Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 477 [Greedy Taoist Companion, Doomed to Die]

Xu Changan's heart moved.

One drop of immortal spring water in exchange for a piece of news is still acceptable.

However, looking at the greedy look of the woman opposite, Xu Changan smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Pinghua, I'm sorry, I don't have this immortal spring water!"

Pinghua's face was a little ugly.

After all, she is the second level of the Yuanying stage.

Although the cultivation level of the little guy opposite is not clear now, she knows that it must be the Jindan stage, because she saw Xu Changan at the trade fair twenty years ago. At that time, Xu Changan was only the sixth level of the Jindan stage.

Twenty years have passed, at most seven levels.

You actually called me a fellow Daoist instead of respectfully calling me a senior?

Of course, at this time, Pinghua did not continue to entangle these, but took a deep breath and said: "Junior Minghe, I remember you said that you have two drops. Last time you exchanged one drop, you should still have one drop in your hand!"

She specifically reminded Xu Changan that you are a junior!

I am an elder!

Xu Changan naturally heard her implication, so he smiled and said, "That's right, but I want to use this drop to save my life, so I'm not going to use it!"

Pinghua Taoist didn't give up: "Minghe, I really know, how about this, if you don't believe me, I'll take you to the place where the winter root of the bitter wood is, and when we get there, you can give me the spring water, how about that?"

"Of course, I'm only responsible for taking you there, whether you can get it or not is your own ability!"

Xu Changan looked at Pinghua Taoist!

He was not afraid of the second level of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Not to mention that he was more than 90% sure that he could kill Pinghua, even if there was a little accident, or Pinghua had some unexpected peerless treasure, he would still have no problem escaping.

"Okay!" After thinking for three breaths, Xu Changan agreed: "Fellow Daoist Pinghua, the transaction here is over, let's go and take a look!"

"Okay!" Pinghua looked sincere.

However, the cunning and complacency in her eyes did not escape Xu Changan's wisdom.


After the trade fair ended, Taoist Pinghua took Xu Changan out of the Honglu Chamber of Commerce.

"Fellow Daoist Pinghua!"

Xu Changan followed her and asked, "Where is the place you mentioned?"

Pinghua did not answer Xu Changan's words, but turned back to look at him and said lightly: "Minghe, if I remember correctly, you should only be a cultivator of the sixth level of the Jindan period. Why, you have broken through the seventh level now? Are you so arrogant?"

"You dare to be on an equal footing with me and call me Taoist friend?"

"Oh oh oh..." Xu Changan looked as if he had suddenly realized something, and said: "Sorry, Senior Pinghua, I was reckless!"

"Humph!" Pinghua snorted coldly and said: "Let's go, the place I'm talking about is in Yanming Mountain in Cangnan County, and you need to take a teleportation array to get there!"

"Let's go to the teleportation hall!"

Xu Changan nodded.

He also knew something about the bitter wood winter root!

As for the bitter wood, it is a very common fourth-grade spiritual plant in Yue and Chu.

Of course, it is not right to say that it is common, but generally speaking, it is not that rare.

But the problem is that this is a tree that lives in the south, but it must grow [winter roots] on the snowy mountains.

Ordinary bitter wood roots are useless.

And in the entire Yue Kingdom, only the Yanming Mountain area in Cangnan County produces this bitter wood winter root.

Generally speaking, Taoist Pinghua did not reveal any flaws.

The two came to the teleportation hall!

The teleportation array leading to Cangnan County is not busy.

Xu Changan and Taoist Pinghua each paid the fee to step on it. Before they were teleported away, a monk dressed as a middle-aged man rushed out from outside in a hurry: "Wait... wait..."

He paid the fee and got on the teleportation array.

The teleportation array flashed, and the three of them arrived at the City Lord's Mansion of Cangnan County at the same time.

Xu Changan had time to open the wisdom in his eyes and scanned the middle-aged monk.

It was discovered that the middle-aged cultivator was also a large Yuanying, and his cultivation had reached the terrifying sixth level of the Yuanying period.


Pinghua said: "Next, we will fly to Yanming Mountain!"

"It is still quite a distance from Yanming Mountain. If we go faster, we can get there in about half a day!"


After saying that, Pinghua flew directly on the light and turned into a stream of light and flew into the sky.

Xu Changan naturally followed, and he deliberately slowed down his speed to show the normal speed of the golden elixir.

At the same time, Xu Changan's divine thoughts surged out and spread in all directions.

He found that the man did not come out of the city lord's mansion, so he breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, these two guys are not on the same road.

Otherwise, he would be in a bit of danger.

After flying for about an hour, the Taoist Pinghua in front suddenly landed on the top of a mountain.

Xu Changan also landed.

"Senior Pinghua!" He bowed to Pinghua and said, "Are we there yet?"

"We are!" Pinghua chuckled and said, "Junior Minghe, you are so naive. I don't know how you have survived to the sixth level of the Golden Core Stage. You are so easy to trust strangers!"


Xu Changan was not surprised or surprised, but just looked at Taoist Pinghua calmly.

"Hehe..." Taoist Pinghua looked at Xu Changan and said, "You are really calm. Let me guess. You must be confident that you have magic weapons and means to save your life. You are not afraid of me, a cultivator of the second level of the Nascent Soul Stage, so you dare to follow me, right?"

"So, you are still a powerful Jindan cultivator!"

Xu Changan said lightly: "That's about right. If Senior Pinghua is really only a cultivator of the second level of the Nascent Soul Stage, then you really can't keep me!"

Pinghua said: "Really, so confident?"

"Then...what if my husband is included?"

Buzz buzz buzz...

On the other side of Xu Changan, the man who had just taken the teleportation array with him suddenly emerged from the void.


Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: the sixth level of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Good guy!

This woman is really thoughtful. To deal with a small Jindan stage like me, she actually asked for help?

"As you can imagine, the fourth-grade alchemist of the Great Zhou Dan Hall must be very fat!" Pinghua stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, looking greedy: "I am really not sure I can deal with people like you!"

"Who knows what treasures you alchemists have?"

"So sorry, I asked my husband!"

Xu Changan looked at the man on the side.

The man's face was calm, and his eyes were cold: "Don't think about running, you must understand that you will never run away under the pursuit of a Yuanying cultivator!"

"What's more, there are two big Yuanying here!"

"You are doomed to die today!"

"However, I am not bloodthirsty, I am still willing to give you two choices!" The man continued: "First, let me plant the Heavenly Dao Slave Seal in your soul, and you will become my slave from now on!"

"Second, I will kill you with my own hands!"

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