Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 051 [Ding Lan, who defies the heavens, breaks through again]

"It would be great if we could get the Stone Bell Immortal Milk!"

"Yes, once Master breaks through, he will be the number one cultivator in our entire Taixuan Sect. Who will not look up to us at Wanghe Peak?"

"That's right!"

Everyone nodded.

"Brother!" True Man Mingyue stood up, bowed to Minghe, and asked: "I suggest that when we enter the secret realm this time, we should not choose the number of disciples, but the quality!"

"Yes!" True Man Zhaixing stood up next to him: "What Junior Sister Mingyue said makes sense, because when calculating how much we get, we look at the per capita number instead of the total number, so those disciples who hold us back should forget about going!"

The usually taciturn True Man Kongxuan also stood up: "Brother, the level of the spirit beasts in this secret realm is very high. According to past experience, the casualties of low-level disciples are too high, so I suggest that the standard is the sixth level of Qi Refining Stage, and only disciples at the sixth level and above can participate!"

As soon as the three of them spoke, they immediately caused dissatisfaction among the disciples.

"Uncle Master... we also want to go in and take a look!"

"Yes, we will be responsible for the casualties!"

"Master, I am already 70 years old this year, and I am only at the fifth level of Qi Refining. If I can't get in this time, there will be no hope next time!"

There was a cry of grief below.

Minghe Zhenren frowned and looked at the disciples below, saying: "Heaven is ruthless, but there is always a ray of hope. Although what you three said is right, for those of us who practice Taoism, it has cut off the opportunity of the disciples!"

"The disciples who practice well are cultivating their talents; but if they are not talented enough, they can only rely on opportunities!"

"So, I think it's still voluntary!"

"Disciples with a cultivation level of more than six levels must participate, and disciples below the sixth level can participate voluntarily!"

Minghe Zhenren made the final decision.

The low-level disciples below cheered.

The three uncles had dark faces: If it is still the same as before, then the average person is low, and the spiritual energy on Wanghe Peak will be reduced by another 10%. How can we practice at that time?

Ming He said: "I will give you one hour to prepare. After one hour, I will take you to the Bi Hai Peak. You will wait there for one night, and you can enter the secret realm the next morning!"



One hour later, the peak master Ming He Zhenren sacrificed a huge flying boat. After letting all the disciples sit down, he cast a spell, and the flying boat instantly sank into the sea of ​​clouds and headed southeast of the sea of ​​clouds.

Bi Hai Peak!

One of the seven peaks!

There is no emerald sea of ​​clouds here. The mountain was named Bi Hai Peak just to commemorate the Bi Hai Patriarch. It is said that the remaining lineage on this Bi Hai Peak is also the inheritor of the Bi Hai Patriarch's mantle.

A huge square opened on the east side of Bi Hai Peak, and there were many people on it.

Ming He Zhenren's flying boat also landed on this square.

"Hey... Uncle Minghe is here!"

"Junior brothers from Wanghe Peak!"

"See, the woman with a broken arm in a pink Taoist robe is Fu Nianzhen from Wanghe Peak, a genius among geniuses, and Junior Sister Ding are known as the two great masters of Taixuan!"

"Hahahaha..." Master Minghe laughed, waved his hand to collect the flying boat, and said to the disciples: "The area behind is our temporary camp of Wanghe Peak. You wait here and don't cause trouble. If you know any brothers and sisters from other peaks, you can also get together!"

After saying that, Master Minghe raised his foot and landed on a high place.

There were a group of peak masters and elders wearing purple and white robes on the high place, laughing one by one, and no one knew what happy things they were talking about.

Xu Changan didn't know anyone, so he took out a cushion and sat cross-legged on the ground!

Fu Nianzhen sat down next to him.

"Junior brother, aren't you going to find your Junior Sister Ding?" Fu Nianzhen asked sourly.

Xu Changan said, "Ah? Where is Junior Sister Ding?"

"Tsk..." Fu Nianzhen curled his lips and said, "She hasn't arrived yet, just wait!"

As he spoke, he saw a huge crack in the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and a green phoenix came riding the wind and waves.

"Here it comes..." Fu Nianzhen said, "This is the flying device of Master Qingling of Guanyun Peak, the phoenix. It is similar to the flying boat of Master, and can transport disciples in large quantities!"

"Your Junior Sister Ding must be here too!"


The phoenix landed, and the disciples of Guanyun Peak also got off the bow and sat in their designated areas one by one.

"Senior sister, I have a question that I don't quite understand!" Xu Changan asked, "Master Qingxu and Master Qingling have the same master, but why are they both peak masters? Isn't it said that the peak master can only be inherited by the disciples of the sect?"

The fourteen peaks of Taixuan Sect have different inheritances, so Xu Changan was naturally puzzled when this happened.

Fu Nianzhen smiled and said, "You don't know this, Uncle Qingling married Uncle Chen, the master of Guanyun Peak, and gave birth to a son for Uncle Chen, but unfortunately the son didn't seem to have much talent. After Uncle Chen passed away, she became the master of Qingling Peak!"

"Because Uncle Qingling is kind and has vowed that after he dies, the position of the master will be passed back to the inheritor of Guanyun Peak, so no one objects!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan nodded, "So that's it."


"Big Brother..."

In the territory of Tiandu Peak, many disciples looked at Cheng Bufan and said, "My sister-in-law is here..."

"Big Brother, why don't you go find your sister-in-law?"

"Oh my god, no way, sister-in-law is already at the eighth level of Qi Refining Stage, hiss hiss hiss... This speed is simply terrifying, I bet that within ten years, she will definitely be able to match the senior brother!"

Cheng Bufan also smiled, he stood up and came to Guanyun Peak.

"Junior Sister Ding..."

"You are already at the eighth level, this is too fast... Congratulations..." Cheng Bufan's tall body bowed slightly.

Ding Lan took three steps back like a mouse seeing a cat, and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Cheng... Thank you!"

"Junior Sister Ding!" Cheng Bufan said: "We are organizing a small discussion meeting among the disciples of Tiandu Peak, please come and join us, it will be beneficial to everyone's practice!"

"Uh..." Ding Lan said: "Sorry, Senior Brother Cheng, I just broke through, and I need to consolidate my cultivation, so I won't go!"

After that, Ding Lan really sat cross-legged on the cushion and meditated.

Cheng Bufan was a little unhappy.

But he didn't say anything, just returned to his own camp in a dusty state.

But what happened next instantly annoyed him.

I saw that the Junior Sister Ding, who had just said that she wanted to meditate to consolidate her cultivation, stood up from the ground and ran to the camp of Wanghe Peak.

"Senior Brother..." Someone asked Cheng Bufan: "I heard that Junior Sister Ding has a childhood sweetheart from the same hometown, who happens to be the closed disciple of Uncle Minghe of Wanghe Peak..."

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