Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 179 A Talent Picked from a Million

It was winter again. Er Gouzi sat on the top of She Mountain, holding a letter of more than ten pages and reading it carefully.

This was a letter from Sima Yi to him from the capital.

The capital was far away, so they only communicated two or three times a year. This was also due to the fact that there were post stations all over the country in the court. Otherwise, it was unknown whether the letter could be sent out.

According to the letter, Sima Yi was promoted again.

Over the years, through correspondence, he was also very clear about Sima Yi's experience.

This guy was recommended by the King of Qi and became an official after he established his foundation.

With such a strong background, he should have been smooth sailing as an official, but he performed his bumpy career to the extreme.

Just like that, he was promoted and demoted again and again, promoted and demoted again...

The demotions were almost endless.

He was imprisoned several times during this period.

If the King of Qi had always strongly protected him, Sima Yi would have had nine heads chopped off.

With the support of the King of Qi, Sima Yi was deliberately targeted in the officialdom.

And if he was always careful, he would become an enemy of the entire officialdom.

If he broke the rules of the officialdom or cut off his financial resources, it would be like destroying his job and killing his parents.

Maybe Sima Yi deliberately wanted to be an enemy of the entire officialdom, but he just wanted to stick to his original intention and keep himself out of trouble.

For example, he worked as a small prisoner in Tianlao for a period of time.

The jailers tortured the prisoners in various ways every day to ask for money from their families.

If the prisoners paid money, they would lock the iron chain next to the toilet.

Moreover, the height of the iron chain was also very particular, always making the prisoners stand up straight and sit down in a half-squatting position.

Under the torture day and night, many prisoners' hands and feet were worn away by the iron chains, revealing their bones.

But as long as they remembered to pay a certain amount of money on time every month, the prisoners could leave the toilet and sit or lie down in prison.

If the price of the property is raised by one level, there will be a single room to live in, and even maids to serve.

As long as the property is paid enough, the prisoner can live back in his own home, and his daily life will not be affected in any way.

After Sima Yi became the head of the prison, he abolished the system of paying property according to the level.

This is equivalent to cutting off the jailer's financial resources, and the jailers under him complained.

Without income, there is naturally no money to honor the superiors, and the superiors are quite dissatisfied with Sima Yi's subordinates.

At the same time, it also offended those ordinary prisoners, whose families could live happily by paying a sum of money.

Now these prisoners are locked up in prison like those untouchables and suffer.

Finally, one time, the two parties joined forces to kill a prisoner in prison and put the blame on Sima Yi.

His career as a prisoner ended there.

For him, this kind of dismissal was not common.

In more dangerous times, his subordinates colluded with outsiders and united to assassinate him.

Another time, he was suspected by others just because he was willing to accept the benefits when they were distributed.

He almost died at that time, but fortunately, he had a few Yi camp members under his command.

Er Gouzi had long been accustomed to Sima Yi's ups and downs.

With a temper like that, not only the officialdom, but also the entire Zhou Dynasty could not tolerate him.

So Er Gouzi was not surprised to see that he was promoted again, but was surprised that he would be demoted again after a while.

However, Er Gouzi admired Sima Yi from the bottom of his heart.

After experiencing so many setbacks and being exhausted, he never thought of getting involved in corruption.

In Sima Yi's letters, he often mentioned his own experiences in a passing manner without giving a detailed account.

The letter also told him about the court and the situation in the world.

Through Sima Yi's letter, Er Gouzi knew that he might be promoted again.

He did nothing, but his official career was more prosperous than Sima Yi's.

Because the entire Sanyang County was destroyed by Ding Lao Mo, the only remaining Xia County Governor was attacked by the blood evil, and now he is stupid and recuperating at home.

But Sanyang County is such a large area, there must be a local governor to manage it.

The Xia family recommended a good official with high moral character and love for the people to the court.

Moreover, this son-in-law of the Xia family knows his background and is reassuring.

In the past, as long as the Xia family made a request, the emperor would give face most of the time.

But this time, the Emperor Longxing Sheng said that he would give the world's cultivators a chance and choose the most suitable one.

At present, the number of the new Sanyang County Governor has not been completely determined.

But Sima Yi judged from the news he heard that the Sanyang County Governor must be Er Gouzi.

Because the original words of the Holy Emperor Longxing were:

"Now Sanyang County is in a state of disrepair, and a county governor with practical farming experience is needed.

So the best candidate is someone who has raised pigs, chopped wood, and is good at farming.

And Sanyang County has no governors, and they need to recruit governors. The new county governor cannot have too white skin. It is best to have a darker skin and be more simple, so that he will be more approachable!"

The Holy Emperor Longxing's appointment conditions were almost written with Zhang Ergou's name.

When the Xia family saw this appointment condition, they could only shout: wise and intelligent, good at civil and military affairs, virtuous and popular, long-lived, the supreme Holy Emperor Longxing, immortal and blessed, long-lived!

At present, the court has not yet fully confirmed it, and there should be a result soon.

I have fed pigs, chopped wood, and like farming. I have dark skin...

After checking all the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is difficult to find the second choice.

Er Gouzi saw this and realized that he was also the kind of person who only appears once every few thousand years, and he was a talent that was picked out of ten thousand.

Being black has its advantages, and his talent was finally discovered.

In fact, I wanted to be an official, but it was boring, and it was more fun to farm.

Now that Brother Ji and his father wanted to, Er Gouzi had to give the emperor a face, so he could only accept it reluctantly.

Er Gouzi continued to read the letter, and it turned out that the entire Great Zhou Dynasty was too bad.

