Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 085 [Level 3 formation, arriving at the upper sect]

This bewitching technique is also a kind of magic.

However, there are strict conditions for learning this type of magic. First of all, the monk must be a female monk, and be beautiful and charming. It is best to have a natural charm.

Secondly, the spiritual consciousness must be far beyond that of ordinary people.

Otherwise, if you encounter someone with stronger spiritual consciousness, if they intend to fight back, they will end up harming you.

Zhen Qingyan originally thought that Xu Changan, a guy with a mere fifth-level cultivation, couldn't have much powerful spiritual consciousness, so he could easily catch him.

But actually it's just the opposite.

Xu Changan was struck at the first moment, but it was only for a moment. If he wanted to fight back at this moment, if he threw a nerve knife at him, his consciousness would inevitably collapse.

At worst, his consciousness is damaged, at worst, he loses his soul on the spot and turns into dementia.

However, Xu Changan felt that he was a fellow student. He did not fight back. Instead, he patted the storage bag and took out a tea set from the storage bag.

"Last time I went to the secret realm, I happened to find two spiritual tea trees!" Xu Changan said with a smile while pouring tea: "I just picked some tea leaves by the way. This spiritual tea is not very helpful for spiritual practice. It is beneficial, but it can harmonize the heart and nourish the soul!”

"Junior Sister Ding, Senior Sister Zhen, come have some drinks!"

Xu Changan placed two cups of green tea in front of the two of them.

Naturally, Ding Lan did not doubt that he was there, so he took it and drank it, saying: "Hey...Senior Brother Xu, this is quite delicious..."

Next to her, Zhen Qingyan's heart was spinning: What the hell...they are casting spells on you now, but you don't have any reaction?

what happened?

Does this he not understand anything, or is he born with strong spiritual consciousness, or is he determined in his Taoism?

You, a little guy at the fifth level of Qi refining stage, can actually ignore my bewitching skills?


Zhen Qingyan took a deep breath, the stubbornness and unwillingness to admit defeat in her heart reached its extreme. She started to use her skills, and her charm skills poured out. Her big, soft and blurred eyes were filled with some kind of seductive light waves. She was originally fair-skinned. His face suddenly became bright and vivid.

Ding Lan next to her couldn't help but breathe quickly when she saw Zhen Qingyan.


Opposite him, Xu Changan remained indifferent.

He still looked stupid and asked: "Senior Sister Zhen, what's wrong with you... There's something wrong with your eyes... Why is your face so red?"

"Sister, is this poisoning?"

Zhen Qing Yanqi's mind flickered, and the charm dissipated.

Xu Changan still didn't intend to let her go, and said again: "I remembered that when we were children, our aunt was like this after sleeping with my uncle. What happened?"

"Pfft..." Zhen Qingyan just took a sip of spiritual tea in her mouth and spit it out.

"Cough cough cough cough..." She coughed violently with anger, her heartbeat was up and down, and even her fair skin was beating.

"Senior sister, why did you leave?"

"Don't leave, have a sip of tea before you leave!"

"Brother, this tea is really good. How about I bring you two pounds..."

"No!" Zhen Qingyan stretched out her hand to refuse: "No, junior brother, you can keep it for yourself and drink it... I will send some to your aunt back home when I get down the mountain someday!"

After saying that, Zhen Qingyan left Xu Changan's room angrily.

"Hahahahaha..." Ding Lan laughed so hard that she looked at Xu Changan with her big watery eyes and asked: "Senior Brother Xu, are you really stupid, or are you just pretending to be stupid?"

"Ah?" Xu Changan touched his chin: "What do you mean, junior sister, why can't I understand?"

"Stop talking!" Ding Lan also stood up: "Senior Brother Xu, please rest well. I won't disturb you anymore. After the flying boat arrives at Shangzong, we will go down together!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan took out a bag of tea leaves from the storage bag and said, "Junior sister..."

"I don't want it!" Ding Lan said, "You can keep it for yourself and drink it!"

"No!" Xu Changan said: "I seemed to have offended Senior Sister Zhen just now. Please help me give her this bag of tea leaves so that I can apologize to her!"

"Uh..." Ding Lan took a deep look at Xu Changan: "Okay!"

After a dozen breaths.

Zhen Qingyan threw a bag of tea leaves on the table like crazy, then put her head in her hands and yelled: " could there be such a person..."

"Keep an eye on me, no one is allowed to come in!"

"Did you hear me!"

"Quack..." The huge black-winged eagle standing at the door nodded, like a guard!

Xu Changan closed the door, closed the formation, and then sat on the futon.

As soon as his body moved, he entered the golden talisman space!

The next seven days will be spent on the ship.

Cheng Bufan said that it would take seven days to reach Shangzong's sect.

Seven days is seventy days to Xu Changan, which is a long time.

You can take a look at the formation!

Practice by the way!


He took out a middle-grade blood bead and swallowed one. The [Nine Nether Blood Meridian] circulated in his body and he began to practice.

At the same time, Xu Changan took out the jade slip given to him by Master Minghe and read it.

After possessing powerful spiritual thoughts, Xu Changan is now able to use his mind in two ways. It is no problem to comprehend formations and other things while practicing.

In about a day, Xu Changan thoroughly understood Master Minghe's understanding of formations.

However, he didn't digest much useful stuff.

Because Minghe's formation level is just so-so, not much higher than Xu Changan's.

Putting away Minghe's experience, Xu Changan took out another jade slip.

The sect on Wanghe Peak has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are many geniuses who are proficient in formation. So although there are no formation masters who can set up a third-level formation in the sect now, it is not that there were no formation masters in the past.

There were some in the past.

And there was more than one person.

What Xu Changan held in his hand was the experience of formation written by a senior named [Qingdou Zhenren].

He read it with relish.

Finished reading in ten days!

Xu Changan was deeply touched.

Qingdou Zhenren's understanding and experience of formation made Xu Changan feel suddenly enlightened. Combined with the runes he learned on the golden talisman, he always felt that he was just one step away from the third-level formation.


After swallowing a blood bead, Xu Changan began to look at the third jade slip.

The fourth piece!

The fifth piece!


In a blink of an eye, sixty days passed.

On this day, Xu Changan had a sudden inspiration, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

After combining the experience of six or seven predecessors, Xu Changan finally understood the third-level formation!

However, Xu Changan did not try to set up a third-level formation on this flying boat!

He walked out of the golden talisman space, and his aura slightly changed, and his heavy blood was replaced by the authentic Xuanmen aura.

Another day later, the flying boat suddenly descended, and then landed on the land.

The Taixuan Immortal Sect of the Upper Sect, here we are!

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