Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 441 [Returning the Jade to Zhao in its entirety, Slaying Lianxu with a Sword]


The six great gods had to sacrifice their defensive magic weapons.

Bang bang bang...

Of course!

They all easily blocked Xu Changan's sword attack.


so what?

Xu Changan is a golden elixir monk.

A golden elixir blocked the six great transformation gods with one blow, and with one swing of the sword, it forced the six great transformation gods to retreat.

Just this one thing can last a lifetime.

It is destined to cause an uproar in the cultivation world of Yan State.

But for Xu Changan, he was very disappointed.

I thought this sword could kill an Avatar, but let alone kill it, it would be difficult to injure others.

This is the difference in realm.

If the gap in realm is small, fairy swords and magic weapons can make up for it, but if the gap in realm is too big, no matter what kind of magic weapon it is, it cannot make up for it.

There's nothing we can do about it.

All we can do is pull off the tiger's skin.

"Boy... you are looking for death!" The Blood Sword Ancestor was furious at that time and said: "Kill you, I will get the treasure myself!"

"Kill me!" Xu Changan smiled coldly, looked at the Blood Sword Ancestor and said, "My uncle is a monk at the peak of the integration stage, and he is just one chance away from breaking through to the Mahayana. Do you dare to kill me?"

This drink stunned everyone.



Xu Changan added: "Tie Zhongtang of the Heavenly Hammer Sect is chasing me. My uncle smashed his true body into pieces seven years ago, and beheaded the Supreme Elder Lianxu of the Heavenly Hammer Sect, Sancai Taoist, with one sword. Kill me." ,You dare?"

"Tian Wen, the great general of the Qi Kingdom, bullied me with his mighty troops and horses. My uncle trampled Tian Wen under his feet and killed me. Do you dare?"

The faces of the six great transformation gods in front of them all turned dark in an instant.

Taoist Sancai is dead?

They all knew that Taoist Sancai was at the peak of the Divine Transformation Stage. Later, Taoist Sancai returned from the West and was said to have attained the perfection of Taoism and Refining the Realm. This news was known to many sects.

But no one knew about the death of Taoist Sancai.


The Sky Hammer Sect concealed the news.

No wonder the five thousand Taoists of Tianchui Sect were so frightened when they heard Qingxu's name.

No wonder Tian Wen, the great general of Qi, calls himself a junior.

It turns out to be true.

Is there really such a person as Qingxu?

Moreover, he is also a peak of integration, a peerless power that is just a hair short of breaking through to the Mahayana realm?


Who dares to provoke this?

Damn it, aren't you afraid of destroying your family?

The point is, it doesn't matter if there are only a few people here, but with so many eyes watching, if Xu Changan is killed, the news cannot be blocked at all.

The Blood Sword Ancestor's face turned dark red, red and black again, and finally he could only grit his teeth and said: "Okay, okay...I just made a joke for you, little friend!"

"Forget it, we at Pingtianmen don't want this fairy sword anymore!"



The six gods of Pingtianmen left directly.

"Hehehe..." Dongguang Zhiren chuckled, stroking his beard and said: "I'm not greedy for the fairy sword in your hand, little friend. It's just that this bitch Yan Qujing bullied others too much, and I feel aggrieved. !”

"Little friend, I want to say one more thing, this sword is not something you can control!"

"Hand it over, we are doing this for your own good!"

"Furthermore, after I get this sword, I will seal it directly. When it is not used, I can swear an oath of heaven!"

"Little friend, don't believe it. Even if you have one powerful uncle, if everyone in the world knows that you have this sword, then even if you have ten powerful uncles, you will still be close to death!"

This sentence is quite good.

Xu Changan nodded and said: "Don't worry, this junior said that he won't want this sword. This sword..."


The next moment, Fei Buqian landed next to him with lightning speed.

Xu Changan gave the sword to Fei Buchen and said: "Everyone, this fairy sword was originally the sacred weapon of the Asura clan. Later, the Asura Virgin lent the sword to Yan Qujing. Now it has returned to Zhao intact. If you want it, don't ask me. , go and ask for it from Our Lady of Ashura!”

He gave the sword directly to Fei Bu lead.

Fei Fubu's face suddenly became playful. She raised her charming face, stared at Dongguang Zhiren, the old god of refining the void not far away, and said: "Dongguang, you just said that Yan went to Beijing. damn thing?"

Before Dongguang Zhiren could react, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Fei Buqian suddenly raised her sword and said: "Nothing, I just want you to taste the power of our Asura sword!"

"No!" Dong Guang was suddenly shocked and fell thousands of feet away with a shudder.

A sneer appeared on Fei Fei's face.

She didn't move any distance, but across the vast void, she swung her sword towards Dongguang Zhiren's head.

The endless spiritual power between heaven and earth gathered together and turned into a sword energy that was forty miles long and fell from the sky, making the entire void tremble. The sword energy seemed to be able to cut the void into two pieces.

The Dongguang Zhiren who was thousands of feet away was locked in place and unable to move.


The sword light passed by, and an invisible layer of spiritual power was cut off from Dongguang Zhiren's body.

"Damn it..." He yelled: "The concubine is not worthy of me. I will take revenge on my first level. I will remember it!"

The sound fell to the ground, but Dongguang Zhiren's figure had long since disappeared.


After Dongguang Zhiren completely disappeared, the sword light of this sword finally fell to the earth from the void.

All the mountains and rivers within forty miles collapsed.

The power of a sword is forty miles.

Hiss hiss hiss...

Seeing this kind of attack, countless people were trembling with fear.

Xu Changan looked up, feeling as if something was stuck in his throat. He swallowed hard and said, "When will I be able to do this?"

"Fellow Daoist, I'm sorry!"

Honglian bowed to Fei Buqian and left directly.

Only Fei Buqian was left at the scene, a great master of refining emptiness.

"Everyone..." Fei Buqian looked around: "Who else wants to snatch my sword?"

Everyone trembled and dared not speak.

Fei Buqian looked at Lao Gu.

Old Gu: …………

“Don’t be afraid!” Fei Buqian looked at Old Gu and said, “I can tell right from wrong. Thank you so much this time… Your name is Gu Dabiantan, right?”

“No!” Old Gu said, “Actually, I have a romantic name!”

But Fei Buqian was not interested in his name. Instead, she turned her head and looked at Xu Changan and said, “Xu Changan, thank you!”

Old Gu smiled bitterly and scratched his head.

Xu Changan bowed, “You’re welcome. I hope the Holy Mother will not forget your promise!”

“Of course!” Fei Buqian gave Xu Changan a sly smile, “I really can’t remove your karma now. If you want to remove it, you must come to my Asura Holy Land!”

“Let’s go. I hope you can come soon!”

Fei Buqian held the fairy sword in her left hand and the black lotus in her right hand. With a move of her feet, she was already thousands of feet away.

With another move, the two tiny figures completely disappeared into the sky.

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