Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 420 [Kill the Yuanying again, and the soul enters the banner]

"Okay, I'll take a look today!"

"Let's see what you have!"

He waved his hand and took away the double ring, saying: "Haha... let me show you my swordsmanship!"

Taoist Shuanghuan became famous in his early years by relying on the [Double Ring] left by his master. After the Nascent Soul stage, he practiced swordsmanship and reached an unprecedented height in swordsmanship.

The reason why he came to this [Zhenwu Jedi] this time was to explore the Zhenwu Sword Valley and comprehend a trace of swordsmanship so that his swordsmanship could be taken to a higher level.

"Nine Swords of Heaven Slashing!"

Shuanghuan shouted loudly, and a fairy sword flew into the void. Under the blessing of the huge spiritual power in his body, the flying sword instantly turned into a length of more than 20 feet and hung above Xu Changan's head.

If it was outside, this sword could block space and time.

Let the attacked person be trapped for a breath.

Although it was only a breath of time, it was enough to kill the opponent.

However, this is not the outside world. This is the Zhenwu Forbidden Land. Shuanghuan Taoist has no way to communicate with the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

But it doesn't matter.

To deal with a mere ant at the third level of the Jindan period, even if he can't communicate with the power of the rules of heaven and earth, it is enough.


Shuanghuan Taoist shouted.

A golden light fell from the twenty-foot-long golden sword.

The sword light fell, and all methods were shattered!

The golden light pierced through the surrounding evil spirits, dazzling.

Xu Changan reached out and took out another swallowing talisman.



This powerful sword light was caught by the swallowing talisman!





The second, third, fourth...

There were nine sword lights on the golden sword more than twenty feet above his head, falling one after another.

But they were all swallowed up by Xu Changan's swallowing talisman.

"Good boy, come again!"

Then, Shuanghuan Taoist attacked continuously.

Xu Changan absorbed his attacks 24 times in total.

"Enough!" Xu Changan smiled slightly and said, "Senior Shuanghuan, you have attacked me 24 times. Next, it's my turn..."


He waved his hand and threw out three swallowing talismans.

Give him back what he has given you!

Suddenly, a golden giant sword more than 20 feet long hung over the head of Shuanghuan Taoist.

At the same time, four golden rings fell from the left and right.

"Puff..." Shuanghuan was stunned: "Can it still attack?"

He thought that this talisman could devour other people's magical powers, which was already against the sky, but on the contrary, it could throw out and hit people with the attack power it devoured.

This is too much.

Against the sky!

Too against the sky.

But at this moment, he couldn't think too much, and could only use all his defensive power to defend.

Puff, puff, puff...

He used up all his mana to defend against the four rings.

But the nine golden sword lights above his head could not be defended.

His true body was broken by the sixth sword light.

The Nascent Soul was also turned into dust by the last sword light.

Only a trace of soul escaped and wanted to escape.

"Want to leave?" Xu Changan smiled coldly and threw out a [Array Collection Talisman].

The trap array was formed, trapping a space of ten feet.

Then, Xu Changan stepped out and walked into the trap array.

"Spare my life... Daoyou, spare my life..."

The soul of the double ring looked at Xu Changan: "As long as Daoyou take me out and let me take over the body of a cultivator with better qualifications, I will be grateful to Daoyou, and I can worship you as my master...I can swear a heavenly oath!"

Xu Changan smiled coldly.

He waved his hand and threw out the [Seven Evil Ghost Banner] in his body.

"Ah..." Shuanghuan trembled with fear after seeing the ghost flag: "You actually have such an evil thing... No... Daoist friend..."

"Daoist friend..."

"Let me enter the reincarnation, I don't want to seize the body, please let me enter the reincarnation!"

He knew what this ghost flag was.

This is an evil magic weapon that turns people's souls into evil spirits for driving.

Xu Changan was unmoved, and the black ghost flag in his hand shook slightly. A suction force comparable to the breath of the six reincarnations flew out from the ghost flag, and then pulled Shuanghuan's soul directly into it.

"Ah..." Shuanghuan screamed.

Xu Changan threw the ghost flag directly into his own small world.

He didn't need to ask what happened next, the ghost flag would naturally refine Shuanghuan's soul.

With ten times the time acceleration, it can be done in a day at most.

Xu Changan closed the trap array and looked at the place where the fierce battle just happened.

It's time to collect the spoils.

He bent down, and Fairy Miaoyin and Wulian came over.

"Here..." Miaoyin said, "This is his storage ring!"

"This is his weapon!"

The two women had already cleaned up the battlefield.

Xu Changan took a look and saw a pair of yin and yang rings, which were top-grade magic weapons.

Top-grade magic weapon, the Heaven-Slaying Sword!

As for the mark on the ring, Xu Changan gently wiped it off, and the contents inside were presented in front of him.

A pile of spirit stones.

There were more than three million medium-grade spirit stones.

There were also various medicinal materials, refining materials, elixirs, etc., and some jade slips recording skills and magical powers.

Let's put it this way, the resources of each Great Yuanying are equivalent to a small sect of immortal cultivation.

Xu Changan took out all the magic weapons inside, looked at Wu Lian and Miao Yin, and said: "If you need it, don't hesitate to take it directly, otherwise I will sell it to the Chamber of Commerce!"

Wu Lian shook her head and said: "No, I have these two swords!"

She shook the black and red double swords in her hand.

Miao Yin also shook her head and said: "I don't want it either, there is nothing suitable for me!"

Xu Changan put all the things away directly.

As for the spirit stones, he didn't think about distributing them, because he had given each of them one million last time.

"Wait, I will collect this blood!" Wu Lian squatted down and took the blood from the broken body.

Xu Changan took a look and said: "I want his skin, Wu Lian, please get it for me!"

This is a Great Yuanying!

His skin is much stronger than the skin of a fourth-grade monster. This thing is used to draw talismans, and the effect is amazing.

After the spoils were divided, Xu Changan and the other two continued to move forward.

Two hours later, they arrived at the entrance of Zhenwu Sword Valley.

Behind the thick Yin Sha Qi, there was an even thicker Yin Sha power.

In this thick Yin Sha Qi, there were extremely sharp sword intentions that came out from time to time and blew in the air.

"Such a strong sword intention!"

Xu Changan looked at the tear in his Taoist robe, frowned slightly, and said: "Everyone pay attention to defense, the sword intention in the air is very strong!"

Before stepping into the Sword Valley, there was such a sharp sword intention.

It is conceivable that if you enter this Sword Valley, how mighty the sword intention will be.

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