Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 514 [A surprising victory, Ma Fu's plan]

The bronze bell was the magic weapon of the Nascent Soul. It was originally a top-grade item with 23 layers of restrictions on it. Unfortunately, it was chopped off by Xu Changan's axe, and two layers were cut off.

Now there are only 21 layers.

Xu Changan never thought that the axe had this function?

I didn't expect it.

When fighting, it can actually downgrade the opponent's magic weapon?


What will this axe do when it grows up in the future?

Put away the bronze bell!

Xu Changan looked down at the big pit that was blown out.

The body of the Nascent Soul turned into slag, but there was a bracelet and a ring lying quietly at the bottom of the pit.

These bracelets and rings are naturally storage spaces!

For a Nascent Soul, the wealth inside must be considerable.

Xu Changan waved his hand, and the bracelet and ring below also flew up and fell into his hands.

The next moment, he teleported and came to the thousand-foot sword ladder.

The body of the golden giant python was put away.

This thing can be skinned and used to draw talismans, and its flesh and blood are also good for raising spirit beasts.

The body of the fourth-level Yuanying was collected.

Naturally, the storage ring of the Yuanying was also collected by him.

Sit down together.

Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, there are only two of the four Yuanyings of the Qin State.

One is at the eighth level, and the other is at the fourth level.

It must be difficult to deal with.

After all, it was quite difficult for him to kill a sixth-level Yuanying just now.

Let’s put it this way, if it weren’t for the right time, right place, and right people, he would definitely not be able to kill the Lei Xiu Yuanying.

As for the [Lingtian Taoist] who was killed before, it was different. Lingtian Taoist was killed because he despised Xu Changan.

But now!

If the eighth-level Ying Xuan came back, he would neither despise him nor let Xu Changan easily stand on the position of right time, right place, and right people.

It would be difficult to kill him.

It’s difficult, but you have to face it.

After all... you still have to comprehend the sword!

It’s impossible to leave Mogan Mountain like this!

A strong confidence flashed in Xu Changan's eyes: Even if he couldn't beat Ying Xuan, if he could retreat unscathed, it would be fine.

"The Emperor Qin is old and immoral, and he will take revenge for any slight!" Huang Xie above him suddenly spoke: "Xu Xiaoyou, my advice is that you'd better leave quickly, find a hidden place to practice, and come out when you have enough strength!"

"Otherwise, the trouble from Qin will continue!"

Xu Changan smiled and said, "Thank you for your reminder, senior!"

At this moment, his concentric talisman flashed again.

He took it out and took a look. It was a message from Ma Fu: Return quickly, there is something important to discuss.

Xu Changan bowed to Huang Xie: "Senior, wait a moment, I will accompany you to realize the truth later!"

After speaking, he took a step forward and landed under the thousand-foot sword ladder, and then stepped out again, and disappeared.

About 600 steps away, a middle-aged Taoist in a black robe lowered his head. He was trembling all over, and he was wearing a mask on his face that was almost touching the ground.

This person was Henry Zhenren who had fought with Xu Changan outside Yuhang County before.

Before, he saw Xu Changan collapse the mountain with a sword, and he had evil thoughts in his heart, wanting to kill people and steal treasures, but he was almost killed by Xu Changan.

At that time, the reason why he was able to escape was because he was far enough away from Xu Changan.

And he was decisive enough when he escaped.

It is conceivable that if he hesitated a little, what would the result be?

He would be killed directly like the two Yuanying just now.

Oh my God!

What kind of guy did I offend?

He was only at the tenth level of the Jindan stage, but he could kill Yuanying with his hands.

He fought one against two, and killed them all?


Just now, seeing Xu Changan's ruthless means when he was beheading, Henry Zhenren was scared to death.

What should I do?

Should I leave?

Henry was extremely entangled.

He had come all the way from the distant Zhao State for the opening of the sword tomb.

It took months to prepare.

If he left, wouldn't he regret it for the rest of his life?

But... compared to his life, what's the point of regretting it for the rest of his life?


Henry took a deep breath and made a decision the next moment: go.

He couldn't stay here for a moment longer.

He stood up, left the platform quickly, and then left the Moganshan Sword Tomb, turning into a stream of light and leaving.


Xu Changan returned to the formation where he and Ma Fu had been hiding before.

"Brother... what's the matter?"

Xu Changan asked Ma Fu impatiently as he entered the formation.

Ma Fu's face was also a little anxious. He asked: "How far can your teleportation array teleport Ying Xuan and the others?"

"I don't know!" Xu Changan shook his head and said: "Theoretically, the ultra-long-distance teleportation array can teleport to a distance of one million miles. Because it is non-directional teleportation, it is hard to say how far it can be teleported!"

"It may be a million miles, or it may be tens of millions of miles, or even hundreds of millions of miles!"

"It varies!"

"Well!" Ma Fu said: "Then Ying Xuan should not be able to come back for a while..."

"When you were fighting with those two just now, I saw... I suddenly had an idea!"

Xu Changan said: "Brother, please tell me!"

Based on his experience with Ma Fu for ten years, as long as Ma Fu has an idea, it is extraordinary.

Ma Fu said: "Master has tried it. In any battle, those who use the right way to unite and the strange way to win. Therefore, those who are good at doing strange things are as infinite as the heaven and earth, and as inexhaustible as the sea and the river."

Xu Changan frowned!

Although he didn't learn the art of war as well as Ma Fu, he still knew the basic knowledge.

"Brother, what do you mean by that is that I should win by surprise?"

"Yes!" Ma Fu nodded.

Xu Changan said, "How can I win by surprise?"

Ma Fu smiled and continued, "The thirteenth chapter of the Master's Art of War is about using spies; if used well, you can easily kill Ying Xuan!"

"Oh?" Xu Changan's eyes were hot: "Brother, tell me!"

Kill Ying Xuan?

Xu Changan certainly thought about it, but he also knew that it was almost impossible to kill Ying Xuan head-on.

Because this guy's cultivation was too high, he had reached the eighth level of the Nascent Soul Stage.

The key is that the other party could not be defenseless.

So it was really hard to kill.

But Xu Changan still had to face Ying Xuan.

After this guy came back, should I leave Mogan Mountain?


Because I came to Mogan Mountain to find the Moye Sword!

I was looking for the Moye Sword to give it to Emperor Yue.

Only when the Emperor of Yue gets the sword can the Kingdom of Yue remain neutral in the war between Yan and Qi, and I can complete the task entrusted to me by the Emperor of Yan as promised.

But now, Ying Xuan is standing in the way.

There is no solution.

So, when Xu Changan heard Ma Fu say that he had a way to kill Ying Xuan, he was immediately excited.

You know, although Ma Fu is a weakling in terms of cultivation and combat power, his brain is still very reliable.

Ma Fu said: "There are five types of spies, namely, the cause spies, the internal spies, the counter-spies, the dead spies, and the living spies; but today, I have to add one more for the teacher, which is the [corpse spies]..."

Xu Changan said: "Brother, are you bullying me for not learning the art of war well? Can you speak human language?"

"Hehehe..." Ma Fu smiled and whispered: "Brother, come closer!"

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