Only the south was fighting with the Wan Yao Kingdom, the west was fighting with Taoshan Kingdom, and the east was fighting with the sea monsters.

Only the northern giants are stupid and like to eat raw brains. The Great Zhou Dynasty sends 1,000 boys and girls there every year to temporarily calm their hearts and ensure peace.

There are also undercurrents within the dynasty, with hungry people making trouble, and some local officials having different intentions, etc., so no place is safe.

Er Gouzi's scalp tingles when he sees this mess. Fortunately, he is the emperor who cares about this.

Even with such a mess, Brother Ji and his brothers are still scrambling for it.

At the end of the letter, Sima Yi also reminded Er Gouzi to be careful.

Originally, Sanyang County belonged to the Xia family's piece of meat, but now it is forced into Er Gouzi's mouth by Emperor Longxing.

The Xia family may hate Er Gouzi.

Er Gouzi folded the letter and put it away. He felt the cold wind on the top of the mountain, which was a bit piercing.

More than half a month passed, and Er Gouzi really received another imperial edict, appointing him as the governor of Sanyang County.

At the same time, he also served as the agricultural commander, Sanyang County commander and several other positions.

He was promoted again without knowing why.

The white-faced and beardless man came to deliver the imperial edict, and he received a large amount of spiritual stones again before he was willing to give the imperial edict to him.

Er Gouzi already had a few more spiritual stones left, and now it was even worse, and his pocket was completely empty.

After this promotion, except for a group of his subordinates, no one came to congratulate him.

All the officials in Sanyang County died.

None of the officials from the surrounding counties came, and it was obvious that they all wanted to interact with me.

The Xia family did not send anyone to congratulate me.

This was good, and it suited Er Gouzi's wishes.

I was good at socializing, and I liked to socialize with those people, saying some high-sounding words.

Since I became the governor of Sanyang County, I had to act like a governor and do some things.

I had many capable people under my command. First of all, I temporarily gave the position of the county magistrate to Huang Laocai.

Huang Laocai had been a small landlord all his life, and he had never seen such a high-ranking official before.

Er Gouzi appointed the position to me, and the old man was flattered and almost fainted.

However, this guy was really good at his job. In a short time, he had a clear grasp of all the remaining land in Sanyang County.

After being tossed around by Ding Lao Mo, there are still 20,000 people in Sanyang County.

Except for the group of people who were stopped by Huang Mancang, the rest of the people lived in very remote places and were lucky enough to escape.

These 20,000 people only controlled a small part of the land, and the rest were all unowned land.

All unowned things can easily make many people have strange thoughts and cause many unnecessary disputes.

Some people wanted to occupy the good farmland, and fought, and even caused deaths.

As the county governor, Er Gouzi registered all these lands in his name without hesitation.

In this way, there will be no more fighting for these unowned lands, and the world will be peaceful from now on.

But now it is almost spring, and the entire Sanyang County has no land to cultivate.

This makes Er Gouzi very distressed!

With more than 2,000 people under his command, it is only enough to defend Sanyang County and cultivate all the spiritual fields.

As for abandoning the land, he made this decision anyway.

After thinking about it, he can only learn from Ding Lao Mo and make himself the great master of Sanyang County to attract people from other places to settle here.

He asked the government to spread the news that outsiders who settled in Sanyang County as tenants only had to pay 20% of the land rent.

After paying 20%, the remaining food would all belong to the tenants themselves.

There were too many landless people in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and most tenants had to pay more than 50% of the rent.

Now that they heard the news, a large number of people came here in the severe cold with their old and young.

Er Gouzi refused everyone and asked them to settle in those villages without land.

And he strictly restrained his subordinates, not extorting or scolding outsiders at will.

In the case of the counterattack, there were a large number of young wives and girls under his command, so Qiuyue was asked to take these women to be responsible for reception and settlement.

Er Gouzi repeatedly reminded them to be friendly, to be like family when they came, and to give the outsiders a sense of home warmth.

Qiuyue was really good at this, making everyone feel like they were bathed in the spring breeze, and to feel the warmth of home in the cold spring.

In order to improve the efficiency of farming, Er Gouzi learned how to refine a kind of farming equipment from the inheritance of Qianji Lao.

This equipment is made by the method of refining equipment. As long as the spirit stone is installed, it can run fast in the field.

It is many times faster than cattle and horses in plowing and turning the soil. As long as there is a spirit stone, you will never feel tired.

However, this device is extremely useless to the world of immortal cultivation.

Even if you work yourself to death for thousands of times, it is not as valuable as a spiritual stone, and it is not cost-effective at all.

Therefore, although there is such a device, the world of immortal cultivation has never seen anyone using it.

However, for Er Gouzi, it is still very cost-effective, and it is simply tailor-made for him.

As long as you take out these spiritual stones before they are exhausted and put them into the gourd to replenish the spiritual energy.

You can keep using it in a cycle, with almost no consumption.

Recently, Er Gouzi took the time to refine two sets, and the efficiency of farming at that time shocked everyone.

"Wow, this iron bull can hold up to hundreds of people."

"I'm afraid it can only hold up to hundreds of people."

"People always have to eat, drink, sleep and pee, but this iron bull can sleep and rest, and keep working."

Seeing an iron lump made of hundreds of steel running fast in the field, all the people were surprised and sighed.

They never thought that there could be such an object in the world.

Let the men take turns to plow the land with these two iron bulls, and the people rest, and the iron bulls rest.

The farming efficiency has increased countless times, which can solve some of the problems of food shortage.

After Er Gouzi settled all these things, he finally rode on the big white goose and flew to Qingzhou City.

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