Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 432 [Real water is obtained, black dragon is born]

This Xuanyuan water control formation, which is the same size as the lake, is Xu Changan's trump card.

So here comes the question.

What level is this formation?

Xu Changan thinks it should still be the fourth grade.

But although it is the fourth grade, this new huge formation composed of 108 fourth-grade Xuanyuan water control formations, Xu Changan believes that its power must be a hundred times stronger than that small fourth-grade formation.

It is hard to say whether it can collect Taiyi True Water.

Let's try!

If this thing can't collect Taiyi True Water, then don't even think about collecting this water.


Xu Changan shouted softly in the sky.

The 108 formations in the lake were activated almost at the same time, and then they were running crazily.

While the 108 formations were running, Xu Changan used these 108 formations as a basis, shook the formation flag, and let this huge fourth-grade formation also start running.


There was a sudden storm on the lake.

However, these waves were trapped by more than a hundred bubbles and could not form a scale.


Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

In the void, Xu Changan also saw it.

In the clear lake, there was a phantom fish swimming around.

This reminded him of the appearance of the [Immortal Underworld Fire] in the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence many years ago. At that time, the Immortal Underworld Fire was like a swimming fish, swimming around in the endless sea of ​​fire.

So it is almost certain that this running thing is Taiyi True Water.



The formation shrank with Xu Changan's thoughts and pressed towards the swimming fish.

The swimming fish was forced to swim in the direction Xu Changan intended.



At this moment, 108 formations flew up at the same time, forming a huge sphere, surrounding the [Taiyi True Water] in the middle, and then shrank rapidly.

In less than three breaths, it shrank into a water ball the size of a human head, and flew into Xu Changan's hands.


Xu Changan was overjoyed.

But his mind was also very clear. This Taiyi True Water was easily trapped by him without any defense. This guy has not yet exerted his strength.

Once he exerts his strength, it will inevitably break all of Xu Changan's formations in a very short time.

And that time is the time when Xu Changan will die.

Therefore, he did not dare to delay for a moment. With a thought, he directly threw this ball of water with 108 formations into the Golden Talisman Space.


In the Golden Talisman Space, there was an unparalleled and vast explosion.

The power of 108 formations exploding at the same time can be imagined.

But Xu Changan knew that this level of explosion was very strong for cultivators, but for the Golden Talisman Space and the items in the Golden Talisman Space, it was basically a tickle.


"She really took it away!"

"Taiyi True Water!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Immediately, six Yuanyings turned into streams of light, flew up from the island, and attacked Xu Changan.

Just kidding.

When Xu Changan took it, they didn't care.

That's because they thought Xu Changan couldn't take it away!

But now you really took it, can you still take this treasure away?

Grab it!

If you didn't grab it when you got the Fountain of Immortality, you would have to save face.

Grabbing it now, I don't care about shame or not. As long as I can get the Taiyi True Water, who am I afraid of?

Xu Changan was also prepared.

He waved his hand, and six swallowing talismans were thrown out, blocking the attacks of the six people.

At the same time, the blood in his body surged wildly.

The huge Asura disk protected Xu Changan.

Yan Pingjing, who had lost an arm, was sitting next to the statue of Emperor Zhou. He had no intention of participating in the fight.

But after seeing the swallowing talisman and the Asura disk, he stood up and shouted: "Xu Changan... This is Xu Changan..."

If he could recognize it, others would recognize it too.

Lin Guifan, Fengjiu, and Du Daxing also recognized Xu Changan one by one.

"Good fellow..." Du Daxing slapped his thigh fiercely and said, "This damn Xu Changan actually dared to covet the Taiyi True Water, and the key is that he really took it away!"

"I admire you!"

"I admire you!"

"Being brave is always good!"

"Yeah!" Lin Guifan nodded and said, "I just lack the fearless courage of Xu Changan, alas..."

Xu Changan saw that many people recognized him, so he simply stopped pretending.

He turned around and transformed into his original form.

"Daoyou!" A voice sounded, saying, "I advise you to hand over the [Taiyi True Water], otherwise, don't regret it!"

Xu Changan's eyes turned, and he saw a tall man in a blue Taoist robe holding two women in his hands.

Isn't it Wu Lian and Miao Yin?

Xu Changan hasn't spoken yet!

At this moment, the ground suddenly trembled violently.

Everyone staggered.

If they were not cultivators, they would have fallen to the ground.


A huge crack spread from the island.

Then, a claw of a black creature several dozen feet long suddenly stretched out from the crack in the ground, and then tore the great monk who controlled Wu Lian Nihong and Miao Yin Fairy to pieces with one claw.

A terrifying breath came from the ground.

"Run... There is a monster..."

Everyone used their magic weapons to escape from the island.

Crack, crack, crack...

The cracks on the ground instantly became dozens of feet wide.

"Roar..." A huge roar came from the ground.

Then, with the huge roar, a black dragon hundreds of feet long suddenly rose into the air.


The dragon's breath was boiling, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten earths.

In the Zhenwu Jedi, countless evil spirits were slowly dissipating.

The black dragon was suspended in the void.

Black flames were burning on his body.

Circles of thick pressure rippled down from it and fell on the entire Zhenwu Jedi.

At this moment.

Everyone in the Jedi was locked.

Unable to move at all.

The terrifying vertical pupil looked around.

The black dragon actually spoke human words: "Hahahaha... I have been suppressed for millions of years and finally came out..."

"Zhou Mian, where are you?"

"Where are you?"

"Zhou Mian, come out and die!"


The dragon roared!

The sound waves, which seemed to be real, turned into energy, forming circles of ripples in the void, spreading to the surroundings.

Countless people crawled on the ground, not daring to look up.

If there was one person who could move in the Zhenwu Jedi, it was Xu Changan.

At this moment, Xu Changan stood in the void, but fear filled his whole body.

He had a hunch that even a breath of the black dragon could crush him into countless pieces.

"Friend... did you take the Taiyi True Water and save me?" The black dragon finally looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan wiped his forehead, not knowing what to say.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly asked: "You... are you the one who told me about it from the Immortal Spring?"

At the Immortal Spring, after taking half a bucket of spring water, Xu Changan heard someone shouting [Save me, save me].

Now that I think about it, it is indeed similar to the voice of this giant dragon.

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