Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 502 [Mogan Mountain Realm, Sword River Waterfall]


A flash of blood blossomed into red flowers in front of Henry's real eyes.

Real Henry had no time to check his injuries. His eyes looked at Xu Changan in the void a hundred feet away, and he was extremely horrified.


Too perverted.


Go quickly!

This is Henry's only thought at this moment.

He endured the pain in his body and directly used the power of space rules.



The next moment, the void shook slightly, and Henry teleported thousands of feet away.

At this moment, he had time to look at the injuries on his body. He saw a blood hole as big as a fist on his chest, blood was flowing down, and there were silver thunder and lightning sizzling around his body.


The void is slightly deformed!

Xu Changan also used the power of space rules, and in a flash, he crossed the void thousands of feet and appeared next to Henry.


Real Henry took out the elixir and swallowed it, while using his space magic power again to avoid it.

Another thousand feet away.




After chasing again and again but unable to catch up, Xu Changan finally chose to give up.

After all, the Nascent Soul is the Nascent Soul. Without the Seven Evil Ghost Flags to cover the rules of heaven and earth, if the opponent cannot be killed with one blow, it will be difficult to kill him.

Of course, if at the beginning, while the opponent is not paying attention, he throws out the trapping formation in the formation talisman or sacrifices the Seven Evil Ghost Flags, the opponent will not be able to escape; but Xu Changan did not do this, he wanted to try , How is my combat effectiveness without the help of the Seven Evil Ghost Banners and the Trap Formation?

Can you compete with Yuanying?

Turns out, he can.

You can beat it, but you can't kill it.

Later, the other party became wary, and the two alternately used the rules of space to chase each other. Xu Changan was never able to get within a hundred feet of the other party.

Then neither the Seven Evil Ghost Flags nor the Trap Formation are of use.

Xu Changan chose to give up.

Whether or not to kill this kind of person no longer makes much sense.

With a turn of his body, Xu Changan teleported a few times and landed on the immortal boat hovering in the void.

"Junior brother is amazing!"

The horse suit was on the deck just now, watching the whole process of Xu Changan's battle with Nascent Soul.

It's really hearty and breathtaking.

Xu Changan smiled lightly and said: "Hey... when it comes to arranging troops, I'm not as good as you, but when it comes to fighting one on one, you're not as good as me!"

call out……

The fairy boat slowly accelerated and continued to go south.

After half a stick of incense, Ma Fu couldn't help but said: "Actually, that Nascent Soul just now still has a chance to turn defeat into victory!"

Xu Changan asked curiously: "How to turn defeat into victory?"

Ma Fu said: "If he teleports to my side, captures me before you, and uses this as a threat, I'm afraid there will be a lot of complications!"

Xu Changan's back was suddenly covered with fine sweat, and he said with a frightened face: "Damn... you guys who are playing tricks are all ghosts!"

That's right!

If the Nascent Soul just took control of the horse suit first, it would be very difficult.

If you are not careful, the horse server will be finished.

One day later, the immortal boat arrived at Yuhang County, and in two hours, it arrived at the foot of Mogan Mountain.

Moganshan is not a mountain peak, but a mountain range.

The location of the Sword Tomb is just a huge peak on Mogan Mountain.

This kind of mountain peak is definitely not the small mountain peak that Xu Changan slashed with his sword before, but an extremely huge mountain peak.

Its height is ten thousand ren, and its breadth is hundreds of miles.

When Xu Changan arrived, countless people were already waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Bustling and bustling.

There are even many monks who have set up stalls at the foot of the mountain to exchange information.

Xu Changan's eyes flashed with wisdom and he looked around.

The monks here range from the Golden Core stage to the Nascent Soul stage, and there are even one or two old monsters from the God Transformation stage.

Of course, the most popular period is the foundation building period.

Disciples in the foundation building stage accounted for more than 70%.

After the Moganshan Sword Tomb is opened, anyone can enter it, regardless of level.

The condition is that everyone who goes up the mountain must sacrifice a sword. The quality of the sword can be good or bad. As long as the sacrifice is successful, they can go up the mountain.

Someone once said that the higher the level of the sacrificial sword, the greater the chance of obtaining it on the mountain.

It turned out to be just a good wish.

Because countless people came to sacrifice the top-level swords, but in the end returned empty-handed. Some of the people who sacrificed the top-level swords stayed on the mountain forever and turned into withered bones.

"When will it be turned on?"

Some monks who had just arrived couldn't wait to ask the people around them.

Of course someone answered.

"Senior!" A disciple in the Foundation Establishment Stage looked at the golden elixir monk in moon-white clothes and said respectfully: "A few days ago, the Sword River waterfall swept over, and thousands of people have successfully sacrificed their swords. Go to Moganshan!"

"What?" Jindan monk said in shock: "Someone went up the mountain three days ago? Hey... it's late, I'm late!"

Xu Changan sat aside, not impatient or impatient.

Ma Fu said: "There is no opening or closing of Mogan Mountain. As long as the Sword River waterfall on the top of the mountain comes down and the sword sacrifice is successful, you can climb it to understand the sword's meaning!"

"However, this mountain is in the hands of the royal family of the Yue Kingdom. Under normal circumstances, they will not allow monks to approach it, especially monks from outside the Yue Kingdom!"

Xu Changan nodded.

He had heard about this as well.

To put it bluntly, this thing is controlled by the royal family just like the [Seeking Benevolence Ruins] of Yan State.

Not everyone can go up there.

Especially for the sword tomb of Yue State, the royal family will only reward those who have made outstanding contributions to go up the mountain to show their honor.

This large-scale opening was actually planned by the Emperor of Yue to let Xu Changan take the sword.

But the key to the sword tomb of Yue State is controlled by Sun Wu.

"Junior Brother Xu, do you see that sword bamboo?" Ma Fu pointed to a seemingly huge purple bamboo at the foot of Mogan Mountain.

Xu Changan's eyes shrank slightly.

This bamboo is not simple at first glance.

Compared with ordinary bamboo, it is very tall!

Every bamboo leaf is full of sword intent.

"This is the Mogan Mountain Realm!" Ma Fu said, "Before going up the mountain, you must offer a sword sacrifice. If you don't offer a sword sacrifice, you will be cut into thousands of pieces by the infinite sword intent when you cross this bamboo!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan nodded and said, "What kind of bamboo is this?"

Ma Fu said, "I don't know. Master said that this was an ordinary bamboo before. Because it was bathed in the infinite sword intent of this place, it became a sword bamboo over a long period of time!"

"I don't know how many years it has survived!"

"Yeah!" Xu Changan nodded, but he was thinking in his heart that if he dug this bamboo away and put it in the small world, he didn't know if he could keep it alive.

While thinking!

He suddenly felt that the [Heaven-Slaying Sword] in his hand moved slightly.

The sword body couldn't help but tremble.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

As if it was resonated by some mysterious power, the long swords on the waists of countless monks around began to buzz.

Ma Fu stood up and said, "The Sword River Waterfall is coming..."

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