Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 087 [Refine the Bigu Pill, Alchemy Genius]

Xu Changan put the jade slips into his storage bag, and then came to the chubby monk's stall calmly.

This guy sells quite a lot of stuff.

Talismans, herbs, elixirs, weapons, and so on.

"Senior brother, can you show me your copper cauldron?"

Xu Changan pointed to a small tripod on the ground!

"Okay!" The fat monk picked up the tripod and handed it to Xu Changan: "Brother, this is a top-quality magic weapon with seven levels of restrictions!"

Xu Changan scanned it with his consciousness and found that there were seven levels of restrictions on it.

Moreover, this bronze tripod looks very new, as if it has not been used.

Xu Changan asked: "Senior brother, did you refine this bronze tripod yourself?"

"Hehehe..." the chubby monk said: "I don't have this ability, my master refined it!"

"How to sell it?" Xu Changan didn't waste any time and asked the price directly.

The fat monk said: "This bronze tripod was made by my master from a single piece of copper essence. It took seven or forty-nine days to refine it. He also found an expert to stamp seven prohibitions on it. Not only the material It’s precious and takes a lot of effort!”

"Let's do this. If you really want it, junior brother, I will give you 50,000 low-grade spiritual stones!"

Xu Changan almost vomited blood: Fifty thousand?

Of course, he didn't know how many spiritual stones the copper tripod was worth, so he responded in his old way and said, "Brother, can ten thousand spiritual stones be okay?"

"Ten thousand!"

The fat monk's face immediately changed: " are here to cause trouble. I can sell this piece of copper essence for 20,000 yuan!"

"That's it!" Xu Changan said: "I have a magical weapon here that is also of the highest grade. Can I exchange it with you?"

"You can choose one of these two!"

Xu Changan threw out a storage bag.

Inside the storage bag was a large black magic weapon. This weapon originally belonged to Lin Weihu. Lin Weihu used such a black gun to sneak attack Zhang Wuya.

Xu Changan would not dare to take out this kind of thing and use it casually, otherwise the sect would definitely recognize it.

The fat monk also understood that he did not take out the black gun from the storage bag, but scanned it with his spiritual consciousness. He nodded and said: "Yes, brother, this thing is indeed the best magic weapon, but... it is of the same level. The value of the magic weapon is the lowest. If you exchange it for my bronze tripod, you need to add 10,000 spiritual stones!"

Xu Changan took the storage bag back and put another treasure in it this time: "Brother, see if this can catch your eyes!"

This time he had a small silver shield inside, which originally belonged to Zhang Wuya.

Zhang Wuya died and was accepted by Xu Changan.

"This..." After the fat monk saw the small silver shield, he hesitated for a few breaths, and then said: "Okay... Although your shield is not as good as my bronze tripod, it is also a top-quality magic weapon, and I just lack this thing!”

The two struck a deal.

The fat man was also very particular. In addition to giving Xu Changan a bronze tripod and a copper stove, he also gave Xu Changan a storage bag.


Xu Changan took the storage bag and then walked around the trading square for a while, selling the stolen goods that could not be seen in the light little by little.

Of course, it's mainly magic weapons.

There is the big black gun, and some other treasures used for attack, defense and traveling.

I bought a total of more than 200,000 spiritual stones and came back.

After finishing handling the things, Xu Changan said hello to Zhen Qingyan and Ding Lan and returned to his temporary residence.

The first thing is to arrange a three-level formation around the futon where you meditate in the main hall.

Level 3 Forbidden God Array.

Even though the third level is one more level than the second level, the layout is ten times more complicated. It took half a day, revised several times, and exploded again. Finally, Xu Changan finally He reluctantly set up the Forbidden God Formation.

It's not big, only three feet in diameter, but the golden light film flowing on the restriction is thick and skinless.

Even if the powerful spiritual consciousness of the golden elixir swept over, it could not penetrate it.

After setting up the formation, Xu Changan drove the black-winged eagle into the courtyard to guard the gate.

According to Shang Zong's arrangement, there are still more than twenty days before the first [Fighting Competition]. For Xu Changan, these twenty days are equal to more than 200 days.

What have you been doing for so long?

Of course it’s practice.

With a thought from Xu Changan, his whole body entered the golden talisman space.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, a medium-grade blood bead filled his mouth.

At the same time, he took out the small tripod he just bought and studied it.

There are seven layers of restrictions on this copper essence tripod, which need to be refined before it can be used.

Then let’s refine it.

Xu Changan is multitasking.

A few days later, he refined all the seven levels of restrictions on the bronze tripod.

Xu Changan picked up the copper furnace again. There was a small fire-gathering formation engraved in the copper furnace. As long as two fire-attribute spirit stones were put into the groove, the copper furnace could be started to make fire. Two spirit stones, It is enough to support the fire gathering array for dozens of days.



Xu Changan put in two fire-attributed spiritual stones, and instantly a wisp of flame burst out from the stove. He placed the bronze cauldron on it and it was just ready for use.

Next, Xu Changan took out a white jade slip. This jade slip was taken from Tian Qianqiu's body. It recorded many elixir prescriptions since ancient times. One of the most basic elixir prescriptions is [ Bigu Pill].

That's right!

Because Xu Changan was practicing the Nine Nether Blood Sutra, he had almost no need for elixirs, but this Bigu Pill was useful.

Because eating one of these things could ensure the energy supply and fullness of the cultivator for ten days, otherwise it would be too troublesome to eat spiritual rice every day.

Xu Changan first memorized the techniques and key points of refining Bigu Pills, and then took out the raw materials for refining Bigu Pills while burning the copper tripod.

Although it was the first time to refine pills, Xu Changan was not unfamiliar with this thing.

Because he had refined many [Blood Pearls].

Blood Pearls are a disguised external tonic pill. The refining techniques are actually similar to refining pills, but they have the same goal.

Two hours later.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Accompanied by a mysterious breath gushing out of the pill furnace, a sweet and delicious breath also came out of the furnace.

"Done?" Xu Changan's consciousness moved, and the lid of the copper tripod opened. Twelve golden pills about the size of pigeon eggs flew out of the furnace, and were quickly collected by Xu Changan and dropped into the jade bottle.

Xu Changan took out a bigu pill from the jade bottle.

It was the size of a pigeon egg, golden, and there were hazy lines on it.

Xu Changan knew that this golden line was called a pill pattern, which could be one, two, three or four.

One represents a low-grade pill, two mid-grade, three high-grade, and four top-grade.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Four pill patterns suddenly appeared on the bigu pill in Xu Changan's hand.

"Oh my..."

"Top-grade pill... I actually refined a top-grade elixir?"

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