Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 504 [Strong Sword Bamboo, Climbing the Mountain to Learn Sword]

Buzz buzz buzz...

After killing the God of Transformation, the purple sword intent flew back into the three-foot purple sword, which then collapsed and turned into a sword intent again, falling on the sword bamboo.

Countless people looked at the sword bamboo in horror, their whole bodies shivering.

That was an old immortal in the God of Transformation stage, was he killed by a sword?

Before, people only thought that it was a legend that if you crossed the boundary, you would be killed by the sword bamboo.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I believe it.

The key is that the old immortal in the God of Transformation stage did not cross the boundary, he just sent his attack into the Moganshan boundary, but this did not work.

"What a terrifying sword intent!" Xu Changan took a deep breath.

He was closest to the sword bamboo and could feel the power of the sword just now the most.

When the sword intent erupted, it actually eliminated the attack of the old man in the God of Transformation first, and then killed him.

So strong.

Xu Changan felt that even the old immortal in the Void Refining stage might not be able to do this.

That means, the power of the sword in this sword bamboo can catch up with Lianxu?

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." Xu Changan took a breath again.

His mind directly communicated with the golden talisman space, and then said to Ma Fu: "Brother, please leave for a while, I will study this sword bamboo!"

"Okay!" Seeing Xu Changan's cautious face, Ma Fu got up and left. In three steps, he stepped out of Mogan Mountain and returned to the place where he had just sacrificed the sword.

Xu Changan was stunned and said: "I told you to stay away from me, why did you go out?"

"What if you can't get in?"

Ma Fu said: "It's okay, once the sword sacrifice is successful, there will be no problem entering. Don't worry, I have learned about it before!"

Xu Changan was relieved.

He knew that Ma Fu was a cautious person and would not make such a low-level mistake.


Xu Changan's eyes opened the magical power of the wisdom light Taiyi breaking the barrier and reincarnation golden eyes. At the same time, a [wisdom eye talisman] was also attached to him.

Double barrier breaking, able to see through all illusions

Xu Changan's eyes, with this double wisdom, looked up at the sword bamboo.

Sure enough, under the body of the bamboo, there was a gorgeous purple glow, and in the purple glow, there was a sharp sword intent curled up.

It was a hazy, unclear substance.

Even if Xu Changan opened the double barrier, he still couldn't see clearly.

However, he could see that under the purple mist, there was a trace of energy, throbbing.


I don't believe I can't see you?

Xu Changan instantly gathered the infinite mana in his body to his eyes.

Of course, his mind was always communicating with the golden talisman space, and once the sword bamboo attacked him, he could hide in it at the first time.

Even if he concentrated all the golden spiritual power in the entire golden dantian into his eyes, Xu Changan still didn't see through the sword bamboo.

But in the eyes of outsiders, Xu Changan was now extremely terrifying.

A strong golden light burst out from his eyes, facing the sword bamboo.

Many people were worried that Jian Zhu would suddenly launch an attack.

"Junior brother... No!" Ma Fu shouted outside.

Xu Changan also stopped.

Can't see through.

Can't see through at all!

He sat down on the ground, his eyes fell into a temporary blindness.

After half an incense stick of time, Xu Changan's vision returned to normal. When he stood up, he slapped his thigh and said, "What a pity... Where is the storage bag in my hometown?"

Ma Fu waved his hands bitterly and said, "It's gone a long time ago. It was snatched away by two big Yuanying!"

Jian Zhu just killed the God of Transformation. It can be imagined how rich this God of Transformation is. It's a pity that Xu Changan didn't think of collecting storage treasures for a while, and the two unknown Yuanying got a bargain.

Looking at the body of the God of Transformation not far from Ma Fu's feet, Xu Changan gritted his teeth: "Take his body!"

Ma Fu nodded, took away the body of the God of Transformation, stepped into Mogan Mountain, and walked to Xu Changan's side.

He asked, "Brother, how are your eyes?"

"Not bad!" Xu Changan lowered his head and put the corpse of the God of Transformation into the storage space.

The corpse of the God of Transformation is a good thing.

His skin is more precious than the skin of the fifth-grade monster, so keep it for drawing talismans.

If possible, Xu Changan wants to draw a [Wisdom Eye Talisman] and try again.

Most of the previous [Wisdom Eye Talismans] were drawn when he was at the first level of Jindan. At that time, his cultivation was relatively low, and the talisman paper he used was still third-grade, so the power of the talisman was not strong.

Now he is at the tenth level of cultivation, plus the skin of a fifth-grade God of Transformation cultivator as talisman paper, and the blood of a God of Transformation cultivator as talisman ink.

Well... it's done!

The Wisdom Eye Talisman drawn in this way will definitely be of a higher level.

After putting away the items, Xu Changan recovered for a while, and then he and Ma Fu climbed the stairs together.

At the beginning of this section of the road, Mogan Mountain was no different from ordinary spiritual mountains.

There was rich spiritual energy everywhere.

The sky was blue and the sun was shining directly.

The surrounding mountains and valleys were lush and green.

Even flying with a sword was no problem.

Many cultivators flew up the mountain with their swords.

"A few dozen miles further back is the Thousand-Step Sword Ladder!"

Ma Fu pointed to a ridge: "Just cross this ridge!"

Xu Changan nodded.

Although the Sword Tomb of Mogan Mountain is a secret place, it is not a hopeless place. Countless people have been here, so the situation and map inside have long been an open secret.

The first hurdle to enter Mogan Mountain is the Thousand-Step Sword Ladder.

There are a total of 1,000 steps.

Each step is only ten feet high.

So, in general, it is just a thousand-foot high platform.

However, not everyone can step on these 1,000 steps.

Because there is a terrifying sword intent shrouding the steps, the pressure of the sword intent becomes heavier with each step.

Only by adapting to and withstanding the sword intent here can you reach the top.

Otherwise, if you force your way to the top, there are many cultivators who have been torn to pieces by the infinite sword intent throughout the ages.

"Let's go!"


The two of them also flew up on their swords and easily crossed the ridge in front of them. The thousand-step sword ladder appeared in front of them.

This ladder is very wide.

Each ladder is like a platform.

Each staircase is ten feet high, hundreds of feet long, and dozens of feet wide at the top.

One staircase can accommodate a thousand people.

From high in the sky, the thousand-foot staircase is just a drop in the sky.

However, when you really land under the first step and look up, you will feel its grandeur and vastness.

The thousand-foot staircase extends one after another, straight into the clouds.

Xu Changan's eyes fell on the void above the thousand-step sword ladder. In this void, there is a layer of sword pressure.


If you only use your eyes, the sky above is azure blue, the sun is bright, and it is no different from an ordinary cave paradise.

There is no one on the first level.

Because the sword intent on the first level is very weak, even a disciple in the foundation-building period can easily pass by.

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