Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 055 [Fighting across levels, sixth-level ice toad]

"What a rich aura of heaven and earth!"

Walking in the mountains in this secret realm, Xu Changan clearly felt the oppression of spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy here is much stronger than Wanghe Peak.

But it makes sense when you think about it. After all, this place is only opened every thirty years, and each time it is open, it only lasts for three days.

The spiritual energy cannot go out at all. After a long period of accumulation, this is the situation.

Turning around a mountain, Xu Changan's eyes were opened even more. He saw that a valley between the two mountains was almost covered with dense spiritual grass.

There is first-class rehmannia root!

Looking from a distance, there are thousands of them.

There are thousands of nine-leaf clovers.

Guyuan fruit can be found all over the mountains and plains.

On a sunny ground on the hillside, there are even more exotic chrysanthemums blooming.

Rehmannia glutinosa root, nine-leaf clover, Guyuan fruit and strange chrysanthemum are exactly the four medicinal materials needed for refining the Guyuan pill used in the Qi refining period.

And there are exactly four kinds here.

Good guy!

How can there be such a coincidence in the world? Could it be that someone specially planted these things here?

Looking at the year, the first-grade spiritual grass here is more than thirty years old.

Could it be that... a disciple from the sect once came here, sowed the seeds of these spiritual herbs, and over time it grew into what it is now?

Then this disciple waits for this time to come in and collect it again?

"It's very possible!" Xu Changan took a deep breath and began to search without politeness.

No matter who planted it, it's all mine now.

Although he relied on blood beads instead of elixirs when practicing, these herbs were not useless.

You can sell it for money, you can make alchemy and sell it for money, or you can give it to the sect in exchange for money.

The most important thing is that the excess can be given to Dabai and the two Cang Spiders. I hope they can break through soon.

Thinking of Dabai, Xu Changan felt sad: My Dabai, where have you been?


It would be a waste of time to dig out these spiritual grasses one by one. Xu Changan directly used a small flying sword. After being filled with spiritual power, it turned into an invincible rake and plundered this valley.

Xu Changan harvested very roughly.

He didn't bother to pull out many plants that could have been uprooted. He cut them all off from the roots and threw them into the golden talisman space.

Of course, some of it will also be thrown into the storage bag.

After all, part of it must be handed over to the master, who can use it as a disciple to obtain it, thereby providing spiritual energy to the peak of the sect in terms of ranking.

After half an hour, he had harvested all the land!

Going further, there is a huge mountain stream.

There is a waterfall dozens of feet wide falling from the top of the mountain, which is spectacular.

And on a wet stone wall behind the waterfall, there was a red light flashing!

"This is……"

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Jia Zitao?"


His consciousness immediately shot out towards the flashing red light behind the waterfall.

Soon, Xu Changan captured the general scene behind the waterfall. There was indeed a Jiazi peach.

On this Jiazi peach, there are dozens of red peaches, which are bright and shining with red light.

According to the records in the [Baicao Jing], this Jiazi peach is a second-grade spiritual plant. It is not only the most important raw material for refining the foundation-building pill required by the peak disciples of the Qi-refining stage to break through to the foundation-building stage, but it is also the basis for the cultivation of monks in the foundation-building stage. One of the main ingredients of the elixir needed at that time.

It is highly respected in the world of cultivation and extremely precious.

The one behind the waterfall is obviously mature.

Not only is it ripe, this thing has more on one side and less on the other. It seems that a lot of ripe fruits have been swallowed up.

Is there a monster guarding nearby?

After Xu Changan's consciousness searched the surroundings for a while, he did not find any movement of spiritual beasts, so he put a little force on his feet, relied on the rocks and mountain walls several times, and jumped to the back of the waterfall.

Buzz buzz...

Old rules!

Before he landed, several layers of defense on Xu Changan's body were immediately opened.

While carefully watching the surroundings, he picked the fruits from the Jiazi peach tree.

22 pieces in total.


After he picked the Jiazi peach, he quickly threw it into the golden talisman space. Then Xu Changan jumped out from the gap next to the waterfall, and using both sides of the stone wall, he jumped up and passed dozens of people under his feet. A pool of water ten feet wide.


Just when Xu Changan jumped out from behind the waterfall and flew directly above the pool, a red flesh line suddenly burst out of the pool and stabbed Xu Changan's body.

He was so fast that he couldn't even see clearly what the meat line was.

"Buzz buzz..."

Xu Changan did not dare to neglect, and the Aoki Shield that had been prepared for a long time was instantly activated.

A cyan light film emerged from around his body.


The flesh line hit the cyan spiritual shield, and the spiritual shield was broken directly.

However, with this power, Xu Changan has crossed the puddle. After landing and rolling, the two layers of blood shields on his body emerged.


A green toad about two feet in size broke out of the water.

"Quack..." It growled at Xu Changan, and then the tongue in its mouth turned into a thread of flesh and stabbed at him again.

It turns out that the thread of flesh that just attacked Xu Changan was the toad's tongue.


Xu Changan yelled, and the spiritual power in his body surged out crazily, and the two blood shields around his body also expanded rapidly.


The tongue touched the first blood shield, and the blood shield broke with a sound.

However, the remaining force on the tongue fell on the second blood shield, but it did not break.

At this time, Xu Changan had time to take a closer look at the cultivation level of the toad in front of him. He was shocked when he saw it: it was actually a big guy in the sixth level of Qi Refining Stage.

Although it was two levels higher than Xu Changan, fortunately, they were all in the middle stage.


The last layer of red shield outside Xu Changan's body flickered a few times.

The long tongue did not leave, but stuck to the shield, and puffed out a stream of green smoke.


With the tongue as the center, the entire space seemed to be frozen. The ground quickly froze, and the air was also ice.

The ice spread around at a very fast speed.

"Bang bang bang..."

Several huge ice cones suddenly drilled out of the soil and rushed straight to Xu Changan's feet.

"It's actually an ice toad?" Xu Changan jumped up, holding a golden thunder talisman in his hand and threw it out.


Dozens of golden lightning arcs like snakes exploded.

The ice toad roared and retracted its tongue. Xu Changan didn't hesitate. He exerted force on his feet, and suddenly a mountain of golden light appeared. The top-grade magic weapon Liuyun Shoes gave him a good help at this time. After a few runs, he jumped out of the mountain stream.

There are waterfalls and pools here, which are just right for this ice-attributed toad to perform!

Xu Changan wants to fight, and he has to leave the waterside to have a chance to win.

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