Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 428 [See the prince again, sneak attack]


"Puff puff……"

This time, Xu Changan didn't have any warning, so he didn't activate any defensive weapons.

This earth-shattering sword was triggered in the Sword Valley.

At this moment, Xu Changan and the others had arrived outside the Sword Valley.

The key is that the force of this sword is not facing Xu Changan's direction, but cuts diagonally on a mountain peak next to the entrance of the valley.

The mountain collapsed!

The trees that had been infiltrated by the evil spirit for countless years and turned into ebony directly turned into powder.

The unknown number of walking mummies hiding in the darkness were also reduced to dust one by one.

The power of a sword is so powerful!

The aftermath of the endless sword intent and energy fluctuations impacted Xu Changan and the others.

The aftermath caused Xu Changan and the three of them to vomit blood.

Xu Changan and Wu Lian only vomited blood and were not injured, but Fairy Miaoyin was actually struck by the sword's intention and her heart was broken.

Although it was a minor injury, it was breathtaking.

How many people will die with this sword?

"Immortal Sword..." Wu Lian Nihong's face turned pale: "I don't know who the damn thing was after the Immortal Sword again. This time, the mummy directly touched the Immortal Sword!"

Xu Changan nodded.

If it hadn't been for the fairy sword, it wouldn't have been so powerful.

The so-called breaking mountains and breaking seas!

Xu Changan has always heard about it, but this time he really saw it.

"Let's go..." Xu Changan didn't want to wait any longer. He pulled Miaoyin and Wulian and walked directly to the left.

After walking a distance of several thousand feet, Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Further ahead is the place where immortals are buried!" Xu Changan took a deep breath and said: "It is also the core of the entire Zhenwu Jedi!"

"Let's take a short rest and then go to the burial place of the immortals!"

The place where immortals are buried is deeper in the Jedi.

Legend has it that this is the place where the Emperor Zhou buried the remains of Emperor Zhenwu.

Xu Changan had only two purposes for this trip.

The first one: Fairy Sword.

The second one: Taiyi True Water.

Others are just treasure hunts by the way.

Taking the Immortal Sword is for the concubine's sake, but taking Taiyi True Water is for herself.

You have to fight it no matter what, otherwise this golden talisman space cannot be used.

Without the blessing of ten times the speed, his growth is still too slow.

Therefore, this place where immortals are buried must be passed no matter what.

"Okay!" The two women naturally had no objection.

Xu Changan waved his hand and opened the formation talisman.

A fourth-grade defensive formation fell to the ground.

Xu Changan placed some more spiritual stones to support the formation.

The three of them sat cross-legged on the ground.

Xu Changan asked Miaoyin: "How is your injury?"

Miaoyin said: "It's nothing serious, just a minor injury. If you practice meditation, you can recover in a month!"

Xu Changan took out a blood-healing pill: "Take this pill first and take a rest first!"

He walked out of the formation.

With a wave of his hand, Xu Changan took the [Seven Evil Ghost Flags] out of his body and thrust it into the ground.

Without Xu Changan's operation, the evil ghost among the ghost banners naturally began to absorb the Yin Qi between the Jedi.

It just so happens that the Yin evil spirit is strong here, and it is absorbed very quickly.

At the same time, Xu Changan's spiritual thoughts were completely released, monitoring the people around him.

Once Miaoyin and Wulian come out of the defensive formation, or other monks break into Xu Changan's range of perception, he will immediately put away the ghost flags.

Make sure this ghost flag is not seen by others.

In this way, time passed slowly.

About two hours later, a rather embarrassed figure broke into Xu Changan's spiritual range.

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Yan Pingjing?

Unexpectedly, I met an old friend here.

Xu Changan waved his hand, and he put away the dark ghost flag!

He decided to give the prince of Yan a little surprise.


If I kill this guy here, the Yan royal family shouldn't know that I did it, right?

It's really strange. Shouldn't Yan Pingjing have teammates?

Why is he alone now?

That's right, at this moment, Yan Pingjing is alone.

Originally, he had a companion.

And there's more than one.

Three Nascent Souls escorted him. Even if one was killed by Xu Changan's design before, there were still two left.

The key is, Qijie and the remaining seven or eight Nascent Souls add up to a dozen.


Just because he wanted to get the [Abi Broken Sword], a Qin State scholar ignored the dissuasion and went to snatch the Abi Immortal Sword because he had a peerless treasure. As a result, he failed to grab the sword, but was backhanded by Yan Qujing. , beheaded cleanly.

The earth-shattering brilliant sword that Xu Changan saw before was caused by Yan Pingjing's partner.

And this sword hit Yan Pingjing's camp.

Yan Pingjing was lucky because he went elsewhere to escape the disaster.

But the rest of the Nascent Souls suffered disaster, and each of them was dead or injured.

Eight died on the spot.

The others who were seriously injured also fled in all directions.

After Yan Pingjing left Sword Valley, he lost contact with these people and couldn't find them no matter how hard he looked.

His idea is simple.

Everyone agreed that after the sword-taking in the Sword Valley was finished, they would meet at the Immortal Burial Ground, so Yan Pingjing limped over with his wounds, but unfortunately, he was blocked by Xu Changan.

"Killing this guy shouldn't be contaminated by karma, right?"

Xu Changan hid in the dark and looked at Yan Pingjing coldly.

This guy has tried to kill him many times.

Now that I have a chance, I will waste the opportunity given to me by God if I don't take revenge.


The fire spirit power in Xu Changan's body began to run wildly.

A big sun rose behind him.

This magical power is called [Nine Suns Patrolling the Sky]. Although it is a half-baked one, it can only condense one day now, but it is enough to kill Yan Pingjing.

Under the huge fire spirit power, the surrounding evil spirits retreated.

The ten-foot distance between Xu Changan and Yan Pingjing was suddenly empty.

Yan Pingjing was horrified and said, "Senior, spare my life..."

After taking a closer look, the magic power seemed familiar, and Yan Pingjing immediately shouted, "You are Xu Changan... damn thing..."

That's right!

Although Xu Changan was in disguise, this magic power exposed him at this moment.

But it doesn't matter.

Yan Pingjing, you are a dying man, so what if I am exposed?


Xu Changan shouted, and the sun behind him flew out, and then fell on Yan Pingjing's head at lightning speed.

"Damn..." Yan Pingjing, as a third-rank national scholar, had no way to stop it at this moment.

But a sinister look suddenly brewed in his eyes, and he said, "Xu wait for me, when I return to Jidu, I will kill you..."


An arm was sacrificed by Yan Pingjing.


Blood mist filled the sky.

At the critical moment, Yan Pingjing used the secret technique of [Survival by Broken Arm] and managed to save his life.

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