Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 671 [The Great Master of Refining Void, the Ancestor of the Mu Family]

Xu Changan frowned: Fifteen?

Is this too little?

After staying in the Seventeenth City of the Ministry of Fire for so many years, Xu Changan has an idea of ​​the size of the Seventeenth City.

Put it this way.

Although it is a seventeenth city in the Ministry of Fire, Xu Changan feels that the size of this city, including the tens of thousands of surrounding tribes, is definitely not smaller than the places he was in before.

The territory of this city is larger than that of the Seven Kingdoms.

This... is only fifteen places?

"Haha..." Muyan seemed to see through Xu Changan's thoughts. She smiled and explained: "Fellow Daoist Xu, our Fire Department has a total of seventy-two cities, and each city has fifteen quotas. How many quotas do you have for the entire Fire Department?" ?”

Xu Changan said: "That's almost more than a thousand people!"

"Yes!" Mu Yan said: "Xuan Nu Realm has nine major parts: heaven, earth, Xuan, yellow, gold, wood, water, fire and earth!"

“If you add the nine major departments together, that’s ten thousand people!”

Xu Changan nodded: That's true.

But based on this calculation, the territory of Xuannv Domain is outrageously large.

The entire thirty-six regions of Dongyuzhou... hiss, hiss...

It’s scary to think about it!

"There are fifteen places in total!" Mu Yan said: "Ten of them will be taken away by the city lord and distributed to his own disciples. Of the remaining five, four will be distributed to the three deputy city lords, and the last one will be To the Xuanhuo Chamber of Commerce!"

Xu Changan said: "Do you mean to give me this place in the Xuanhuo Chamber of Commerce?"

"No, no, no..." Mu Yan said: "Although I am the great elder of the Xuanhuo Chamber of Commerce, I am actually nothing. I cannot move my quota in the Xuanhuo Chamber of Commerce!"

"I mean, our Mu family... can give you a place!"

? ? ? ?

Xu Changan opened his mouth wide: "Does your family have a quota?"

Don't tell me, of the fifteen places, the city lord will take ten, the three deputy city lords will divide four, and the last one will be given to the Chamber of Commerce.

Your Mu family is not the deputy city lord either.

"That's right!" Mu Yan explained: "Actually...our Mu family was indeed the deputy city lord of the seventeenth city before, and our ancestors have served as deputy lords twice!"

So, Muyan explained.

Xu Changan suddenly understood after hearing the explanation.

The three deputy city lords of the Seventeenth City are also ranked in order, including the first deputy city lord, the second deputy city lord and the third deputy city lord.

If you want to become the deputy city lord of these seventeen cities, you must be in the Void Refining Stage.

However, the deputy city lords in the Void Refining Stage are not ranked first or second based on their own strength.

How to divide?


Family competition, offspring competition.

This rule was formulated by Empress Qingxuan. The monks in the Void Refining Stage compete for the position of deputy city lord. They cannot do it personally. They must let the Yuanying Stage monks in the family participate in the competition.

Whoever is the strongest will be the first deputy city lord, then the second and third!

Why not let the old gods from the Void Refining Stage compete in person?

Because the loss is too great.

If the old immortal in the Void Refining Stage unleashes the True Fire, let alone fall, even if one of them is seriously injured, it will be a huge loss to the human race.

This is the original intention of Empress Qingxuan in formulating this rule.

The position of deputy city lord rotates every five hundred years.

During the last rotation, the ancestor of the Mu family was not elected because of the inadequacy of his descendants, and the most talented disciple of the Mu family committed suicide due to guilt.

There are still twenty years left before this big competition is about to begin.

The Mu family was unable to compete for the position of deputy city lord. Unexpectedly, Xu Changan came into Mu Yan's field of vision.

"Fellow Daoist Xu is only a second-level Nascent Soul stager, but with such a strong fighting power, he can definitely defeat the others easily!" Mu Yan said: "If you fight on behalf of our Mu family and win the first place, our Mu family will defeat the two One of the quotas will be given to you!"


Muyan looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan thought for a while and said, "Are you sure that what you said is true?"

"It's all true!" Muyan raised her hand and said: "I can swear an oath to heaven. If I, Muyan, have deliberately deceived fellow Taoists as I said just now, I will die under the Nine Thunders and will never be reincarnated!"

Xu Changan nodded.

So, what this girl just said should be true.

"Okay!" Xu Changan said: "If that's the case, then I can agree. Please tell me the rules of this competition!"

"Yes!" Mu Yan said: "The rules of the competition are very simple. You are not allowed to use offensive magic weapons, nor are you allowed to use defensive weapons!"

"At that time, all participants will calculate the top three based on points!"

Xu Changan nodded: "Where do you want to be ranked?"

Mu Yan looked at Xu Changan and said with some excitement: "Of course he is the first one. Our ancestor of the Mu family is in the late stage of the Void Refining Stage. If he becomes the first deputy city lord, he will definitely be popular among the people!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan nodded in agreement.

If you don't need a treasure to win the first place, isn't it easy to win?

"That's right!" Mu Yan said: "You still have to come with me to our Mu family to meet our ancestors. But don't worry, he just wants to know your strength when he meets you. I've told you the following things Calculate!"

With Mu Yan's strength and cultivation, she is now the number two person in the Mu family.

"Okay!" Xu Changan was fearless.

He is not afraid of just practicing Xu.

Xu Changan followed Muyan back to the Seventeenth City.

In the seventeenth city, a small spiritual vein about three thousand feet long was exposed, and many buildings were built around this small spiritual vein.

There is another wall outside the building, which is the Mu family.

The Mu family is shining with golden light and has a magnificent formation.

At first glance, it is a powerful family in the Seventeenth City.


"The eldest aunt is back..."

As soon as they entered the door, many servants saluted Mu Yan.

But Mu Yan ignored them all.

After passing through several courtyards, the two stopped in a bamboo forest, where there was a huge palace.

Mu Yan bowed to the palace: "Ancestor, Mu Yan is back!"


The formations at the door of the magnificent hall opened one by one, and an old voice came from inside: "Come in!"

Xu Changan communicated with the Golden Talisman Space and Moye Sword Soul with his mind, and carefully followed Mu Yan into the hall of the Mu family's ancestor.

Soon, he saw a tall middle-aged man in a white Taoist robe.

That's right!

This Mu family ancestor looks like a mortal in his thirties.

"The disciple has found the Nascent Soul cultivator that the ancestor asked Mu Yan to look for, and it's him, Xu Changan!"

Mu Yan knelt in front of the ancestor of the Mu family.

Xu Changan did not kneel down, but just bowed to the old immortal in the Void Refining Stage in front of him: "Junior Xu Changan, meet the senior!"

The ancestor of the Mu family nodded and said: "You two don't need to be polite!"

Although the ancestor of the Mu family looks relatively young, his voice is really too vicissitudes.

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