Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 435 [Enter the Golden Talisman again and take stock of the harvest]

Xu Changan walked out of this immortal burial place in Jedi with the broken sword of Ah Bi, and then his spiritual thoughts flew out overwhelmingly.

Although it can only stretch out a distance of about ten feet, it is enough for Xu Changan.


Two wings sprouted from his back, and then he flew directly at low altitude.

In Jedi, it's not that you can't fly, but it's easy to lose your direction when flying.

But now it no longer exists for Xu Changan.

After wandering around in this Jedi for more than half a month, he was already familiar with the terrain inside the Jedi.

Most of the monks among the Jedi fled outside quickly.

Some people have grudges against Xu Changan and are afraid that Xu Changan will suddenly attack.

Some people choose to leave purely because their Jedi journey is over and there are no new opportunities.

There are also some people who, because they want to take advantage of the situation, are the first to get out of the desperate situation and then wait for Xu Changan, so that they can fish in troubled waters and profit.

But Xu Changan did not choose to go out.

go out?

I knew with my butt that there must be a lot of people outside waiting for me to go out.

If I go out now, the worst outcome is that I will be killed, and the best outcome is that the sword will be snatched away.

Oh shit!

Should I go out in this situation?

Half an hour later, Xu Changan arrived at the place of heavy darkness.

This is the place where he collected the Seven Evil Ghost Flags before, and it is adjacent to the Divine Spring of Youth.

The reason why I came here is because Xu Changan wanted to upgrade the ghost banner.

After all, it is easy to upgrade here, but it will be difficult to absorb the Yin evil energy after you get out of the Jedi.

"call out……"

Just as he took out the ghost banner, seven ghost heads floated out in turn on the flag that was about a foot in size. Among them was a ghost king and six ghost heads. Of course, these six ghost heads had not been refined by the ghost banner yet. .

However, this ghost banner can already absorb the surrounding evil power.

Thick Yin Qi flew in from all directions and merged into the flag.

The black lines on the surface of the flag flashed with black light one after another, lighting up in this dark place.

Countless mummies around him were all gathering towards Xu Changan like all rivers returning to the sea.

Xu Changan flew into the small world with a whoosh.

Otherwise, these mummy ghosts would have to tear him into pieces.

When he enters the small world, the aura of the golden talisman will leak out.

But Xu Changan was not worried.


Most of the monks have left the Jedi, and even if there are some who are still staying here, they may not dare to come to this place of heavy underworld.

Even if they come, their divine will cannot be used, or it can only be used within a range of ten feet. Wanting to feel the breath of Xu Changan's golden talisman is almost like a dream.

Of course, Xu Changan knew that Emperor Zhou Mian could definitely feel the aura of his golden talisman.

But it doesn’t matter.

Because first, Zhou Mian has been dead for who knows how many thousands of years. All he has left here is a statue and a trace of his soul.

The remnant souls and statues would naturally not covet his treasure.

Secondly, on the small island where the immortal was buried, Emperor Zhou asked Xu Changan for the [Zuoyuan] Divine Drum. This shows that Emperor Zhou had already detected this treasure in Xu Changan, and he did not covet it at that time. , it is even more impossible now.

That's why Xu Changan walked into the golden talisman so unscrupulously.

After entering the small world, Xu Changan's mind looked into the [Golden Talisman Space].

Since receiving the [Taiyi True Water], he has never seen what the golden talisman space looks like!


A spiritual thought came out.

The golden talisman space was displayed in front of Xu Changan without any omission.

The huge golden talisman was still spinning slowly there.

Around the golden talisman, there are four more [Hongmeng Breaths]. They are not affected by the fierce fire and Taiyi True Water below, and they are not affected by the eight winds.

And at the bottom are water and fire.

"This..." Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just as he expected.

Water defeats fire!

Taiyi Zhenshui occupies two-thirds of the entire Golden Talisman space.

The immortal fire that originally took the entire space as its own could only huddle aside at this moment, occupying only about one-third of the entire space.

Water drives out fire, and fire counterattacks water.

The two are fighting and blending with each other, constantly rotating in the golden talisman space like a Tai Chi diagram.

But this Tai Chi diagram is very strange.

They are not equally matched, but have advantages and disadvantages.

The water diagram in Tai Chi diagram is two-thirds, and the fire diagram in Tai Chi diagram is only one third.

However, in the middle position where water and fire blend, an eye of water and fire is formed like the eye of a typhoon.

The area was not large, only about ten feet in diameter, but within this ten feet in radius, it was calm and without any disturbance.

Good place!

With a thought, Xu Changan fell into the eye of water and fire.

Sure enough, there is no power of water or fire.


Xu Changan waved his hand, and the seven evil ghost flags outside appeared in the golden talisman space. He also placed the ghost flags in the Eye of Water and Fire.


Because the golden talisman space can communicate with all the breaths outside, if you open a small opening, countless evil forces will be absorbed from the outside like a long whale sucking a river.

Moreover, because the speed of time in this golden talisman space is ten times that of the outside, the speed of absorbing Yin Qi here is naturally ten times that of the outside.

Suck it.

Xu Changan sat on the ground and began to calm down.

Then he made a splash, took out the items he got in [Zhenwu Jedi] this time, and took stock.

1. A rough embryo of an ax made of purple-red Kaitian material.

2. Wanfa sand and gravel have many properties.

3. Three plants of Poxincao.

4. Yin evil crystal, more than ten pieces.

5. Half a barrel of spring water from the Divine Spring of Youth.

6. Seven Evil Ghost Flags.

7. Ten furnaces of Ningzhen Sword Pill refined by Zhenwu Sword Valley Sword Intent.

8. Taiyi True Water.

9. Abi Broken Sword.

Of course, there are countless other spiritual stones, weapon refining materials, elixir refining medicinal materials, etc.

It can be said that Xu Changan's cultivation materials have been greatly enriched.

So the question is, what to do next?

Just stay in seclusion in Zhenwu Jedi?

Or go out?

Well... let's go take a look at the situation outside first.

Xu Changan controlled the golden talisman to enter the oasis of the Divine Spring of Youth that did not contain the evil spirit.

Then he jumped out directly from the golden talisman space.

He took out the [Concentric Talisman] and sent a message to Wulian Neon.

"Princess, what's going on now?"

Xu Changan did not send his own voice, but directly sent a line of handwriting.

Soon, Wu Lian replied.

What Wu Lian sent was a voice: "Brother Xu, there are many powerful people in Taniguchi, and there are four or five in the Void Refining Stage..."

Hiss, hiss...

Hearing this, Xu Changan's legs softened: Damn, an old god in the Void Refining Stage?

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