Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 073 [Stone Bell Immortal Milk, Escape from the Secret Realm]

Master Minghe Zhenren once said that the map in this secret realm is like a jigsaw puzzle game in the human world, consisting of hundreds of different plots, and the positions of these plots are not fixed.

It is moving irregularly at any time!

Xu Changan's consciousness looked at the map, and it was indeed as Master guessed, the plots were indeed moving.

With this columnar mountain as the center, all the plots were slowly moving.

There are hundreds of plots, and each plot has a treasure, or a spiritual medicine, and there are spiritual beasts guarding it. There are maps.

"It's really strange!" Xu Changan looked at the map and was extremely shocked: "I don't know how many years this secret realm has existed. The changes outside must be vicissitudes, but no matter how they change, they will be clearly marked on the map, that is, this map is a real-time mapping of the outside world."

For example, on the puzzle where the purple-eyed giant ape was located before, there is no portrait of the purple-eyed giant ape, but it is marked with a [blood jade bodhi tree].

If this is not a real-time image, how can it be so delicate?

After being amazed for a while, Xu Changan stopped studying why there was such a thing as an image and started looking for it on the map.

After half an incense stick of time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "I found it... It turned out to be here!"

What he was looking for was the Stone Bell Immortal Milk!

This thing is one of the main materials for refining the main elixir [Chaoyuan Pill] to impact the Golden Core Realm. Even for the sake of the master, he had to make a trip.

Moreover, if he could collect it earlier, he would not have to work hard when he entered the Golden Core Realm in the future, right?

Seeing that it was almost dawn outside, Xu Changan did not neglect it and went straight out of the Chen Gongzi Temple to look for the place marked on the map.

Two hours later, Xu Changan came to a mountain stream!

The grass and trees here were withered and yellow, the rocks were exposed, and there was a cold wind blowing from time to time in the mountain stream.

When ordinary cultivators encounter such an environment, they will basically give up the idea of ​​exploring. The general thinking should be that there are treasures only in places with lush grass and abundant spiritual energy. How can there be natural treasures in such a place?

Xu Changan pasted three layers of invisibility charms and two layers of blood shield charms on himself, and pinched an escape jade piece in his left hand.

The news that the jade piece could be used again has spread throughout the secret realm in the past two days, and Xu Changan naturally learned about it.

Walking along the mountain stream, the sunlight gradually dimmed, and the damp breath became heavier and heavier. After an hour, Xu Changan went around and came to the underground along the cracks in the rocks.

But what surprised him was that the spiritual energy underground was even more concentrated than on the ground.

Various creatures living in the dark night made unpleasant sounds.

Bats were hanging everywhere on the wet stone wall above his head.

Xu Changan tried not to disturb these vampire bats, but quietly walked to the deepest part of the cave.

Fortunately, there were fluorite everywhere on the stone wall of this cave, and with Xu Changan's weak consciousness at the fourth level of Qi Refining, he would not lose his way in the darkness, and what he saw and heard along the way was still clear.

As he walked along, the number of vampire bats above his head increased, and they became larger and larger.

When he finally reached the end, he saw the most shocking scene in his life.

He saw a giant vampire bat as big as a house, holding a huge stalagmite, hanging in the air, its eyes narrowed, and its bloody mouth opened wide, waiting for the spiritual liquid dripping from the stalagmite above its head.

Every once in a while, a drop of spiritual liquid dripped into its mouth.

The space around Xu Changan also became brighter, and in front of him was like a huge hall, with all kinds of stalagmites of various colors displayed in it, and spiritual liquid dripped from each stalagmite.

Some of the spiritual liquid was drunk by the greedy bats, and some fell to the ground, flowing on the uneven stone slabs and gathering in low-lying areas. After tens of millions of years of sedimentation and evaporation, what was left was a white milky substance like gelatin.

This is the so-called Stone Bell Immortal Milk.

Stone Bell Immortal Milk, to put it bluntly, is the essence precipitated from the spiritual veins.

Xu Changan looked at a basin-sized stone nest in front of him, which contained about half a basin of stalactites.

He took a deep breath and took out a container from his storage bag, then mercilessly collected all the stalactites.



As if sensing the turbulent changes in the spiritual energy between the surrounding heaven and earth, countless vampire bats woke up at this moment, and they turned into a black cloud and rushed towards Xu Changan angrily.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Xu Changan poured his strength into the belt around his waist crazily, and a seemingly indestructible defense formed around him, blocking countless vampire bats that were flying like moths to a flame.


Another shrill voice came, and the bat king lying on the stalagmite screamed, and more vampire bats rushed over.

As the saying goes, ants bite elephants to death.

Xu Changan was not afraid of a single bat, and he could even find a way to deal with ten, eight, a hundred, or even ten bats, but he couldn't deal with tens of thousands of them. The shield light film outside his body was dissipating quickly.

Xu Changan took a deep breath, exerted a little force with his left hand, and the jade talisman burst.


Then a white light flashed, and Xu Changan's figure disappeared from the spot.



A white light flashed, and Xu Changan was thrown out of the vortex in the sea of ​​clouds, landing directly on the square of Bihai Peak.

Countless people's eyes immediately focused on him.

"Hey... this kid is so lucky that he didn't die?"

"What a piece of luck... a disciple at the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage can come out!"

"I thought he had died inside!"

Countless disciples from other peaks in the square were talking about Xu Changan.

"Hahaha..." Master Minghe laughed loudly and said: "Boy... you came out alive, not bad, not bad..."

Master Cai Lian from Chonghui Peak said: "Senior Brother Minghe, your disciple must have been lucky enough not to encounter Na Tian Qianqiu. Otherwise, whether he could come out alive is a matter of doubt!"

Xu Changan:…………

"Old Thirteen, are you not injured?" Minghe looked at Xu Changan with concern.

Xu Changan felt warm in his heart and said: "Reporting to Master, this disciple is not injured!"

"Okay!" Master Minghe said: "You sit cross-legged and meditate for a while, and when all the other disciples come out, we can count the harvest together!"

The Taixuan Sect has rules. The number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures obtained every time you enter the secret realm determines the distribution of spiritual energy for the next thirty years.

Master Minghe doesn't want to fall behind.

Xu Changan bowed his hands to Zhenren Minghe, and then sat down in the camp where Watching Crane Peak was located.

He took a look and saw that Fu Nianzhen hadn't come out yet, and Ding Lan was still in the secret realm across from him.

However, senior brother Li Chijian has already come out.

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