Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 460 [Seeing fragments again, the Ten Thousand Years Yin Pill]

"Daoyou, I have something here, take a look and see if it's suitable!"

A woman with a good appearance threw a porcelain bottle to Xu Changan.

There was an extraordinary confidence between her eyebrows.

Because she felt that Xu Changan would be moved after getting this thing.

Xu Changan opened the porcelain bottle and took a look, his eyebrows trembling slightly.


It was actually a Pohuadan inside.

However, it was only a medium-grade one.

He smiled.

"Daoyou..." The woman said without waiting for Xu Changan to speak: "The value of my thing is far higher than your [Immortal Spring] water. If you want to trade sincerely, you have to compensate me with some items!"

That's right!

The value of Pohuadan is indeed very high.

To put it bluntly, the water of the Immortal Spring is to increase mana and increase life span by 60 years.

But for a cultivator in the Jindan period, the attraction of Pohuadan is the most fatal.

Let's put it this way, if these two items are put together and asked to be chosen by Jindan-stage cultivators, then 99% of them will choose Pohua Dan.

With this thing, there is a way to the Great Yuanying.


Xu Changan smiled and returned the porcelain bottle: "Thank you for your kindness, fellow Taoist, I don't need this thing!"

Pohua Dan?


Really not.

Xu Changan just lacks materials.

If there are materials, he can refine the top-grade [Pohua Dan] in minutes.

"Good boy!" The woman was furious and said, "A mere Jindan dares to look down on my Pohua Dan. Do you really think that the value of Pohua Dan is not as good as your drop of spring water?"

The woman was really angry.

The reason for her anger was probably because she was too arrogant just now, and now she was not favored by others, and she was a little angry.

Xu Changan sneered and said, "I didn't say that your Pohuadan is not as good as my spring water. I just said that I don't need it!"

"Pinghua Daoist, calm down!" At this time, the Changsheng Daoist of the Chamber of Commerce spoke up: "You may not know the identity of Daoist Minghe. He is the elder of the Yueguo Hall of the Great Zhou Dantang and a fourth-grade alchemist!"

After saying this.

The woman shut up directly.

A fourth-grade alchemist, would he lack elixirs?

"Hmph..." She snorted coldly and stopped talking.

"Boy!" The old man with gray hair took out a green bead from the storage bag.

As soon as the bead came out, a strange fragrance emanated.

"This is..." The knowledgeable Taoist Changsheng said, "Senior Wuwei, could this be the legendary Yin Dan?"

"That's right!" Taoist Wuwei said proudly, "I was lucky enough to enter an ancient tomb. The owner of the tomb was a senior in the God Transformation Stage. After his death, he turned into a zombie. He practiced underground for ten thousand years and cultivated this ten thousand year Yin Dan. Several of my fellow Taoists died because of this. I survived by chance and killed the God Transformation zombie!"

"This Yin Dan, in exchange for a drop of spring water, you won't lose!"

Xu Changan felt warm in his heart.

That's right, if we talk about the value and rarity, as well as the grade of the item, his drop of spring water is indeed not as valuable as the Yin Dan.

But the problem is that the criterion for judging value is not just the grade.

There is also practicality.

The spring water of the Immortal Spring is useful for almost all cultivators.

And the Yin Dan is only useful for those demon cultivators.

Or specific cultivators.

For example, when Xu Changan helped Tianhe Taoist to refine the [Reincarnation Pill], this thing was not worth mentioning in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of Tianhe Taoist, it was a standard.

The same principle.

This Wuwei Taoist took out the Ten Thousand Year Yin Pill, after all, this thing was useless to him, and it was not easy to use.

But for Xu Changan, it was simply too cool.


Because there are seven evil ghosts in Xu Changan's Seven Evil Ghost Banner. If the ghost king swallows this Yin Pill, it can at least be upgraded by several small levels.

The power of the Seven Evil Ghost Banner will also increase dramatically.

Change or not?

Of course!

However, before Xu Changan made a decision, another person stood up.

"Daoyou Minghe!" A Nascent Soul with a strong cultivation level stood up, holding a black fragment in his hand, and said: "This piece is an unknown refining material. I have obtained this thing for more than 400 years, but I can't refine it no matter what!"

"Look, can it be exchanged?"

Xu Changan's eyes were hot again.

But soon, he put away this enthusiasm.

He was very familiar with the things in the hands of the cultivator!


To be precise, it was a fragment of the Karma Fire Red Lotus, which was the same as the [Asura Plate] in his hand.

There is no restriction on this thing, and it must be blood-refined before it can be used.

The reason why the man in front of him mistakenly thought that this was a refining material was because there was no restriction on it, and he did not understand the method of blood refining in the magic way.

"Alas... This thing must be extraordinary!" The man sighed deeply and said, "If it weren't for the fact that my life span was about to end, I really didn't want to give it to you. I would have liked to continue studying it. Unfortunately... Now, I can only surrender to the heavens!"

Without life span, everything is empty.

It is obvious that the man was attracted by the divine spring water in Xu Changan's hand because he wanted the sixty-year life span.

"Senior!" Xu Changan said, "Can this thing be shown to me first?"

"Okay!" The man threw the thing over in the air.

Xu Changan touched it!

Exactly the same!

He was almost certain that this thing was a fragment of Guren.

However, expressions still need to be done.

Xu Changan took out a wisp of Netherworld Fire from the Netherworld Treasure Lamp, roasted the fragments for a while, then nodded and said: "I don't know this, either, but I think this material is extraordinary like the seniors!"

"Okay, let's change it!"

Xu Changan gave the man the drop of spring water in his hand.

The gray-haired old man next to him was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he put away the Ten Thousand Years Yin Pill.

"Senior Wuwei!" Xu Changan stood up and said, "This junior wants your Yin Dan!"

"Oh?" Taoist Wuwei immediately turned from anger to joy and said, "Do you still have spring water?"

Xu Changan shook his head, but threw out a Nazhen talisman and said, "I want to use this talisman to exchange for the Yin Dan in the hands of my senior. Is it possible?"


Taoist Wuwei picked up the talisman and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't understand it. He asked, "What kind of talisman is this?"

Xu Changan smiled: "The Fourth Grade Na Formation Talisman!"


Everyone looked over curiously.

Na array talisman?

What kind of talisman is that?

Xu Changan explained patiently: "Once this talisman is opened, it can instantly form a fourth-level [trapping array], which can trap the powerful Half Incense Kungfu in the Nascent Soul stage..."



"Instantly formed?"

"Level 4 trapped formation?"

"It takes half a stick of incense to trap Nascent Soul?"

After hearing these keywords, everyone became uneasy.

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