Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 395 [The prince attacks by surprise and traps and kills Yuanying]

"Ding Dong..."

Just like water dripping from the air, a circle of ripples suddenly appeared on the calm black lake surface, and behind it were dark ripples that swayed slightly and slowly spread out.

After a few breaths.



Huge bubbles emerged from the water.

"Not good!" Jing Can said: "This is a catfish, there is something ominous in the water, leave quickly!"

Xu Changan's eyes shrank slightly.


He is not unfamiliar with it.

Because he was fished by Tie Zhongtang.

These ancient mummies or souls are trapped in the Yinsha land and cannot get out, so they attract people to come in this way of spreading maps, and then realize their evil purpose.

Maybe it is to devour the flesh, or maybe it is to seize the body, and so on.

Everyone turned around and retreated.

At this time, a cultivator of the third level of the Nascent Soul who was closest to Xu Changan suddenly punched Xu Changan without warning.

This punch did not have the power of the rules of heaven and earth, but it carried unparalleled cultivation and energy.

Even so, Xu Changan would definitely not be able to take it.

In the distance, Yan Pingjing showed a sinister smile in his eyes.

Fairy Miaoyin, Yunmeng, and Wulian wanted to come to rescue, but it was obviously too late, and two big Yuanying stopped everyone.

But Xu Changan was not panicked.

He waved his hand and took out a talisman.


The attack of this mighty punch was swallowed up by the talisman.

That's right, it was the [Swallowing Talisman].

Theoretically, the Swallowing Talisman can only swallow the power of a blow from a Jindan-stage Great Perfection cultivator.

It only swallows energy, not rules.

But now it's different, this is the Zhenwu Jedi.

In the Zhenwu Jedi, the Yin Sha Qi is abundant, and the divine thoughts cannot be used, so the Yuanying-stage cultivators cannot communicate with the rules of heaven and earth for their own use.

The attack from the third-level cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage just now did not contain any rules, only pure mana.

Naturally, it was swallowed directly by the Devouring Talisman.

"Damn it..." Yan Pingjing said from a distance: "Second Elder, don't stop, beat him to death... beat him to death..."

Yan Pingjing roared like crazy.

It can be seen how much he hated Xu Changan in his heart.

He also found out about what happened that year.

Li Chijian is Xu Changan!

In the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence, Xu Changan killed Zheng Youjing, the third-rank national scholar of their family, making him, the prince, lose face, and almost sent him away with one blow at the fourth-rank innate formation.

Later, a cultivator named Li Chijian robbed him of the eight lotus seeds of the five-colored infant lotus that he was about to get.

At that time, Yan Pingjing did not know that Li Chijian was Xu Changan, but later he knew it!

This is not a blood feud.

But Xu Changan also robbed his beloved woman, which is a blood feud.

"Die..." This time, the Nascent Soul cultivator raised his hand again, and a more violent attack came.

Xu Changan still threw out a swallowing talisman.


The power of this attack was also absorbed completely.

"Boom..." Without waiting for the Nascent Soul cultivator to attack for the third time, Xu Changan threw out a talisman directly.

Array talisman.

Among them was a fourth-grade trap array.

The moment the array talisman was formed, Xu Changan quickly put dozens of high-grade spirit stones on the outside.

Endless spiritual power flew into it, and the fourth-grade trap array was formed.


At this moment, a huge monster suddenly jumped out of the black pool behind.


Everyone ran away.

Two wings suddenly grew behind Xu Changan, and he caught up with everyone with a slight shake.

Only the Nascent Soul that attacked Xu Changan was left in place.

I don't know how far I walked, but I heard several miserable cries coming from behind.

That cry was full of fear and pain...

After arriving at a temporarily safe place, Jing Can's eyes shrank slightly and looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan's horror was beyond his cognition.

What were those two talismans just now? They could actually swallow the attack power of a great cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage.

This is too terrifying.

If this person has enough of these talismans, he really is not afraid of the Nascent Soul.

Oh my God, he still has two Nascent Soul puppets.

Hiss hiss hiss...

At this moment, Jing Can has completely treated Xu Changan as a person of the same level.

"Damn it!" Jing Can took out the map in his hand again, threw it on the ground fiercely, and said: "This map almost hurt me!"

Yun Meng also took out the map and smashed it to pieces.

"Xu, my nephew!" Jing Can looked at Xu Chang'an and asked, "Why did that man attack you just now? Do you know him?"

At this time, the others also looked over.

Xu Chang'an shook his head and said, "I don't know him, and I don't know why he attacked me. I guess he thought I was the weakest, and then he wanted to kill people and steal treasures!"

He didn't need to tell others about Yan Pingjing.

Because it's useless to tell others.

It just adds to everyone's worries.

"It's possible!" Jing Can stroked his beard.

Yun Meng said, "Fortunately, you were prepared, otherwise such a wolf-like and ambitious person would be hard to guard against. You should be more careful in the future."

"Yes!" Everyone bowed.

Jing Can asked: "Then... Fellow Daoist Yunmeng, Junior Brother Xu, what do you think, how should we go next?"

Yunmeng was at a loss, and he looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan said: "The right side, I also have a map here, it says that the Xiangshui River Beach should be on the right, and there are still more than ten miles to go!"

Jing Can was slightly surprised and said: "You also have a map?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "I picked up this map. The maps taken out by the two predecessors before were exactly the same. I thought my map was fake and had no value, so I didn't take it out!"

"This..." Jing Can said: "Is it another fake?"

Xu Changan: …………

"I don't know!"

Yunmeng waved his sleeves: "Whether it is or not, let's go and take a look, just act according to the circumstances!"


Everyone continued to move forward.

But this time, the leader was no longer Jing Can, but Xu Changan.

Xu Changan walked to the front.

The further you go inside, the stronger the evil spirit becomes.

The visibility of the crowd was also visibly reduced. Before, they could see a distance of ten feet, but now it has slowly become five feet.

And even at five feet, it was like walking in the dark. You could only see the shadows of people, but you couldn't see them clearly.

"Eh..." While walking, Wu Lian Nihong suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Brother Xu, I think I stepped on a treasure!"

"Wait a minute!"


When they heard that there was a treasure, everyone immediately became interested.

Several shadowy figures walked towards Wu Lian Nihong from the side.

Only when they got closer could they see the faces of Xu Changan, Yunmeng and others clearly.

Xu Changan asked: "Take it out and let me see, what treasure is it?"

Wu Lian said: "I don't know, it seems to be a round thing!"

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