Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 092 [Narrowly won the eighth floor and got full marks]

"Oh my god, what kind of magic is this? It looks so amazing?"

"How did he tear this Tai Chi diagram?"

"Why do I feel a very dangerous aura from it?"

The disciples who watched the battle started to discuss one by one.

Cheng Bufan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said: "The Wheel of Life and Death... This is the Wheel of Life and Death..."

"That's right!" Zhen Qingyan took a deep breath and said: "I have heard that there is a powerful magic on Wanghe Peak, called [Wheel of Life and Death]. It is one of the most core inheritances of Wanghe Peak. Countless disciples want to learn it but can't find the way. How did Uncle Minghe pass this magical power to Junior Brother Xu?"

"The key is that Junior Brother Xu has mastered it?"

"This..." Li Chijian looked at the Wheel of Life and Death in Xu Changan's hand with envy, quite He said with some emotion: "There are many people with wood-attributed spiritual roots on our Wanghe Peak, but Master only passed this withering and flourishing scripture to my junior brother!"

"But it's useless!" Cheng Bufan said: "When using this wheel of life and death against an enemy, the key is to throw it accurately. Xu Changan's cultivation is too low and his speed is too slow, so he may not be able to throw the wheel of death on this big man!"

"Yes!" Huang Zhicheng also nodded: "If he misses the first attack and his internal energy is not good, it will be his bad luck!"

It must be said that what Cheng Bufan said makes sense.

When using the wheel of life and death against an enemy, the biggest problem is to throw it on the opponent.

If you can't throw it on the opponent, you can't absorb the opponent's vitality.

"What is this?" Lu Dadong felt an extremely dangerous message from Xu Changan's left and right hands. He temporarily stopped attacking, jumped up, retreated five feet and distanced himself from Xu Changan.

Xu Changan said sternly: "Brother Lu, surrender now, you still have a chance!"

"Impossible!" Lu Dadong sneered: "Just your two broken wheels, use them first!"


Xu Changan raised his right hand and threw the black death wheel at Lu Dadong.

The speed was very fast!

However, in Lu Dadong's eyes, he could completely avoid it at this speed.

Because there was still a distance of six or seven feet between him and Xu Changan.

However, the next moment!

When Lu Dadong wanted to jump away, he suddenly felt an extremely powerful divine thought blasting into his mind at lightning speed.

This divine thought was extremely domineering.

"Ah..." Lu Dadong's mind was instantly a mess.

He felt that his divine thought was paralyzed and he could not control his body at all.

Although this paralysis of divine consciousness was less than a breath of time, it was enough for the flying death wheel.


The black rotating death wheel was directly blasted into Lu Dadong's body.

The [Withering and Flourishing Sutra] in Xu Changan's body started to run wildly.

He was doing two things at once.

He was running the Withering and Flourishing Sutra to absorb Lu Dadong's vitality while retreating rapidly.

Because he knew that Lu Dadong, who was furious, would definitely choose to give it a try.

"Damn it, what is this thing that is actually devouring my vitality?" Lu Dadong's face turned black.

However, it's not a big deal now.

Because although his vitality is decreasing, it's not the kind that will be lost all at once.

The Wheel of Life and Death is only effective for cultivators with a cultivation level three levels higher than the caster and below. Lu Dadong's cultivation level is just three levels higher than Xu Changan, which is close to the boundary of this effect, so the speed at which the Wheel of Life and Death absorbs vitality is very slow.

"Kill you, this mark should be able to be removed..."

"Flame Slash!"

Lu Dadong jumped up and then infused it through the air.

Suddenly, a red long sword appeared in the void, with a blazing flame, and slashed at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan had been on guard for a long time, so he jumped away.

However, the next moment, a huge ice cone suddenly pierced out from where he landed.

"Puff puff puff puff..."

A row of ice cones pierced out from the ground, and even though Xu Changan tried his best to dodge, he was stabbed in the right calf.

Blood rushed out immediately.


Xu Changan had just dodged the ice cone, and Lu Dadong next to him punched him.

This time, he couldn't dodge it.


The punch hit Xu Changan's right shoulder hard.

Xu Changan was blown away like a kite with a broken string.

An arc of blood fell in the air.

"Junior brother..." Ding Lan shouted sadly below: "Quickly surrender..."

The scene of Xu Changan falling to the ground that everyone imagined did not appear.

Instead, he used the force of Lu Dadong's attack to distance himself from Lu Dadong. When he was in the air, he waved his hands, and the ice needle in his left hand and the fireball in his right hand smashed towards Lu Dadong.


Everyone was shocked again: "It's okay?"

"This ant still has time to fight back?"

"Oh my God, his mind is so strong, he can do two things at the same time?"

"No, it's three things at the same time..."

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

"If this guy participates in the God Fighting Competition, he will definitely be invincible, right?"

Inside the formation!

Xu Changan's injuries had completely recovered when he landed.

However, with the Withering and Flourishing Sutra, the Wheel of Life and Death, and various spells running straight down, Xu Changan's spiritual power was also rapidly consumed, and in a blink of an eye it was on the verge of exhaustion.

Without saying a word, he threw a top-grade Qi Gathering Pill into his mouth.

"Hmph..." Lu Dadong said, "My mana is exhausted... Hahaha..."


Lu Dadong jumped into the sky again, and stretched out his hand to slash with flames.

This time Xu Changan learned his lesson, twisted a few times in the air to avoid it, and perfectly avoided the ice cone under his feet.

After ten breaths, the spiritual power in his body has recovered.

At the same time, he threw another top-grade Qi-gathering Pill into his mouth.


Under the huge impact of spiritual power, the headband on Lu Dadong's head suddenly broke.

His hair floated in all directions.

"This... my hair... my hair... why is it white?"

Lu Dadong looked at his hands in horror, and there were already wrinkles on his hands.

Xu Changan said: "Brother Lu... I have been draining the vitality in your body. If you keep draining it in half an incense stick, you will completely lose your vitality..."

"Give up now and I will give you your vitality!"

Xu Changan took advantage of Lu Dadong's daze, moved his feet, and flew backwards to distance himself from him.

"Even if you kill me now, I can't take back all your vitality!" Xu Changan said: "Let's put it this way, you have lost 30 years of life!"

"Brother Lu, surrender quickly, or you will lose more!"

"Surrender!" Lu Dadong raised his hand and said: "I surrender, I surrender..."

Xu Changan walked out of the formation and threw the life wheel in his left hand into Lu Dadong's body. The vitality returned to his body, and Lu Dadong's image began to change.

The gray hair became black again.

The wrinkles on his hands and face disappeared.

Everyone on the stage and off the stage widened their eyes in shock.


Winning already?

"Huh..." The host took a deep breath and said, "I declare that Xu Chang'an from Taixuan Sect of Yangshuo County has successfully challenged the opponent of a higher level. He has obtained 170 points in this match, and a total score of 200 points, a full score!"

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