Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 190 The herdsmen have their own skills

After replying to Sima Yi this time, it took almost another year before I received Sima Yi's letter.

The two were too far apart. When Sima Yi received the letter, he was a minor official again and was in office at this time.

Of course, it was impossible for him to abandon his official position and join Er Gouzi.

Moreover, Sima Yi told Er Gouzi tactfully in the letter.

His goal was the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, and he had long since left his personal safety and honor behind.

When the Sima family was exterminated, he had already regarded himself as a dead man.

He was alive again, not caring about his life, not seeking money, but only wanting to change this world that was upside down.

He was not afraid of death, so why should he be afraid of dismissal!

After reading Sima Yi's letter, Er Gouzi didn't know how to reply.

Maybe this is the difference between people.

If he was oppressed by someone, he would keep silent, remember it silently, and take revenge when he got the chance to kill the opponent.

If there was no chance for revenge, he would have been dead in the hands of his aunt if he had not been so tolerant.

Looking back, Dagou couldn't bear it at the time...

Sima Yi's idea was completely different from Ergouzi's.

He was framed by Xia County Magistrate and his family was exterminated, but in the end he thought it was the problem of the entire Zhou Dynasty.

Forget it, everyone has their own aspirations, and they can't be forced. It's better to respect each other.

Ergouzi's reply to Sima Yi only said that Sanyang County had another bumper harvest this year.

He is now the only landlord in Sanyang County, and more than 200,000 people in the county are all his tenants.

The letter told Sima Yi that if he couldn't make it and had no food to eat one day, he could come to Sanyang County as a tenant, and he would definitely rent him the most fertile land.

Ergouzi wrote the letter and sent it to the post station and mailed it out.

He guessed that when Sima Yi received the letter, he should have been dismissed again.

The two of them traveled too far, and Sima Yi was dismissed too quickly.

The correspondence, which was almost once a year, was far behind Sima Yi's pace.

In the past year, Sanyang County has undergone tremendous changes.

The few landlords in the area originally had to pay various taxes every year, which required 30% of the land income.

With more than 20% of the land rent in Sanyang County, it was impossible to hire tenants. It was better to be a tenant than to farm by yourself.

In the end, these landlords could only sell the land to Er Gouzi and find another way to make a living.

Now, the land of the whole county belongs to one family, and he has become the first person in Sanyang County in name and in reality.

Er Gouzi has been a pig feeder and firewood chopper since he was a child. He only knows how to farm and has never been an official. He has extremely little experience in how to herd people.

Because he was too poor, he didn't even raise cattle and horses.

He could only apply some of the concepts of growing crops to the daily management of Sanyang County.

First of all, farming without manure is just a waste of time.

If you want crops to grow well, fertilizer and water are indispensable!

In Er Gouzi's heart, he simply regarded all the tenants in the county as crops in his own fields.

He actually did this a long time ago. He only collected 20% of the rent, and the tenants still had 10% of the harvest, enough for them to eat.

Even during festivals, they could eat meat.

For the tenants, fertilizer and water were enough, and they lived better than some small landlords.

Under his jurisdiction in Sanyang County, no one starved to death, which was absolutely a miracle for the entire Zhou Dynasty.

Second, if you want the crops to grow luxuriantly, you can't just pull a handful of leaves today and dig some roots tomorrow.

In order to protect the growth of crops and allow tenants to farm with peace of mind.

Er Gouzi specially organized several teams to patrol various places, arrest thieves, and strictly forbid his subordinates to disturb the people.

These subordinates are all from poor backgrounds. Er Gouzi gave them a life, but they may have been used to a good life over the years.

Some people have learned the tricks of the officials.

Some time ago, there was a man who harassed and beat tenants at will.

After Er Gouzi found out, he hung this subordinate up and beat him in public.

Then he was put in prison and starved for a few days to let him recall the taste of being hungry before.

Anyone who dared to destroy the crops in the field would cut off Er Gouzi's way of wealth and would definitely be irreconcilable with him.

Since then, the people of the whole county have always mentioned Zhang Qingtian.

Now there is no need for Er Gouzi to specially publicize it. His reputation as the great Qingtian has spread to several surrounding states and counties.

For Er Gouzi, it was a completely unexpected gain. He had originally just followed the method of growing crops mechanically.

He wanted to let the tenants in the whole county farm with peace of mind, so that he could collect more rent, which was completely out of selfishness.

After this success, Er Gouzi felt that being a magistrate seemed not so difficult, and he was a little bit arrogant.

It made him more confident in his theory of growing crops and feeding pigs.

He remembered that he had suffered enough from insufficient population and no one to farm before, so he wanted to encourage tenants to have more children and grow more crops.

