Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 535 [Refine the Golden Pill Again, Chixiao Fish Intestine]

The sword intent on the broken sword of Moye is not only different in attributes from the thousand-foot sword ladder and the abyss sword cloud, but also in form.

The sword intent of the latter is ethereal and exists between reality and illusion.

To comprehend it, one must sit down and contemplate for years.

But the sword intent of Moye is different. It is condensed from the broken sword of Moye, so it is more concrete.

"Gather!" Xu Changan used his magic power to prop up a barrier, and then collected a trace of the sword intent emanating from the broken sword.

Before, neither the sword intent on the sword ladder nor the sword intent on the sword cloud could be collected.

There is a benefit to being able to collect: refining pills.

It can be used to refine the sword pill of Ningzhen.

Xu Changan directly took out the Ten Thousand Herbs Treasure Cauldron and some materials for refining [Ningzhen Pill] and began to refine it.

It can be said that Ningzhen Pill is one of the most advanced pills that Xu Changan refines.

So-called familiarity.

Different types of Ningzhen Pills have different methods, and the differences are subtle, which will hardly affect the results of alchemy and the quality of the pills.

After several hours, Xu Changan had finished refining all three furnaces of pills.

Each furnace contained four top-grade pills and eight upper-grade pills.

Xu Changan put the top-grade pills together and the upper-grade pills together, and got one bottle of top-grade [Ningzhen Sword Pill] and two bottles of upper-grade [Ningzhen Sword Pill].

Each bottle contained 12 pills.

He opened his mouth and swallowed a top-grade pill directly, and then returned to the abyss.

Xu Changan's mind was strong enough, and he could often do many things at the same time.

Therefore, although he seemed to be active in the abyss now, it did not affect his comprehension and digestion of the sword intent in the pills.

After searching the underground of this space again and finding that there was nothing else, Xu Changan moved his feet slightly and flew upwards.

Around his body, thousands of sword shadows gathered, and the giant dragon of thousands of swords led him all the way upwards.

Flying all the way up, Xu Changan's mind also swept upwards.

He did not see any sword stuck in the wall.

Until he reached the position of his disciple [Mei Guhong].

"Master?" Mei Guhong saw Xu Changan, and her heart suddenly warmed up, and a sense of security came instantly.

"Well!" Xu Changan asked: "Have you found your sword?"

Looking for a sword is not just taking one from the wall casually.

It requires sword resonance!

Simply put, it is to touch the countless swords around with the sword intent you have comprehended.

What level of sword intent you comprehend can resonate with the sword of that level.

After resonance, you can take the sword.

If there is no resonance and you force the sword to be taken, it is said that it will be torn into pieces by the sword river waterfall.

"Not yet!" Mei Guhong said: "These swords should be good, but they cannot resonate with the disciples..."

As she spoke, she pointed around.

Xu Changan's mind also swept around.

Indeed, there were seven or eight swords stuck on the stone wall around Mei Guhong's location.

Each sword was sunk into the stone wall, with only a hilt exposed.

"Let me try..." Xu Changan's body was suspended in the air, and the sword intent in his body burst out and surged to the surroundings.

The huge sword intent covered the surrounding walls for dozens of feet, and there were dozens of swords.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

Buzz buzz buzz...

After three breaths, a sword resonated strongly with Xu Changan's sword intent.

Then the sword shook violently, and flew out of the stone wall directly, landing around Xu Changan's body, circling around him like a dragon.


Xu Changan stretched out his hand, and the sword fell into his hand.

The sword was very short, only one foot!

Rather than a sword, it was better to say it was a dagger.

"Master... is this sword famous?" Mei Guhong asked Xu Changan with curiosity.

Some of the swords in the sword tomb have names, and some do not.

Xu Changan took a look and said, "Yes, it has a name. This sword is called [Yuchang]..."

"Ah?" Mei Guhong was shocked and said, "This is a famous sword... The sword that Zhuan Zhu used to assassinate Wu Huangliao. I don't know why this sword appeared in this sword tomb?"

Xu Changan nodded and said, "Isn't this simple? Someone must have brought the [Yuchang Sword] here to sacrifice the sword, so the Yuchang was hidden in the sword tomb!"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." Mei Guhong said, "Then this person is really generous!"

Xu Changan smiled.


Not necessarily!

Some people will try anything to get the Moye Sword. Maybe they think that the better the sword used for the sacrifice, the more likely they are to get Moye, right?

"Let's go, look up..." Xu Changan threw the Yuchang Sword into the golden talisman space, and then flew up with Mei Guhong.

The reason why Mei Guhong could go down so deep was not only because of her own understanding, but also because of Xu Changan's protection. Now she has come down, but the sword intent cannot resonate.

There is no other way, she can only continue to look up.

It is about a thousand feet away.

The swords around are also increasing.

Xu Changan said: "Try it here!"

"Yes!" Mei Guhong took a deep breath, sat cross-legged in the void, and then stirred the sword intent in her body.

Buzz buzz buzz...


After a few breaths, a sword resonated with her sword intent.

The sword flew out and landed beside Mei Guhong.

This sword is red in color, and it is wide and long.

" actually has a name..." Mei Guhong said excitedly: "It's [Chi Xiao]..."

"Oh..." Xu Changan narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Chi Xiao...this is a famous sword!"

"Master, have you heard of it?" Mei Guhong hadn't heard of it.

Xu Changan nodded and said: "Well...this sword was forged by Senior Ou Yezi. It is said that there is a sword named [Xuanyuan] in the upper world, which is made of countless spirits and can break the powerful body of the great witch. It is the nemesis of the witch clan!"

"Later, Senior Ou Yezi also copied a sword in our cultivation world, which is this [Chi Xiao]. It is also made of countless spirits. Unfortunately, there is no witch clan in our world. Although this Chi Xiao has been refined, it has no special use!"

Xu Changan said that this sword has no use, which is citing the record in [Basic Mechanism Refining Method] written by Ou Yezi. What he didn't know was that the so-called every drink and every bite is destined.

Many years later, this Chi Xiao was in the hands of another person, but he broke through the Qiao Han in the west, slaughtered all the three Qins, and pacified the world.

Of course, this is a story for later.

"Ah..." Mei Guhong looked disappointed and said, "It turned out to be useless?"

Xu Changan said, "It can't be said to be useless, but it can only be said that his attribute of restraining the witch clan is useless. Take a look, what level is this sword?"


Mei Guhong's mana poured into her body, and the restrictions on Chi Xiao flickered one by one.

There are 25 layers of restrictions in total.

"Low-grade holy weapon..." Xu Changan nodded and said, "Very good, although it is low-grade, it is also an ancient treasure. Remember not to show it to others easily in the future!"

"Hmm, hmm..." Mei Guhong put away the sword.

She asked curiously, "Master, what grade is your [Yuchang] just now?"

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