Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 043 [The fourth talisman, its name is Zhenshen]

"Thank you, senior..." Xu Changan bowed his hand and wanted to make a final struggle.

"Huh?" Master Minghe frowned: "What, you still don't want to become my disciple?"

Xu Changan smiled bitterly: "Senior, you don't know something. I am actually a disciple of Master Qingxu. Five years ago, I came to the sect with the Taixuan Immortal Order to become a disciple, and I became a disciple of Master Qingxu. I am his disciple." Registered disciple!"


Master Minghe's brows twitched again: "So, it seems that you and Ding Lan, a disciple of Guanyun Peak, entered Taixuan Sect at the same time. This bastard Qingxu dared to fool the karma that his master owed. It’s true that the ignorant are fearless…”

"But it doesn't matter!"

Master Minghe's eyes flashed with a trace of amusement: "From today on, you are my disciple. When you meet this bastard Qingxu again, you don't have to call him master, just call him senior brother!"

"Ah?" Xu Changan was stunned.

"Ah what?" Master Minghe said: "I am the same generation as Master Qingxu, you can just call him Senior Brother!"

"Yes, Xu Changan will obey the master's order!" Xu Changan saw that he could not avoid becoming his master, so he could only salute Master Minghe bravely.

"Hahaha..." Minghe laughed happily.

Xu Changan took out a paper charm, left a few words on it, threw it in the room, and then flew into the sky with the purple-robed master.

"It seems that you are involved with Ding Lan?" Minghe ignored Xu Changan's expression and said to himself: "Then you have to be careful. I heard that Tiandu Peak's top disciple Cheng Bufan is pursuing If your childhood sweetheart is targeted by Cheng Bufan, you will suffer a lot!"

"Master has misunderstood!" Xu Changan said: "Junior sister Ding and I are just friends from the same hometown!"

Minghe corrected him with a dissatisfied look on his face: "It's Master Nephew Ding..."

Taixuanmen is located on the largest Lingshan Mountain in Yangshuo County. It has fourteen main peaks, which are divided into upper seven peaks and lower seven peaks according to their location.

The location of Wanghe Peak is one of the upper seven peaks.

There is a huge canyon in the middle of the upper seven peaks, in which clouds flow all year round, making it a spectacular sight. It is called the sea of ​​clouds by the sect and is the most beautiful scenery in Taixuan.

There are six peaks surrounding the sea of ​​clouds, standing tall like fairy mountains. They are: Wanghe Peak, Guanyun Peak, Bihai Peak, Miaolian Peak, Chonghui Peak and Baoping Peak.

As for Tiandu Peak, it is not around the sea of ​​clouds, but on a higher mountain behind. The aura on it is extremely rich, and it is called the first peak of Taixuan Sect. The peak master of Tiandu Peak is also the sect leader. .

Wanghe Peak is located in the northwest corner of the Sea of ​​Clouds. On its left is Aoping Peak, and on its right is Guanyun Peak, the westernmost peak of the Sea of ​​Clouds.

Wanghe Peak is not that big when you look at it from a distance, but if you really stand on it, you will find that the space above is unusually large, with a radius of ten miles, just like flat ground.

There is a huge palace in the middle of Wanghe Peak. It is the Minghe Palace, the Taoist temple of the Minghe Master. Behind the Minghe Palace, there are dozens of small palaces, where the disciples practice. The disciples here are not There are only disciples of Minghe, and some elders and disciples of elders on Wanghe Peak.

However, as long as they practice on Wanghe Peak, they are brothers who are of the same origin and have the same origin.

"Did you see that?" Minghe pointed to the palace behind: "The thirteenth one is your dojo. Your senior sisters and brothers are all practicing. You can quietly go there and get familiar with it and rest. I will convene in a few days. You will go to Minghe Palace and formally become a disciple then!"

"Yes, thank you Master!" Xu Changan took a jade token and walked to the thirteenth palace behind.

There are special restrictions at the entrance of the palace. Just swipe the jade sign and you can get through without any obstruction.

The palace is not very big, with a total of three floors and several side halls. There is a courtyard in the front and a spiritual plant garden in the back.

Disciples can plant spiritual plants or spiritual fields in their own courtyards. Of course, they can also recruit outside disciples to take care of them. They only need to pay them a small amount of compensation.

Xu Changan entered the main hall and closed the entire palace formation with a wave of his hand.

I don't know if there is anything fishy about the formation here, so Xu Changan naturally didn't dare to take out the blood beads to practice the Nine Nether Blood Meridian rashly. He could only sit cross-legged and take out the [Basic Formation] he just bought and read it.

Xu Changan had been in contact with the golden card four times before and learned the four runes. Although he had not studied the formations, the formations were similar. When he looked at the basic formations now, his understanding was almost reduced. It only took three days for Xu Changan to understand this so-called basic formation.

Throwing away the jade slip in his hand, Xu Changan looked at his main hall, and he could see one, two, and three at this moment.

There are three formations arranged around this hall.

One is a formation that blocks the spiritual consciousness, which can block the spiritual exploration of the monks in the Qi Refining Stage. The other is a defensive formation, which can withstand the full blow of the monks in the Qi Refining Stage. The third one is the Spirit Gathering Formation. It absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the outer door and compresses it into the main hall, making the spiritual energy in the main hall richer, but not that obvious.

These three formations are all first-level formations in terms of grade.

Let's put it this way, now that he has mastered the basic formations, Xu Changan can also arrange such a first-level formation.

"Master said he would gather the disciples within a few days, but I didn't hear him calling me!" Xu Changan did not hear the order from Ming He to assemble, so he continued to study [Basic Talisman Making].

They were all basic things, so Xu Changan could read them quickly and understood them in a few days.

However, after reading this thing, he was quite inspired and touched. In the past, he drew talismans by himself under the guidance of the big card. Now, after reading this basic talisman making, he understood many important links.

For example, materials and tools.

First, if you use a professional talisman pen to draw talismans, the success rate and power will increase greatly.

Secondly, the skin of spirit beasts can also be used to draw talismans, but it is best to refine the skin of spirit beasts into talisman paper first, and then use the talisman paper to draw talismans. If the various attributes are well matched, the power of the talisman can even be doubled.

The same is true for blood materials.

"So that's it!" Xu Changan suddenly understood.

After reading [Basic Formation] and [Basic Talisman Making], although Xu Changan has not tried it himself, he has already understood the use of the fourth talisman he obtained from the big gold card: to suppress the gods.

It can be called a talisman to suppress the gods.

It has no attack function and cannot resist violent destruction, but it has an extremely powerful function: to resist divine consciousness!

After this talisman is activated, it can turn into a barrier that lasts from a few days to several years. Once someone's consciousness tries to break the barrier, it will rebound back twice as much.

It's not a pleasant feeling when the consciousness bites back at itself.

So this talisman is called: Zhenshen!

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