Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 081 [Making a life talisman and honing the divine mind]

"This is my master's experience in formation!"

"This is some of the views of the elders of past generations on formation that I found in the Sutra Library. These are not available in the Acceptance Pavilion. Take them and study them carefully!"

"Here, there are also some books on making talismans!"

Minghe fed Xu Changan seven or eight jade slips in one breath.

Xu Changan collected them all.

"Let's set off in two months!" Minghe said again: "Take advantage of this time to practice well and see if you can improve your formation and talisman drawing skills a little bit!"

"Yes, Master!" Xu Changan bowed.

"There is one more thing. You haven't made a life talisman since you entered my sect. Come with me and make a life talisman!"

This sentence directly hit Xu Changan's blind spot in knowledge.

"Master, what is a life talisman?"

Minghe Zhenren said: "You will understand if you follow me..."

Master Gao, who was wearing a purple-red Taoist robe, stood up and turned to walk to the back of the hall.

Behind the stone lotus platform, there is a rather wide table, on which are placed dozens of rows of jade talismans totaling hundreds of them.

On each jade talisman, a red light flashes, shining brightly.

"This is the life talisman!" Minghe Zhenren said: "The first row above is my life talisman, and the second row below is the life talisman of your uncle Zhaixing, uncle Mingyue, and uncle Kongxuan!"

"Further down, it is the life talisman of my disciples, and the disciples of your three uncles, and some side disciples are also on it!"

"The life talisman records a person's life status and can be checked at any time!"

"If a person dies, the life talisman here will also break!"

After the master's explanation, Xu Changan also knew what this life talisman was. It was a person's life card, showing his survival status.

Once he dies, the life talisman will break.

But even if it breaks, the life talisman can also show the place and direction of the person's death.

If those disciples were close, the masters could instantly come and avenge their disciples.

Even if they were far away, there were clues to follow.

Xu Changan took a glance and found that most of the life symbols were full of luster, proving that the disciples were in very good health. Only a few of them had dim light, as if they would go out at any time.

"These few..." Minghe seemed to see the doubts in Xu Changan's heart and said, "They are several disciples from the side branches. Their cultivation has not broken through the foundation-building realm, but their life span is almost over!"

"I think they should be immortal in three to five years, right?"

When he said this, Minghe narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone was full of emotion.

"Master!" Xu Changan suddenly spoke up, saying, "This disciple has died, and his life talisman has been broken!"

"But if someone maliciously crushed the jade talisman here when the disciple's life was intact, what would happen?"

"Hehe..." Minghe looked at Xu Changan meaningfully, and said, "The road is difficult, and you can be so careful and meticulous, which makes me quite surprised... However, I can tell you for sure that crushing the life talisman will not have a big impact on the disciples. It is nothing more than hurting some of their thoughts and minds. If they meditate and cultivate properly, they can recover within a month!"

"Here, this is the life talisman!" Minghe handed over a jade piece and said, "Just drop a drop of your blood on it!"

Xu Changan took the jade piece and looked at it. There was indeed a strange formation on it.

However, it was not an advanced formation, but just a simple first-grade formation. After reading the flow direction and route of the formation twice, Xu Changan could judge that this thing was exactly the same as what the master said.

The disciple died, the jade piece was broken, but the disciple would not die because of crushing the jade talisman.

It's that simple.

Otherwise, if these things fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives, wouldn't it be like taking control of the entire sect? In that case, the sect will never allow disciples to make them.

Xu Changan dripped a drop of blood on it.

The blood flowed along the fixed lines inside for a while, and the life talisman was activated.

After activation, there was another number behind the life talisman: nineteen!

It means that Xu Changan's bone age is now nineteen years old!


Returned to his own dojo from Minghe Palace!

Xu Changan closed the formation and entered the golden talisman space directly.

There are still two months before leaving for the upper sect Taixuan Sect, and under the blessing of the ten times time flow rate in this golden talisman space, it is more than six hundred days.

There are nearly two years left!

"Hei... Xiaohei, eat this!"

Xu Changan took out a piece of [Dragon Blood Molting Immortal Taro] and threw it to Xiaohei.

After eating this thing, Xiaohei can upgrade to the third level of Qi Refining Stage.

In the next two years, I will be promoted to the fourth level of Qi Refining Stage, and then I can ride long distances.

After sending away his spirit beast, Xu Changan did not rush to look through the seven or eight jade slips about formations and talismans given to him by his master. Instead, he took out the Heavenly Emperor's Divine Scripture.

This is to sharpen the divine consciousness.

Whether drawing talismans or setting up formations, the consumption of divine consciousness is very large. If I can improve my divine consciousness by one level before the competition, it will be the best.


Xu Changan's divine consciousness suddenly burst out from his mind!

However, his current spiritual consciousness is very low-level. Although he can release his spiritual consciousness, he cannot reveal his shape to be seen by the naked eye.

Although he cannot see it with the naked eye, Xu Changan can still do some simple manipulation.


The invisible spiritual consciousness was cut out by Xu Changan.

"Ah..." The next moment, a sharp pain was transmitted from the end of the external spiritual consciousness to Xu Changan's mind.

This kind of pain is different from the pain when practicing the Nine Nether Blood Sutra.

The pain in the spiritual consciousness is more torturous.

It seems to come from the depths of the soul.

At this time, Xu Changan finally understood why he had to find a treasure to nourish the spirit when practicing [Emperor Tian Yu Shen Jing].

If he continued to practice like this without a thing to nourish the spirit, he would be too painful to continue after a few times.


Xu Changan also had a thing to nourish the spirit, which was a section of a tree that he didn't know what kind of tree it was. Xu Changan called it [Nourish the Spirit Tree].

He waved his hand, and the nourishing spirit tree stood upright in front of him.

Green bark, green heart.


This time, Xu Changan activated [Emperor's Divine Control] again, and the invisible divine consciousness chopped at the nourishing spirit tree.

It hurts...

Although it still hurts!

But because the object of the divine consciousness this time became the nourishing spirit tree, the pain was instantly reduced by a hundred times.

It has become bearable.




Again and again.

Great magical powers are often honed through the most basic and boring and repetitive training.

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