He also remembered that when cattle and horses in the village gave birth, the owners would feed them some concentrated feed.

Er Gouzi used this trick mechanically again, and recently issued a new decree.

He paid out of his own pocket, and any tenant family with a newborn population would be rewarded with one stone of grain.

All of a sudden, the tenants were as tired as dogs in the fields every day, and they had to cheer up and plow another field when they got home.

It was obvious that there were fewer people hanging out outside at night, except for bachelors.

If the young wives didn't have a big belly when they went out, the men at home would not be able to lift their heads.

Others still think that the men in her family are not good enough.

This kind of shame is comparable to going out with a cuckold on your head.

The tenants have a very simple mind. If your land cannot be planted, you might as well lend it to me to plant it. You can't let the land go to waste.

In the year since the New Deal was promulgated, the birth rate has skyrocketed.

However, he soon discovered something was wrong.

The child was indeed born, and one stone of food was obtained.

But the children were not fed.

For every 굛 child born, almost seven are left without food to feed, and among the children without food to feed, girls account for the majority.

Ergouzi looked at the population data compiled by Huang Laocai, his fingers trembling slightly.

"Tricky people!"

This is the first time since he took office that he has called his tenants unruly people.

Under normal circumstances, the birth mortality rate of infants in the Zhou Dynasty was about one-third.

All landlords and wealthy families will celebrate when their children live to be 100 days old. This child can probably be fed.

But in this year, the infant mortality rate in Sanyang County doubled.

Ergouzi has been used to seeing drowned and abandoned babies in Snake Creek Village since he was a child. Of course he knows where this extremely high mortality rate comes from.

"Master, do you want to stop our decree of rewarding one stone of grain?"

Huang Laocai is an old man, so he naturally understands better how these babies died, all because of that stone of food.

Ergouzi rubbed his forehead. In his past life experience, there was no way to deal with it.

In the books of sages and sages I have read, this is never taught.

"Huang Laocai."

"Let me ask you a question, what if some animals kill their own cubs?"

As the richest man in Snake Creek Village, Huang Laocai has raised many livestock and accumulated a lot of experience.

"Such an animal does exist. I used to have a hen at home. Every time he laid an egg, he would break the egg and eat it himself.

I asked the women at home to stay by the chicken coop every day and take away the eggs as soon as they were laid. "

"There are also some animals that will kill and eat the babies after giving birth. When encountering such animals, you can only take away the babies and feed them alone..."

Huang Laocai talked about his experience in raising livestock, which was quite rich, and he talked endlessly.

After hearing what Huang Laocai said, Er Gouzi suddenly became enlightened.

"I have an idea."

After having an in-depth conversation with Huang Laocai this time, 늀 called Qiuyue over and gave her a large amount of money and food.

Let Qiuyue take this money and build 100 nurseries throughout the county.

The reward of one stone of grain will be distributed as usual. Those who have given birth to cubs and are unwilling to raise them will be collected by the Nursery.

At the same time, it was discovered that infants were drowned and abandoned, which was the same crime as murder.

It took Qiuyue several months to build the first batch of nurseries. Soon, many babies were received and they were full.

Ergouzi gave him more money and food and continued to build 100 more.

Most of the babies received by the nursery are newly born babies with extremely weak constitutions.

Without breast milk and just drinking some rice porridge, it is easy to die.

In order to enhance the survival rate of these babies, Ergouzi specially allocated a large amount of spiritual rice.

In addition, a small amount of goat milk and some meat were obtained, and they were all distributed to the nursery.

After the infants ate porridge cooked with Lingmi, the mortality rate dropped significantly.

Moreover, these babies eat spiritual food since childhood, and their bodies are stronger...


Based on Ergouzi's concept of growing crops, after several years of management, Sanyang County has become the richest county in Qingzhou.

Now it has a population of more than 600,000, and the annual land rent collected is nearly 2 million dan.

No one in the county died of hunger.

The legend of a wealthy man named Qingtian who came out of Sanyang County has spread throughout the entire Zhou Dynasty.

It has become a place that people throughout the dynasty yearn for, and now many people are not far away and want to move to Sanyang County.

Especially now that the entire Zhou Dynasty is in dire straits and wars are going on, Sanyang County looks even more dazzling.

For this reason, Emperor Longxingsheng also specially drafted an imperial edict to praise Ergouzi.

Praise him for his skills as a herdsman!

However, neither the Xia family nor Emperor Longxing Sheng had any intention of letting Er Gouzi enjoy such a fat piece of meat.

They began to place officials in Sanyang County under various names.

The positions of several county magistrates under his command have become popular.

As for the original Xia family's various blockades against Sanyang County, they were quickly broken after Ergouzi borrowed materials several times.

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