Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 404 [First kill of Yuanying, surprise or not]

"call out……"

The woman quickly grabbed the golden elixir.

Unexpectedly, he blocked the road and robbed him, but before he could take action, his son was beheaded.



Wenshui looked at Xu Changan, his teeth chattering with hatred, and said, "You deserve to die!"

"How dare you kill my son?"

"Hmph..." Xu Changan snorted coldly and said, "Senior, if I don't kill your son, will you let me go?"

"Since both the left and right are dead, wouldn't it be possible to gain some capital by bringing someone on board?"

"You deserve to die..."

The woman yelled like crazy.

"Stop pretending!" Xu Changan said calmly: "Actually, from the beginning, you knew that there was a low chance of me having [Yudao Shenma]. The reason why you followed me was because you saw that I had [Colorful Hemp]. There are treasures such as the lotus seeds of Yinglian], and there is also [Poxin grass], so I think you can use me to bully the small and kill people to get the treasure!"

"My guess is right!"

"You just think I'm easy to bully, so you came here to seize the treasure!"

Wen Shui asked: "So what?"

"Today, I will crush your bones to ashes, and roast your soul in the fire!"

"To avenge you for killing my son!"

"Tianhe Hanging Waterfall..."



The powerful finger of the Nascent Soul stage pointed, and the vast water spiritual power spurted out, forming a spectacular waterfall in the void. The waterfall was so powerful that it poured down violently on the heads of Xu Changan and the others.

There are countless water drops in the waterfall.

Each water droplet is like a water bomb that can explode and damage the enemy.

It's a pity that this place cannot communicate with the power of the rules of heaven and earth. Otherwise, this blow will imprison time and space, and the people below will instantly turn into blood.

Xu Changan was undaunted and calmly took out a talisman: the Devouring Talisman.

This thing was originally unable to be used against the mighty Nascent Soul. After all, it could only swallow energy, not the power of rules.


Thanks to the rules of this Zhenwu Jedi, the Devouring Talisman can be used to deal with the powerful Nascent Soul.


Xu Changan waved his hand and held out the talisman.


The huge thousand-foot-high waterfall was swallowed whole by the Devouring Talisman with one strike.

"This..." Wenshui trembled and said, "What kind of talisman is this, so unbelievable?"

Xu Changan smiled and said, "What do you think?"

not good!


Wen Shui felt his heart beating wildly for no reason.


This golden elixir monk is very dangerous.

Go now!

Don’t take revenge on your son. Hurry out of this Zhenwu Jedi place and find a place for your son to seize his body.



Her teleportation did not move out, but was blocked by a looming barrier.

"Want to leave?" Xu Changan sneered: "It's too late now!"


Xu Changan waved his hand, and the talisman that had just swallowed the magical power of [Tianhe Hanging Waterfall] fell down, and a waterfall appeared.

Repay the other person with his own way!

At the same time, two large puppets in the Nascent Soul stage launched attacks from one left and one from the right.

Wen Shuixiangu was helpless, but she could barely get rid of these three attacks.



Opposite him, Xu Changan took out an oil lamp and blew it fiercely.

The blue divine fire instantly rolled her up.


When the fire burns, water will naturally hurt.

But after all, she was a powerful person in the Nascent Soul stage, and the power of this blow still failed to kill her.

Xu Changan's blow was just a strike of golden elixir.

But it does not matter.


A huge fist volleyed down from the sky and hit the water-seeking Taoist with a punch.

This punch was a blow from the third level of Nascent Soul Stage, Yan Pingjing's companion who had been devoured by the fake perfume river beach.

Wenshui, who was already at the end of his strength, could no longer bear the pressure, and a big hole was blasted out of his body.


Blood rained everywhere.

Then a cyan Yuanying flew out.

"Fellow Taoist, please spare my life...Fellow Taoist...I don't know what is good for me, please spare my life!"

However, Xu Changan ignored her and directly waved his hand, activating the [Immortal Binding Rope].


The palm-sized Yuanying was trapped, and then with a sudden force, she was pulled into the golden talisman space.

The next moment, endless fire rushed towards him.

"Ah..." Nascent Soul, who was asking about water, screamed in pain.

Xu Changan said: "Didn't you just say that you want to use burning fire to roast my soul... Now, fellow Taoist, please try the feeling of burning my soul with burning fire..."

After doing this, Xu Changan closed the formation with his backhand!

There were only two bodies on the ground.

There are also two storage rings, and several storage bags.

Xu Changan took a deep breath and put away the storage treasure.

The lotus seeds of the colorful baby lotus are back, and there are two more [Poxin grass].


Speaking of which, this is the first Nascent Soul that Xu Changan has killed with his own power in a real sense!

Of course, it also relies on the location of [Zhenwu Jedi].

If he were in another place, he still wouldn't be able to kill Nascent Soul.

"Don't move!" Asura Princess Wulian Nihong saw that Xu Changan was about to burn the two corpses and said, "This blood essence is a good thing. Wait a minute, I will take the blood essence first!"

Zhu Yuzhen is in a bad mood!

He is already a cultivator of the twelfth level of the Golden Core Stage, and is only a step away from breaking through to the Nascent Soul Stage!

It is not that he cannot break through, nor that he does not have the [Pohua Pill].

But as a genius of the top sect of the Great Qi Kingdom, Zhu Yuzhen needs to be stronger.

He wants to condense the root of Tao before the Nascent Soul Stage.

If he can use the Yundao Pill to produce the root of Tao in advance, he will be extremely strong after stepping into the Nascent Soul Stage in the future.

Now, the materials for refining the [Yundao Pill] have been prepared, except for two types.

One is [Poxin Grass], and the other is [Yudao Divine Hemp].

Although Yudao Divine Hemp is rare, as a top sect of the Great Qi Kingdom, they still have some ways to get it.

The master has promised him that he will get the Divine Hemp within two years.

Then, the only thing missing is the Poxin Grass.

Just now, he almost exchanged the Taiyin Stone for the Poxin Grass, but was robbed by a guy in the third level of the Golden Core Stage.

Zhu Yuzhen was so angry.

Fortunately, although this guy is a team of three, he is very weak.

All three of them are in the Jindan stage.

Hehehe... I am Zhu Yuzhen, the pride of the Great Qi Kingdom. I can easily crush three people with one against one.

So after Xu Changan left, he followed Xu Changan's direction and chased him all the way.

Caught him!

Zhu Yuzhen breathed a sigh of relief and saw a hazy big bubble in front of him.

Isn't it the barrier that the kid opened?

Zhu Yuzhen decided to give Xu Changan a surprise, so he rushed into the bubble without thinking.



But when he saw the scene in the bubble, Zhu Yuzhen's face with a slightly playful expression froze instantly.

Oh my God!

What did I see?

These three little guys in the Jindan stage were lying on the big Yuanying just now to take blood?

There was also a corpse of the eleventh level of the Jindan stage lying next to him.

Hiss hiss hiss...

Oh my god!

It's numb...

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