Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 474 [Come back to the Red Furnace, the auction begins]

Knowing that Xu Changan looked down on it, Taoist Qianchou still took it out.

One bottle is low-grade, one bottle is medium-grade!

Xu Changan shook his head, "Senior brother, you're welcome. I have almost prepared the materials. If possible, I still want to refine it myself!"

"Let's do this. If I fail to refine it successfully after a while, I will come back to my senior brother to ask for it!"

"Okay!" Qianchou put away the pills sarcastically.

The next day, Xu Changan went to the Honglu Chamber of Commerce in advance.

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Minghe!" Master Changsheng was overjoyed to see Xu Changan. He personally led Xu Changan to the most luxurious private room in the entire chamber of commerce: "Long time no see, Fellow Daoist Minghe. Recently, you Are you in retreat?"

Xu Changan said: "Yes, I accidentally ended up in seclusion for twenty years!"

In order not to cause unnecessary shock, Xu Changan blessed his body with a [Hidden Breath Talisman] this time to hide his own cultivation.

Otherwise, you have to explain it again.

"Okay, okay!" Master Changsheng said: "Fellow Taoist Minghe, the teleportation array you sold to our Chamber of Commerce last time was really extraordinary... Okay, great!"

"The layout of this teleportation array is much better than ordinary ones. People who have sat in this teleportation array say that during this teleportation process, there is no sense of space pressure at all, it is quite relaxed, and there is no vomiting. Feel!"

"The formation you set up is much better than the one left by your predecessors!"

"Oh?" Xu Changan was a little surprised. He didn't even know what the teleportation array he had arranged was like.

Because he has never sat down.

"Fellow Daoist Minghe!" Master Changsheng said: "Now, can you arrange that kind of ultra-long-distance teleportation array? If you can, please arrange two for our Red Furnace Chamber of Commerce. The price is whatever you want, how about it? "

The Chamber of Commerce needs teleportation arrays to transport items more than ordinary monks.

Let's put it this way, it would undoubtedly be much more convenient if we could have this kind of ultra-long-distance teleportation array operating between the head office and the branch.

Not only does it save transmission costs, but it also saves time.

Xu Changan waved his hand and refused: "I'm sorry, I don't have this ability at the moment. I'm still researching it. If I can arrange it one day, I will naturally help you, fellow Taoist Changsheng!"

"By the way, when you come here this time, please prepare some materials for me for the teleportation array!"

While talking, Xu Changan took out a jade slip.

There's a ton of material in there.

Master Changsheng took a look and said: "This... so many?"

"Our chamber of commerce can't get it all together at the moment. How about this, fellow Daoist Minghe, I'm calling on all branches and other chambers of commerce to get it together for you within a month."

He was not willing to let Xu Changan go to other chambers of commerce.

Xu Changan nodded and took out a storage bag: "This is the spirit stone. I'll give it to you first. If you get the materials together later, please let me know, Brother Dao, and I'll send a disciple to pick it up!"


Master Changsheng nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist Minghe, I heard that you came today to participate in the auction?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "I heard that there is [Dew of Three Lights] in this auction, so I came!"

"Oh?" Changsheng said, "I want this thing. It's that simple. This thing has been supplied to our Red Furnace Chamber of Commerce by Jiangnan Wenjia for a long time. If you tell me earlier, I won't put this thing in the auction." Yes, I’ll give it to you directly!”

"Unfortunately, it has been publicized now, so it is impossible to take it down!"

Jiangnan writers!

It is understandable, after all, the dew of three lights is collected from night lilies. Night lilies are not rare. It is because it requires a lot of manpower to cultivate and collect them that they are valuable.

Gathering the efforts of the entire family to plant and collect the dew of the Three Lights would be a good way to make a living.

"No problem!" Xu Changan waved his hand: "The auction is the same!"

Master Changsheng said: "Fellow Taoist Minghe, as per the old rules, there will be a small internal trading fair after the auction. If you, Taoist friend, are interested, you can also participate temporarily!"


This is good.

Since there is such an opportunity, Xu Changan will not miss it easily.

The next time is waiting.

Xu Changan was not idle either, and went to the Red Furnace Chamber of Commerce to buy some items.

Most of them are materials for refining puppets.

Now, he has understood the [Basic Mechanism Puppet Method], and if he can refine weapons, he can also refine puppets.

Theoretically speaking, Xu Changan should be able to make a Nascent Soul-level puppet now.

But whether it can be produced still needs to be tried in detail.

The first step is naturally to purchase materials.

It's a pity that there are materials for refining puppets in the Red Furnace Merchant Guild, but there are no materials that can be used to refine Nascent Soul stage puppets.

Xu Changan bought some casually, then returned to the private room and drank tea leisurely.

As soon as it gets dark, the auction begins.

Xu Changan was able to sit in a luxurious private room by virtue of his status as a VIP of the Grand Zhou Dantang and the Honglu Chamber of Commerce.

There is not only one private room like this, but many. The last row of the auction is full of such private rooms.

The elder of the Red Furnace Chamber of Commerce, Changsheng Zhenren, personally walked to the auction stage to preside over the auction.

"Good evening, friends, fellow Taoists, welcome to our Red Furnace Auction. I hope our auction items will not disappoint you, and I also hope that you can get items that satisfy you!"

"Now, the auction officially begins!"

"The first item auctioned today is a bottle of [Three Lights Dew] designated by the Jiangnan Wen family for this auction..."

Changsheng Zhenren took out a porcelain bottle.

The porcelain bottle is very small.

"In it, there are ten drops of Three Lights Dew!" Changsheng Zhenren said with a smile: "Theoretically, it is enough to refine ten furnaces of [Broken Dan]. Of course, other precious materials are needed to refine the Broken Dan!"

"The auction begins now!"

"The starting price is one million medium-grade spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than 50,000 medium-grade spirit stones!"

After speaking, Changsheng Zhenren put the porcelain bottle on the table, looked at Xu Changan with a radiant gaze, and then smiled slightly.

Xu Changan also smiled.

Obviously, this was Changsheng Zhenren giving him face, and the first item was the Three Lights Dew he needed.

This was deliberately arranged by Changsheng Zhenren.

Although this order was useless to Xu Changan.

"I'll bid two million medium-grade spirit stones!"

Someone immediately made a bid.

And he didn't add 50,000, but doubled the starting price.

Two million.

Hiss hiss hiss...

Countless people gasped.

This is bold.

However, two million can't scare people.

"I'll bid three million!"

"Three and a half million!"

"Three million and one hundred thousand!"

The price kept rising.

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