Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 430 [The majestic emperor, full of energy]

“This is a great place!”

"Look, the evil spirit here is not strong!"

"You can see all the stars in the sky!"

Like Xu Changan, many people also came to this place where immortals are buried.

Night falls and the sun sets.

Xu Changan raised his head and took a look. Through the thin evil mist, he could see the stars in the sky.

It shows that the evil spirit here is indeed much weaker.

The so-called evil spirit becomes stronger the further you go into the Jedi Land. This refers to the journey along the way, not the place where immortals are buried.

Xu Changan picked up a stone and threw it into the lake in front of him.

In that clear and almost transparent lake, the water is as heavy as Mount Tai.

When a stone is thrown, it does not sink into the water, but floats on the water.

"This..." Xu Changan wanted to see if the water was corrosive, but he saw this spectacle instead.

"Oh my god..." Everyone around was shocked.

"Is this water the true water of Taiyi?"

"Yes, it must be Taiyi Zhenshui!"

"One of the top ten holy waters in the world of cultivation. It is rumored that one drop of Taiyi True Water can turn into the Yellow River... This True Martial Jedi has existed for countless thousands of years, and no one has ever been able to conquer this water!"

"Well... both are among the top ten holy waters, but this Taiyi True Water is much stronger than [Xiao Xiao Yishui]!"

The monks gathered by the lake were all talking about it.

Some people even stretched out their hands to stir up the water.

But I found that the blocking force of the water was extremely strong, and it took a lot of effort to put my hand into the water.

Some monks jumped directly into the water.

"It's so heavy!" said the monk, "I feel like my whole body is being squeezed hard by the water!"

"Eh...I can't get out!"

"help me!"

"help me!"


The gravity of the water squeezed hard, and the monk in the Nascent Soul stage was actually squeezed to the point of breaking his body in the water.

He almost used all his strength to get out of the water, but his true body was shattered, leaving only a Nascent Soul.

Hiss, hiss...

Everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of fear.



The originally calm lake water suddenly stirred up huge waves at this moment.

Wave after wave swept towards the shore.

The wave was not high, but the power contained in it frightened even the Nascent Soul Stage monks.

A Da Yuanying said: "It is said that the statue of the Emperor is on a small island in the middle of the lake!"

"How do we get there?"

Everyone couldn't help but look towards the middle of the lake.

Xu Changan said: "The monks who come here can do two things. The first thing is to collect this [Taiyi True Water], and the second thing is to pay homage to the statue of the Emperor. Legend has it that this statue contains the infinite power of the Emperor during his lifetime. If you are destined to be a person, you can see this concrete thing!”

"You can also comprehend the profound supernatural powers through concrete phenomena. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people have benefited from this!"

Miaoyin asked: "Senior sister, how can we get there?"

Now Xu Changan is the image of Qiao Huizhu, so Miaoyin calls him senior sister.

It sounds weird.

"How else can we survive?" Someone chuckled and said, "Three fairies, why don't you fly over next?"

A middle-aged Da Yuanying looked at Xu Changan and the others with a smile.

Xu Changan didn't answer.

The middle-aged Nascent Soul flew out in a swish.


Suddenly, a strong wind blew up on the lake. Even the Great Nascent Soul was blown by the wind like leaves in the rough waves, and was always in danger of capsizing.

Fortunately, this Nascent Soul was already prepared.

"Ding..." He took out a white bead and put it in his hand.

Strangely enough, the hurricane on the lake was immediately frozen.

Fixed wind bead!

Xu Changan also has this thing.

Back then, I went to the Asura clan with Taoist Tianhe to search for the breath of reincarnation, and killed a lot of fat and white spiritual beasts called wind-dwelling snow beasts along the way, including the Wind-fixing Pearl.

"Three fairies, do you want to go with us?"

The middle-aged man stopped in the air and looked at Xu Changan with an evil smile.

Wu Lian next to him snorted coldly, then waved his hand and took out a white wind-fixing bead the size of a goose egg, saying: "You are too young, don't be embarrassed here!"


People around laughed.

The middle-aged Yuanying's face suddenly darkened, and he turned around and walked towards the middle of the lake.

"Sister, let's go too!"

The three of them took one step forward and flew towards the middle of the lake with the Wind-fixing Bead.

Many people here have prepared the Wind-Fixing Beads in advance. Those who are not prepared will of course give some blood and give others some benefits and have them take them with them.

In the middle of the lake is a small island.

The island is very small, only a hundred feet in diameter!

There is a thin layer of black evil spirit floating on the island, but it does not affect the sight.

The three of them looked towards the middle, where there was a statue.

The statue is not very tall, only ten feet.

But it's a figure from behind.

"Go...go over and have a look..."

Xu Changan and the other two walked forward while looking at the getting bigger and bigger statue of the Emperor.

This is a stone statue!

There is no brilliance or talisman on it.

There are only traces carved by knife after knife.

When they came to the statue of the emperor, the three of them raised their heads. Although the statue seemed to be only ten feet high, for some reason, when they looked up, they seemed to feel that the statue was thousands of feet high.

The emperor had his back to the crowd, aloof and cold, floating like a fairy.

He seemed to be alive, looking up at the sky, perhaps thinking, perhaps understanding the truth.

Or perhaps, he was questioning the heaven and earth.

Above his head, the stars were shining.

In the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast, the twenty-eight constellations were visible, shining.

The emperor's entire head and back were facing the direction of Dou and Niu.

He held a sword in one hand.

Billions of years had passed, and there was no energy or pressure.

But looking at this statue, everyone felt a feeling they had never had before.

It seemed that when they came here, they couldn't help but feel awe.

"What a strong emperor!" Miaoyin took a deep breath and said, "Just a back view, a statue's back view, is enough to show how powerful the emperor was back then!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan nodded: "Let's go... let's go around and see the emperor's true appearance, what a peerless grace he must have!"

He took the hands of the two and slowly went around from the left.

As he went around, Xu Changan frowned.

Because no matter how he went around!

No matter from which direction or angle, all he could see was the emperor's back from behind.

Not to mention seeing the emperor's true appearance, he couldn't even see the emperor's side.

And the emperor's body, no matter from which angle, always stood between the Niu and Dou of the twenty-eight constellations in the void.

"This..." Xu Changan was shocked beyond words.

Wulian said: "He will move..."

Xu Changan said: "Not necessarily... or, let's try separately!"

"I'm here, you two go to the opposite side and take a look..."

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