Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 489 [Qi envoys attack at night and take advantage of the enemy’s strategy]


Ma Fu looked at Wujiang and said: "Idiot...Senior Brother Wujiang, the Master once said, 'Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle.' Now that the attacks from all countries are getting fiercer and fiercer, doesn't Qi State know how to use this method?"

"Can you guarantee that there are no internal affairs of Qi State in Yue State?"

"If we had set up defenses at Junior Brother's Guanyi in advance, the battle would have been huge. Wouldn't it have been to arouse the enemy?"

"Uh!" Wujiang, as the prince, was scolded by Ma Fu, but he was convinced and said: "You are right, but what should I do? Our junior brother can't just die like this, right?"

"How about hiding in the Zhibing Hall? This is the holy land for military strategists. No matter how arrogant the envoys of Qi are, they can't rush in here and kill people, right?"

"They don't dare to rush into the Zhibing Hall!" Ma Fu smiled and said, "But why should we learn the art of war?"

"Is it just to avoid it?"

"The Qi people are plotting against my junior brother, so we must also plot against them. Only in this way can we pull off the trick!"

"Bang!" Xu Changan slammed the table and said: "I am not as good as Third Senior Brother in terms of strategy, but it is not difficult to capture the young people like Qi Guo. I have a good thing here!"

He stretched out his hand and took out two talismans with teleportation arrays.

Moling City, Qi State Posthouse.

This is a mansion with a radius of thousands of feet, and the envoys of Qi State live in the mansion all year round.

In the main hall, Tian Jianba sat motionless on the main seat.

Below, there are three more people.

One of the deputy envoys of Qi was Chun Yuzhi, the general accompanying the mission, and the other was the chief scout of the mission. He was responsible for collecting all kinds of intelligence about Qi in Yue.

"Everyone!" Tian Jian looked at the three people in front of him and said, "The matter is already very clear. The Emperor of Yue has accepted Xu Changan as his disciple, and has already issued an edict to the whole country!"

The other three nodded with dark faces.

They have known about this for a long time.

Tian Jian continued: "Not to mention whether the Emperor of Yue will help the State of Yan, anyway, if this happens, the State of Yue will definitely not send troops to help our State of Qi!"

"Gentlemen, our millions-year-old foundation of Da Qi is in danger!"

"If we can't invite reinforcements, we will all be the sinners of Daqi!"

Tian Jian's voice suddenly became louder.

But I'm not worried about being overheard.

Because there is a high-level Forbidden God Formation outside the hall, which prohibits all breath from flowing in and out.

There was no one approaching within a hundred feet of distance outside the hall.

"General Chunyu and I have already discussed it!" Tian Jian stroked his sword and said calmly: "We can't just sit back and wait for death, we must do something!"

The scout Chang Gong cupped his hands and said, "But for the sake of Da Qi, I will do as you please!"

The other two people also handed over: "Let me do whatever you want!"

"Yes!" Tian Jianzheng pulled out his sword: "I have agreed with General Chunyu that we will attack the Yan State Embassy Posthouse at night and kill everyone without leaving any one behind!"


Although they were prepared, the three of them couldn't help but breathe quickly after hearing the news.

This idea is really too bold.

"Sir!" The deputy envoy cupped his hands: "It's useless even to kill them. If the Emperor of Yue is offended, it will be difficult for us. Then we will not be able to get the soldiers of Yue!"

"No!" Tian Jian said: "You don't understand... What I mean is to pretend to be a Vietnamese army and kill the Yan envoy!"

"In this case, it's hard to explain why the Yue Emperor has eight mouths. By then, the Yan and Yue countries will definitely be at odds with each other!"

"Once the State of Yue and the State of Yan are at odds with each other, the Emperor of Yue will not be able to stay out of it!"

"So, even if we tie him, we will also tie him across the country and put him on the warship of our Qi country!"

"Wonderful!" The deputy envoy's eyes lit up: "Your Excellency, this plan is very clever!" But then the deputy envoy's face darkened again, and he said, "I just don't know the strength of the Yan State envoy this time?"

"No strength!" The scout leader suddenly spoke: "In this case, the officer has already understood that in the Yan State envoy group, the envoy Xu Changan is a Jindan cultivator, and the deputy envoy Guo Tao is a third-grade national scholar, and they are also at the Jindan level!"

"The rest include three golden elixirs and dozens of foundation builders!"

"Except for Xu Changan, who can leapfrog and kill and is known as the strongest golden elixir, the rest are nothing to worry about!"

"Yes!" Tian Jian nodded and said: "This is what I understand. Although Xu Changan is tyrannical, there is nothing to worry about. A Nascent Soul cultivator can suppress him... What's more, what we brought this time is Four Nascent Souls..."

"He Xu Changan will definitely die!"

"Chief Scout, continue to monitor the Yan delegation!"

"General Chunyu, go get ready. If there is no accident, we will take action tonight!"

Dark night without moon!

Chun Yuzhi took three great monks in the Nascent Soul stage and secretly came to the Yanguoguan Posthouse located in Moling City.

Because he himself is also a great Nascent Soul, four great Nascent Souls were dispatched this time.


Even if you, Xu Changan, have the title of [The Strongest Golden Elixir], can we, the four Nascent Souls, still not be able to defeat you?

Yan Guoguan Posthouse is brightly lit!

The four Nascent Souls waved their hands and directly exerted the power of space rules and entered the pavilion.

Go all the way!

Ordinary low-level disciples don't even need to take action, they can just kill them with a spiritual thought.

Along the way, I didn't encounter any formations to stop me.

"Huh..." When they arrived at the entrance of the largest hall, the four of them breathed a sigh of relief.


The divine thoughts of the Nascent Soul Stage stretched out like a river and sea.

Although separated by the walls of the hall, everything in the hall was clearly visible.

Xu Changan was there!

Deputy Envoy Guo Tao was also there.

There were also several officials from the Yan State Inn, all of whom were together, as if they were discussing something.

Chun Yuzhi smiled, and with a wave of his hand, his nightgown shattered, revealing the robes inside.

The same was true for the other three.

The clothes they wore inside were the uniform uniforms of the Yue State Army.

"Let's go!" Chun Yuzhi glanced at his companions indifferently, then took a step forward and landed in the hall first.

What's there to be afraid of with just a group of Golden Cores?

Bang... Bang... Bang... Bang...

Four large Nascent Souls surrounded the entire hall.

"Xu Changan, right..." Chunyu Zhi looked at Xu Changan coldly: "I will kill you all by order of the Emperor of Yue..."

Without giving Xu Changan a chance to speak, Chunyu Zhi waved his hand and said: "Kill... not one will be spared!"

Said not one will be spared!

But the four of them had already discussed and decided to leave a small shrimp so that he could report back to Yan.

Otherwise, how could the news of the Emperor of Yue killing the Yan envoy be reported back as quickly as possible?

The four Yuanyings, four powerful attacks, all came at Xu Changan alone.

However, Xu Changan was not panicked, and there was even a hint of smile on the corner of his mouth.

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