to resist it.

Although this Asura disk blocked most of the attacks of Pure Yang Zhenren, Xu Changan was still directly blown away.

"Puff..." He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, he was not injured.

Xu Changan stood in the sky of the void, looking down at Pure Yang Zhenren, and said: "Old dog Chunyang, you are really despicable and shameless. You are a fourth-level Yuanying, and you sneak attack me, a third-level Jindan?"

Hiss hiss hiss...

Everyone in the whole valley was numb.


Is this guy still human?

A third-level Jindan was sneak attacked by a Yuanying powerful, but he was unscathed?

He just spat out a mouthful of blood.

No wonder the Taoist of Tianfu never came back.

Horrible... Horrible...

"Good boy..." Pure Yang Zhenren's eyes shrank slightly, and he was even more afraid in his heart: This boy is so strong that I can block his attack?

Don't let him stay!

Otherwise, he will be a big worry for this master in the future.

With this in mind, Pure Yang Zhenren became even more ruthless. The peach blossom staff in his hand once again gathered 100% of its power and blasted towards Xu Changan.

Xu Changan would definitely not be able to take this attack.

Even if he took out the Asura disk, it would be useless.

He had no choice but to throw out one of the stone puppets.

"Cut..." Xu Changan shouted.

The stone puppet in the void suddenly raised a giant sword and slashed at the attack of the peach blossom staff.


Two Yuanying-level people blasted against each other.

Obviously, puppets are not as good as real people.

After all, puppets can only emit power, and cannot carry the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

But Pure Yang Zhenren was different. His attack also had the power of rules.

The aftermath attacked Xu Changan again.

"Open..." Xu Changan sacrificed the Asura disk.

The second move was blocked by him again.

"Zheng...Zheng Zheng..."

At this moment, Wu Lian Nihong, who had been watching the excitement from below, finally made a move. The two swords in her arms, one black and one red, flew out, interlocked, and turned into two streams of light to attack Chun Yang Zhenren from two directions.

Wu Lian's strength should not be underestimated.

If she was near the Ashura Holy Land, she could beat Chun Yang with the power of the Holy Fire. Now that she has lost the help of the Holy Fire, the two swords with unmatched attacks stabbed forward, which also made the He Huan Patriarch flustered.


Not knowing the sharpness of the two swords, Chun Yang's hands were pierced.

Red blood fell from the void.

"Good...good sword...good treasure..." Chun Yang looked at Wu Lian and said three good words in a row.

Xu Changan inspired Ashu Luopan again.

He knew Wu Lian's weaknesses.

Wu Lian's attack power is incomparable, but his defense power is worrying. If Chunyang counterattacks, he is afraid that Wu Lian will be defeated, so he activates Ashura Pan in advance.

"court death!"

Master Chunyang stepped into the void and roared: "Behead..."

Infinite magic flew out of his body and condensed a huge pink sword shadow in the void, a hundred feet long. Then the sword shadow suddenly fell from the sky and slashed towards Wu Lian's head: "Let me see, it's Your sword is as powerful as mine!"

As soon as the giant sword came out, it stirred up the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

Under the giant sword, seal everything!

Neither Xu Changan nor Wulian Neon could move a step.

"Hehehe..." At this moment, a hearty laughter came from a distance, and at the same time, a purple lotus flower slowly rotated and landed on the heads of Xu Changan and Wu Lian.

But it was Patriarch Yunmeng who came: "Chunyang, I haven't seen you for so many years. Your shameless skills have really gotten better and better. Are you bullying our juniors at the Golden Core stage at the fourth level of the Nascent Soul Stage?"

Yunmeng was very fast and arrived at the scene as soon as she spoke. With a wave of her bright red sleeves, the long sword in the void was broken inch by inch.

Chunyang took a deep breath unwillingly, snorted coldly, shook his sleeves and stopped attacking.

Because he knew that it was impossible to kill Xu Changan now.

"Hehehe..." His face turned quickly, and he said: "If I had attacked with all my strength, the two of them would have died long ago. I was just trying to test how tyrannical this talented person who can escape ninety-nine catastrophes can be." That’s all!”


"Fellow Taoist Yunmeng, do you really think I will kill you?"

"Hmph..." Yunmeng snorted coldly and ignored Chunyang, because she knew that she couldn't do anything to Chunyang.

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