Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 071 [Sacrifice yourself and kill the enemy with sword]

A white smoke floated out of the green wood.

The smoke turned into the image of a majestic grandfather.

Although the old man is a shadow, he is extremely majestic as far as the eye can see.

He stared at Tian Qianqiu for a while and said, "Are you a blood descendant of the Tian family?"


Tian Qianqiu knelt on the ground again and kowtowed: "It is... the unfilial descendants of future generations, Tian Qianqiu!"

"Hahahaha...Okay, okay, okay, okay..." Grandpa Xuying seemed very excited. He laughed, then turned to look at Xu Changan and asked: "Then this is..."

"Oh!" Tian Qianqiu explained: "This is Xu Changan, he is my friend!"

"Xu Changan?" Xuying's voice became playful: "Your friend...that is to say, not our Tian family?"

"Yes!" Tian Qianqiu said: "It has no blood connection with us!"

"Then kill him!" Xuying's eyes suddenly became sharp: "What's going on here must not be leaked out!"

"No!" Tian Qianqiu took a deep breath and said, "Ancestor, without Brother Xu, I wouldn't have been able to get here. Thanks to Brother Xu for helping me, I can't be that ungrateful person!"

"It doesn't doesn't matter..."

Xuying nodded and said: "If you don't disdain to do such ungrateful things, then... let me do it!"

Tian Qianqiu was immediately shocked and said: "No!"

But it was too late.

call out……

A white arrowhead composed of divine souls suddenly appeared from between the eyebrows of the phantom, and shot towards Xu Changan's head from a distance.

Xu Changan took three steps back in fear.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

I saw that the arrowhead composed of spiritual consciousness encountered a barrier three feet away from Xu Changan's body. Not only could it not break the barrier, it was bounced back.


The arrow flew back again, inflicting heavy damage on the shadow.

The shadow that was still solid suddenly lost 30% of its substance.

"Damn it..." Xuying yelled, "What the hell is this?"

Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when he entered the temple, he secretly blessed himself with talismans.

He threw all the Blood Shield Talisman, Hidden Breath Talisman, and Soul Suppressing Talisman on him to ensure his safety, but he didn't expect that the Soul Troubleshooting Talisman would actually be a meritorious service.

"Ancestor...please forgive my friend!" Tian Qianqiu knelt on the ground and said, "Brother Xu has great karma for me. If you kill him, how can I bear the karma?"

"Forget it!" Xuying got off the donkey along the slope and said: "Since it is you who begged for mercy, then I will spare his life. Xu Changan, right... From now on, you can stay with me and become one of my young master's followers. This is your opportunity."

Xu Changan also pretended to thank him and saluted.

Then I heard the shadow say to Tian Qianqiu: "Now that you are here, you should know your mission, right?"

"Yes!" Tian Qianqiu knelt in front of the phantom and said: "Now that our Qi Kingdom's credentials have been lost and we are in danger, I beg our ancestors to come out and save us!"

"My descendant, Tian Qianqiu, is willing to sacrifice for me!"

"Ha!" Mr. Chen nodded: "Okay... tell me, since you are willing to sacrifice, you should also ask for something, tell me your wish!"

"Thank you, ancestor!" Tian Qianqiu said: "This disciple is just a branch of the royal family. The family sticks to the bitter cold land. I have a son named Tian Heng under my knees. If the ancestor comes out of the mountain, please remember my son!"

"Okay!" Mr. Chen said, "Don't worry. When I return to Qi, my ancestor, your son will be able to take charge of Qi in the future!"

"Thank you, ancestor!" Tian Qianqiu took a deep breath and said, "Disciple...are ready!"


The white shadow suddenly pounced down and penetrated Tian Qianqiu's body.



"I have a headache... Ancestor... I have a headache..."

Tian Qianqiu held his head and twisted and screamed crazily in the hall.

Seeing this scene, Xu Changan finally understood what the two people in front of him were doing: seizing the body.

He once read in the Hundred Treasures Book that some powerful monks refused to leave after their death. Instead, they parasitized their souls on a certain magic weapon. By chance, they could seize the lives of living people and occupy them. In other people's physical bodies, they can live another life and practice cultivation again.

However, the conditions for seizing the body are also extremely stringent.

It is best to have the same origin and descendants from the same line.

Of course, it's not impossible if it's not a descendant. It's just that after taking the body, you will lose part of your memory, so there are no suitable descendants of your own blood.

Xu Changan's eyes shrank.

He patted the storage bag with his hand and took out a green jade talisman.

If you don't kill this old guy now, what are you waiting for?

Damn, when he succeeds in seizing the body, you can imagine that I will definitely die.

"Boy, I advise you not to act rashly... You can't deal with me with just your cultivation during the Qi refining period!"

"Tian Qianqiu is a monk at the foundation-building stage. You are only at the fourth level of the Qi-refining stage. Can you kill him?"

"Don't interfere with me, I will give you a chance!"

"Otherwise, I will tell you to live and die!"

Mr. Chen’s voice was shrill and shrill.

Xu Changan smiled coldly and bit the tip of his tongue.


A mouthful of blood spat onto the jade talisman.

Buzz buzz...

The next moment, the jade talisman directly inspired a brilliant light, and an old grandfather walked out of the blood.

"Meteor Pill actually have Meteor Pill Talisman?" Mr. Chen shouted with a trembling voice: "Stop...little friend, stop was my fault just now, I shouldn't have taken action against you!"

"Don't worry, I can make an oath of heaven to guarantee you a lifetime of wealth!"

"I will make you prime minister!"

Xu Changan smiled coldly, pointed at Tian Qianqiu in front of him and said, "Kill him!"

no way!

Today, Tian Qianqiu and Mr. Chen have become one. Without killing Tian Qianqiu, Mr. Chen cannot be killed.


Grandpa Xuying roared, and countless spiritual energy between heaven and earth gathered crazily. In twenty-odd breaths, it turned into a bloody sword.

The sword is not long either, only three feet!

But the power emanating from it really shocked Xu Changan.

With this sword, he easily killed the purple-eyed giant ape and still had some strength left.

Now it should be no problem to kill Mr. Chen.


The old man in the void waved his hand, and the blue long sword suddenly fell down, piercing Tian Qianqiu's body with a pop.

"Oh..." Mr. Chen shouted and emerged from Tian Qianqiu's body again.

But at this moment, Mr. Chen was even more weak, and his soul was almost transparent.

"Damn it... If I can't take away Tian Qianqiu, then I will take away your body..."


Mr. Chen turned into a plume of smoke and rushed towards Xu Changan.

However, a light film outside Xu Changan's body emerged faintly, and Mr. Chen was so lonely!

With the soul-suppressing talisman covering his body, Mr. Chen can't get close to him no matter what.

"Damn it!"

Mr. Chen's soul can only drift towards the green trees behind, where he once nourished his soul.

However, just as he was about to approach the green trees, a light film appeared around the trees.

Another Soul-Calling Talisman!

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