Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 543 [See you again Xu Fu, the emperor will be born]

"Fourth... tell me, what would you do if it were you?"

Wujiang looked at Xu Changan!

Xu Changan said: "Elder brother, this is different. I am a Xuanmen monk, not an incense monk. I can't understand how you feel!"

"No!" Wujiang said: "If you were me, what would you choose? It's okay, just tell me what you think in your heart!"

Wujiang looks at him!

Xu Changan was silent.

How to choose?

If there is a possibility of a fight, then fight!

If there is only one ten thousandth chance, we have to carry it to the end.

But the key is that there is none.

Don't be afraid of weak soldiers, don't be afraid of being outnumbered!

But now the generals of the Yue State have secretly communicated with the Chu State. Do you want to give it a try?

When the time comes, there is no need for Chu people to come over, the entire Yue Kingdom will be full of defectors.

Some people would even kill their own people in order to surrender their names to the State of Chu.

If Sun Wu was here, or Emperor Lao Yue was here.

This kind of situation will not happen, and the country of Yue still has the strength to fight.

But now, there is no if.

If there had not been such an opportunity, Chu State would not have sent troops.

"Boss!" Xu Changan thought for a while and said: "Let me tell you this, when I came to Yue to ask the late emperor to send troops to rescue Dayan to attack Qi, in fact, the Emperor of Yue did not agree at the beginning... He wanted to Send troops to help Qi State attack Yan State!"

"But later, he asked me to become his teacher!"

"What you don't know is that I am actually reluctant in my heart, and I don't want to go to Mogan Mountain either!"

"But in the end, I became a disciple and went to Mogan Mountain!"

"Why?" Xu Changan raised his eyelids and looked at Wujiang: "Because I have no choice...and now the same goes for you, Your Majesty, you have no choice anymore!"

Zhao Kuo said: "Boss, I think we should work together now to convince Chun Shenjun to give you one county of Moling County as Yuejun's territory!"

What Zhao Kuo said was cruel, but also very realistic.

Feng Ping also said: "Master is never wrong!"

"Everyone in the world knows that he is a soldier, but few people know that he never likes war!"

"Master said that the first step is to attack the enemy with troops, the second step is to attack the enemy, and the last step is to attack the city!"

"Now, the Chu State has taken advantage of the right time, location, and people!"

"You don't have any of these three things here!"

"Okay!" Wujiang sat in his seat in despair. He had also studied the art of war, so he could see the current situation clearly. After a pause, Wujiang said again: "Fourth brother, you and Huang Xie have some friendship. , How about you go out and ask him, and beg for mercy for me, can you allow me to use the land in Moling County to worship the ancestral temple and extend my descendants?"

"Well!" Xu Changan stood up and said, "I'll give it a try!"

Xu Changan walked out of the Zhibing Hall hall to look for Huang Xie, but found that the old guy had disappeared long ago.

did not find.

Xu Changan thought for a while, then returned to the back and called his disciple Mei Guhong to come out.

"Master, where are we going?" Mei Guhong asked.

Xu Changan said: "I am the elder of the Yue Guotang of the Great Zhou Dantang, and the Dantang is also suitable for practice!"

"There is no peace in Zhibing Hall all day long. I'm afraid it will disturb your practice!"

"During this period, you should practice in the alchemy hall first!"

Mei Guhong naturally had no objection and followed Xu Changan.

After leaving the Zhibing Hall, he took out two puppet wooden horses and rode them one by one towards the Alchemy Hall.

Before arriving at Yueguotang, Xu Changan saw a huge carriage on the street not far from Yueguotang.

The curtain of the carriage was opened, and the people inside said to Xu Changan: "Fellow Daoist Xu, please go slowly!"

Xu Changan turned around and saw a beautiful woman emerging from the carriage. He actually knew this woman. She was the disciple of the ancestor of Nanhua, Xu Negi.

Back then, Xu Fu even helped the four of his senior fellow apprentices look at their faces!

"Senior Xu?" Xu Changan brought Mei Guhong to Xu Fu's carriage.

Xu Fu said: "Please come in and talk, Taoist friend Xu..."

After saying that, she turned her eyes to look at Mei Guhong next to her: "Little girl, come in too!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan was careful, and then got into Xu Fu's big car. Unexpectedly, he saw Huang Xie in the car.

Huang Xie is actually here?

It turns out that these two people have known each other for a long time!

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly, giving him a bold guess.

Could it be that Xu Fu came to Moling City to see people's faces for a special purpose?

Otherwise, how could Huang Xie accurately know the specific day when Emperor Yue and Sun Wu left?

Of course, conquests from various countries, intrigues, and calculated calculations are all normal operations.

Xu Changan couldn't understand, so he stopped thinking about it.

Because the rice has become cooking, there is no point in thinking too much.

"Fellow Taoist Chunshen is here too?" Xu Changan asked calmly.

Huang Xie chuckled: "Master Xu and I are close friends..."

"You don't need to tell me what your relationship is with Senior Xu!" Xu Changan said: "The Emperor of Yue, my senior brother Wujiang, asked me to come and tell you that he will defend Moling County and prepare for a bloody battle with your Chu Kingdom!"

"Haha..." Huang Xie said: "He doesn't have this ability. Moling City's resistance can only be a one-sided massacre!"

"Indeed!" Xu Changan waved his hand, and a ten-foot-tall puppet fell down, bursting the carriage in an instant.


The carriage was in pieces.

A Yuanying puppet, more than ten feet tall, stood majestically on the street.

A wave of pressure fell from the big puppet.




Xu Changan kept waving his hands, and four puppets fell to the ground in a blink of an eye.

"Xu Daoyou, what do you mean by this?" Huang Xie narrowed his eyes slightly: "You don't think that you can take me down with a few broken puppets, do you?"

"Of course not!" Xu Changan raised his head, looked at Huang Xie, and said: "Lord Lingyin, there are three thousand Yuanying-level puppets in the Yue Palace!"

"If these three thousand puppets form an army, I wonder what price your Chu army will have to pay to attack Moling?"

Huang Xie's face became ugly.

Xu Changan said: "Master Ling Yin, don't think about catching me. First, you can't keep me..."

"Second, these puppets are already in the Yue Emperor's Palace!"

"Third, everyone in Yue is proficient in refining weapons, and there are quite a few people who can refine Yuanying puppets!"

"My senior brother said, since people are unreliable, then use puppets!"

"Huang Xie!" Xu Changan called Huang Xie by his name: "The land of Moling County is dedicated to the ancestral temple. This is Wujiang's lowest requirement. If you agree, then Yue will surrender as a whole. Otherwise, we will fight to the end!"

"I believe there are still many Yue troops who are willing to die for the Yue Emperor!"

"That's all!"

Xu Changan waved his hand, collected a few big puppets, and left with Mei Guhong.


Huang Xie took a deep breath.

Beside him, Xu Fu nodded and said, "This person is not simple!"

"Yes!" Huang Xie said, "After all, he is a person of great luck. I still admire him very much!"

"No..." Xu Fu shook his head and said, "I am not talking about Xu Changan, but the girl next to Xu Changan..."

"This girl will give birth to an emperor!"

The Warring States period is a bit too much, I will try to intersperse the practice of Xuanmen, and the Yanqi war will end soon, just in case you are disgusted by the story of the various countries. About a hundred chapters, there will be no more stories about the various countries! 】

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