Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 414 [Ghost King dances with flags, flees in all directions]



As if realizing something, the ghost flag suddenly fluttered violently, and the surrounding dark wind boiled up like a flying knife.

A devil over ten feet tall suddenly fell from the ghost flag.


His feet landed with a powerful shock.

As soon as he turned his head, two scarlet lights danced in his dark eyes.

As soon as he turned his eyes, the bloody light shot out three feet, which was extremely frightening.

"Ah..." The Ghost King lowered his head and opened his mouth suddenly.

The black fangs flashed red.

Waves of Yin Qi and Ghost Qi spurted out.

"Quickly retreat!"

Lin Guifan shouted loudly.

Everyone retreated one after another.

After the ghost left the ghost banner, it could not leave the ten feet range of the ghost banner.

"Everyone!" Lin Guifan said: "The first thing is to kill this ghost... Only by killing this ghost can we conquer the ghost banner at close range!"

Everyone nodded.

It is not enough for the ghost king to leave the ghost banner, the ghost king must be killed.

Otherwise, you won't be able to get close to the ghost flag for refining.

"Quickly, replenish the spirit stones..."

Everyone hurriedly took out the spiritual stones from their pockets.

One after another, medium-grade spiritual stones were placed in the formation eye.

In addition to the yin energy in this place, there is also evil energy, so the energy source of the formation can only be spiritual stones.

Thousands of spirit stones were filled into the formation eyes almost instantly.


The two large dust formations also glowed with unprecedented energy, appearing dazzling.

"Okay..." Lin Guifan said, "I'll kill this beast..."

"Everyone, help me..."

The people who waved the formation flags in several directions channeled all the energy from the formation to Lin Guifan.


As soon as he finished speaking, the endless spiritual energy formed a hundred-foot giant sword in the void that was taller than the ghost flag.

On the giant sword, the runes were ignited, the stream of light flickered, and the golden divine light blew away the evil energy around it.

It hung above the ghost's head.

The ghost king in the transformation stage seems to feel the danger, and it will return to the ghost banner as soon as it turns around.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

In conjunction with these two Yi dust formations, although the rules of heaven and earth cannot be communicated, the falling of the giant sword can also block time and space and freeze the ghost king in place.


The giant sword turned into a dazzling light and slashed down on the top of the ghost's head with a rumble.


The ghost is worthy of being a ghost king at the level of a god. He shouted a few times, and the evil spirit around him was sucked in. His body, which was only ten feet tall, instantly became the size of a hundred feet.

His hand was like cold black iron, and he lifted it up suddenly.


The black ghost claws held up the golden giant sword.

The giant sword and the ghost faced each other with both hands, and streams of mana and yin energy continued to blow to the surroundings, turning into substantial energy waves and bursting out.

However, the giant sword could no longer drop an inch.

"No!" Lin Guifan shouted: "This ghost is much more powerful than it was five hundred years ago!"

"The Liangyi mote formation cannot be destroyed!"

The Lotus Picking Fairy below was not in a hurry. She slowly took out two stones that shone with lightning from her storage bracelet and said, "Don't worry, I have other preparations!"


One of the stones was thrown towards the ghost king.

Xu Changan originally thought that this was just an ordinary lightning stone that could temporarily suppress the Ghost King with the power of thunder and lightning.

But what I didn't expect was that the stone was filled with the power of thunder and lightning. After being thrown out, it exploded.

A ball of thousands of silver thunderbolts exploded in the ghost king's chest.


The thunder and lightning were like thousands of twisted snakes, constantly devouring the Yin Qi and Demonic Qi in the ghost's chest.

"Crack, click, click... squeak, squeak, squeak..."

Being melted by the power of thunder and lightning, the ghost suddenly let out a cry of pain.

However, the giant sword he held in his hand still did not sink even half an inch.

"Come again..."

Fairy Caihe waved her hand again, and she also threw out the remaining thunder stone.

Thunder light hoho!

Another ball of silver lightning exploded in the ghost's chest.

A transparent hole was blasted out of the Baizhang Ghost King's chest, and black light flashed inside the hole, which captured people's hearts and souls.

"Hoo... Jie Jie Jie..."

The ghost king's power was indeed weakened by such an explosion, and he was unable to resist the golden giant sword above his head.




The giant sword fell thirty feet continuously.

The ghost king's body of a hundred feet also shrank by thirty feet.

"Fellow Taoists, please help me again!" Lin Guifan, who was controlling the giant sword above, shouted.

Then everyone took out their magic weapons.

Xu Changan did not hide it, but directly took out his Netherworld Treasure Lamp and blew it at the Ghost King.


The sky was filled with a sea of ​​fire, covering a distance of hundreds of feet around it.

Although it did not cause too much damage to the ghost king, such a burning prevented the surrounding Yin evil forces from approaching, and the ghost king had no power to replenish.

The rest of the people also used their own magical powers.

The ghost suddenly moved, tore off his right arm and threw it violently.


The black explosion seemed to blow through the entire space.

Everyone followed the Ghost King and fought back and forth for three or five moves. Although the Ghost King was not at a disadvantage, he shrank back and returned to the Ghost Banner.

"It's bad!" Fairy Caihe said, "If the Ghost King doesn't come out, we can't refine the treasure!"

Xu Changan's eyes shrank slightly, and he said, "It's not as simple as not being able to refine the treasure!"

"Everyone, retreat quickly!"

Just kidding.

Things like the Ghost Banner rely entirely on the ghosts inside to attack.

When there is a master, the master can control the ghosts.

When there is no master, the ghosts are the masters of the Ghost Banner. They control the Ghost Banner to attack, which is absolutely explosive.

After saying that, Xu Changan moved his feet and retreated directly!

"What are you talking about?" Fairy Cailian was still stunned and didn't understand Xu Changan's words.

Lin Guifan grabbed her and said, "Aunt, run..."


The next moment!


The huge Ghost Banner, which is a hundred feet high, suddenly shook.

It flew off the ground into the sky with a bang, and then quickly became smaller. It was a hundred feet before, but now it was only a dozen feet.

The size has shrunk, but the power has become much stronger. The black runes on it are gushing everywhere, and countless evil spirits are condensed on it. All the millions of mummies in this land of heavy yin are rushing over.

"Don't worry about anything, just go..."

"You will die if you are late!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Several figures desperately fled in the land of heavy yin.

It's a pity that flying is not allowed here, otherwise, even if Xu Changan risks getting lost, he will fly out.

The power of a blow from a ghost in the God Transformation Stage wrapped in a holy artifact is no joke.

"Wulian, Miaoyin... Don't look back, run to the Valley of the Fountain of Youth, don't look back..."

Xu Changan shouted at the two while running.

He no longer has the ability to help them.

The result!

The ghost flag, which was wrapped in endless evil power, flew out and hit Xu Chang'an's back squarely.

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