Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 522 [Sword Forest of Heart, Past and Present Life]

"Thank you, senior, for your advice!"

"Thank you, senior, for your support!"

Plum bone red is naturally overjoyed.

But after about two breaths, she frowned again and said: "But senior, there is something that I want to tell you!"

Xu Changan said: "Say it!"

"Yes!" Mei Guhong said: "Although this junior is wandering outside, he once worshiped three masters, and they all died unexpectedly. Later, he met the disciple of Xu Fu, the best physiognomist in the world, and Xu Fu's disciple was given to the junior From the looks of it, I say that this junior is a natural master!"


"I'm afraid this junior won't be able to accept you as my teacher!"

Xu Changan frowned: Born to defeat the enemy?

Could it be that this girl is as lucky as me?

Isn't it?

If this girl is really a lucky person, then I can definitely accept her as a true disciple.

Don’t have any registered disciples at all.

After being surprised for a moment, Xu Changan immediately regained his expression and said calmly: "It's okay, I'm confident that I can control you!"

"Oh!" Mei Guhong nodded.

Then Xu Changan began to teach her how to use the invisible charm and the disguise charm.

Under Xu Changan's guidance, this girl transformed into a handsome young man in just half a stick of incense.

"Not bad!" At this time, Ma Fu also arrived, and he clapped his hands: "Anyway, I can't see your cultivation and spiritual roots!"

"Thank you, senior!" Mei Guhong thanked Xu Changan again.

Xu Changan waved his hand and said: "Go... you go first and enter the Heart-Questing Sword Forest alone!"

Mei Guhong leaves.

Ma Fu took a deep breath and said: "Why, your heart is moved. Are you really planning to accept her as a disciple? She is just a Five Elements Spiritual Root..."

Xu Changan smiled and said: "With the resources to cultivate, the Five Elements Spiritual Roots are not incapable of breaking through the realm of Nascent Soul. If one day we can break through, then the road beyond Nascent Soul will be much easier in the future!"

"Let's go, ask Xin Jianlin, do you want to break in?"

He looked at the horse suit.

The horse suit patted his chest: "Although my cultivation level is low and my understanding is low, the Heart-Questing Sword Forest tortures the heart. My horse suit is upright and not afraid of these things!"

"Don't worry, I definitely don't have any inner demons!"

Xu Changan said: "Then let's go together!"

The two walked forward side by side.

There's no need to worry.

While walking, Ma Fu suddenly said: "Junior brother... I have a question that I have been holding in my heart for more than ten years and have never said it out. Today I want to ask you!"

"Oh?" Xu Changan said: "What problem has caused you to be depressed for more than ten years, senior brother?"

"Hi..." Ma Fu chuckled and waved his hand: "It's not a big deal. It's just the first time you came to our Zhibing Hall. Remember it?"

"Master introduced Wujiang, me, and Feng Ping to all nodded, but when you introduced me, you asked me how old I was?"

"I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but the more I thought about it, the more wrong it became!"

"If you ask me where I am from, I can understand, but how can I ask someone how old they are when we meet?"

"I'm not a woman!"

Ma Fu looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan pouted: It's really annoying to be with a thoughtful person. He clearly remembers a small incident more than ten years ago.

How to play this?

"Ahem..." Xu Changan said, "Is there anything abnormal?"

"It's not normal!" Ma Fu said; "First, the three of us are not familiar with you, but you only asked me; secondly, your expression was not right at that time. The way you looked at me was a little surprised. !”

"It's like, you've seen me before!"

Ma Fu stopped and looked at Xu Changan!

Xu Changan also stopped.

Around him, there was misty smoke undulating, the surrounding bamboo forest was misty, and the mountains were faint.

Xu Changan reached out and scratched the back of his head, then frowned: "Well... I have indeed seen you!"

"Really?" Ma Fu opened his eyes wide.

Xu Changan said: "Then let me tell you... If I remember correctly, I should be one hundred and seventy-eight years old this year..."

Horse suit:…………

Mention age again?

Xu Changan did not notice the change in Ma Fu's expression, but continued: "When I was a boy, I once worshiped in a small sect called [Tai Xuan Sect]. There were thirteen disciples under the master, and I was the tenth Three!”

"I have a senior brother, ranked eighth, his name is Qin Kuo!"

"Qin Kuo?" Ma Fu's expression changed and he said, "What does this have to do with me?"

Xu Changan took a deep look at the horse suit and said, "It does matter, because you and my senior brother look almost exactly the same..."


Ma Fu was filled with surprise and fear. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and said in shock: "There really are exactly the same people in the world. I don't have any twin brothers. When I was born, I was the only one, and And she almost killed my mother for giving birth to me!”

"So I promise, I definitely don't have a twin brother!"

"If your senior brother Qin Kuo looks exactly like me, then you have to introduce me to him someday!"

Ma Fu looked expectant.

Xu Changan shook his head and said, "I can't see you anymore..."

Ma Fu asked: "Why?"

Xu Changan said: "He made a mistake when he was practicing and became a demon. He has been dead for one hundred and seven years!"

Ma Fu was shocked again: "Huh?"

"Yeah!" Xu Changan nodded: "So when I asked you your age, I wanted to see if you were born before or after he passed away!"

"After!" Ma Fu said: "I'm only in my forties!"

"I understand...Xu Changan...You mean, I'm his reincarnation?"

Xu Changan shook his head: "I don't know!"

"I only know that you two look the same, as for whether it's reincarnation, only God knows!"

After saying that, Xu Changan raised his foot and continued to move forward.

The number of people in front of him gradually increased.

Ma Fu trotted along and said, "Junior brother... Actually, there is something I have kept from you for so many years, and I haven't told you..."

"Do you want to hear it?"

Xu Changan said, "I will listen if you want to!"

"Well..." Ma Fu said, "Actually... my real name is not Ma Fu!"

"Oh?" Xu Changan said, "What's your name?"

"Hehehe..." Ma Fu smiled and said, "My father is a general of Zhao State. He once defeated the Qin army!"

Xu Changan said, "Very powerful!"

"Don't interrupt me!" Ma Fu said, "I haven't finished yet!"

"Because my father defeated the Qin army, the first Zhao emperor named him Ma Fu Jun, and his fiefdom is in Ma Fu!"

"So, I used the two characters [Ma Fu] as my name to come to Yue State to learn military tactics. In fact, Ma Fu is not my real name!"

"My real name is Zhao Kuo!"

Xu Changan opened his mouth wide, pretended to be surprised, and then suddenly retracted his expression: "I haven't heard of it!"

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