Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 196 Human Spy (1/2)

The army camp of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom is stationed on a mountain opposite to the wall of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In the past few days, Fatty Chen led the human army and attacked fiercely like a mad dog, making the demons a little confused.

I don’t understand what happened to the Great Zhou Dynasty. Why did they suddenly go so crazy?

The general in charge of the army of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom is a demon in the shape of a big black bear, called General Xiong.

He is tall and burly, with human organs, but with black bear-like hair and limbs.

"General Xiong, the evil cultivators in the Great Zhou Dynasty sent information."

General Xiong was thinking hard with his hands behind his back, and a thin demon with a long tail behind him walked in.

"What information?"

"The evil cultivators and traitors have resold a batch of military supplies from the Great Zhou Dynasty. They are ready to send them over after a while and find an opportunity."

The thin and mouse-like demon said, handing over a jade slip with both hands.

General Xiong took the jade slip and cast a complex spell on it.

This is an encrypted jade slip that stores information and can only be opened and read in a special way.

If it is used improperly, the jade slip will burst.

General Xiong used his spiritual sense to explore the jade slip, and after checking the information inside, the jade slip broke.

The jade slip contains a lot of information, including intelligence from all aspects.

Speaking of it, it is really worthwhile for the Wan Yao Kingdom to raise this group of human traitors, and the return is huge, much better than raising dogs and other livestock.

Spreading human traitors to the Great Zhou Dynasty has reaped a lot of rewards in recent years.

Just destroying the logistics of the Great Zhou army has given the Wan Yao Kingdom army an advantage.

There is no logistics supply in the continent, and every battle can only be cautious and dare not consume too much.

However, among the information he received today, there was one that made him alert.

According to the spies' report, the two newly appointed grain officials of the Great Zhou disappeared after being secretly received by Fatty Chen.

Logically speaking, the Great Zhou army was seriously lacking in logistical supplies, which was a coincidence. How could they disappear?

And the time when these two people disappeared just happened to coincide with the time when Fatty Chen launched a mad dog-like counterattack.

By comparing and analyzing like this, he has realized that perhaps Fatty Chen also wants to send people to infiltrate his side.

Because he often does this kind of thing, he subconsciously guessed in this direction.

"What are the names of the two missing officials of the Great Zhou?"

"One is Yang Tie, a veteran official, very cunning..."

"The other is Zhang Ergou, nicknamed Ergouzi, the governor of Yang County, a young man who feeds pigs and chops wood. He knows nothing except farming!"

Based on the information obtained from the intelligence, the mouse demon has long known the officials of the Great Zhou nearby.

"Make hundreds of portraits of the two of them and quietly pass them to the rear. As long as you see these two people, arrest them, preferably keep them alive."

"The general is wise, and my subordinates admire the general, like the torrential river, endless..."


After Yang Tie and Ergouzi decided to be lazy and lazy, their whole mental state was relaxed, just as if they were here for fun.

The two bypassed the battlefield overnight and arrived at the rear of the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Demons.

Most people in the Wan Yao Kingdom are similar to Yushan, and look half human and half demon.

Some look more human, and some look more demon.

There are few normal people, and few normal demons.

However, most of their places are similar to the Great Zhou Dynasty, with some people farming, some doing business, and some robbing...

The two dared not show up in their human form, so they could only hide in a deserted place for days.

But hiding like this is not good, at least they have to get some supplies back to report.

General Chen gave them 50 storage bags each, even if they were broken, they had to pick up some and put a few storage bags back.

The two did not dare to mess with the Wan Yao Kingdom army warehouse, so they could only hide during the day and at night, wearing a black cloak that could make them invisible, and wandering around the nearby demon village.

If they saw anything valuable in the village, they would put it into the storage bag.

Anyway, there are no masters in such a small village. With their strength in the foundation building stage, they can do whatever they want.

It's just that they emptied all the valuable items in the monster village, and there are not many things.

Although the small village is safe, there is too little oil and water for two melons and dates, and it has to be divided between two people. After discussion, they decided to act separately.

"Ten days later, we will contact each other through the communication talisman."


After Er Gouzi separated from Yang Tie, he began to use his consciousness to transform.

He didn't tell anyone that he could transform. If people knew that he was the butterfly fairy, it would be a big trouble.

At first, he transformed into the image of a snake man, but after walking a few steps, he couldn't adapt to the crooked steps.

He then transformed into a bear-man, with human organs, walking upright, but with thick black hair.

Walking around the Wan Yao Country like this, he felt much freer, and no one doubted him anymore.

He scouted during the day and moved things into the village at night, and he did harvest some food supplies, and even stole two cows, a few pigs, dozens of chickens, and a dog.

These creatures were naturally not intended to be handed over to General Chen, so he threw them into the gourd and let Yushan raise them.

After several years of hard work, he had built a piece of land of dozens of acres in the gourd.

Yushan stayed in the gourd to farm most of the time.

In particular, every time he was about to leave Sheshan, he would definitely take Yushan with him.

It's okay, since they are a family, he can't bear it and will miss Yushan all the time when he is out of sight.

In order to reduce the labor intensity of Yushan, you can save time and plant more land.

Ergouzi burned all the newly collected soil and stones, killing all the remaining grass seeds inside.

Afterwards, as long as no other weed seeds are brought in, no more weeds will grow.

However, grass seeds are so tenacious that even a little mud on the soles of shoes or dust on clothes may contain grass seeds.

Even if you pour some manure into the ground, it may contain live grass seeds.

"Yu Shan, I have come to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons. Do you want to go back to your hometown to visit?"

"It's nice here, but I don't want to go home now!"

"Okay, then you go about your business first, I won't disturb you anymore."

Ergouzi was a little disappointed. He also wanted Yushan to be a guide, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

He has been sneaking around in some villages recently, but has gained too little and has long been tired of it.

I just wanted to get some big ones, so I just stole a handful of them and stopped.

Anyway, I have already accumulated rich experience in this area.

In the past two days, he found a nearby demon city that was not too big, and checked around to inquire about the situation inside.

Knowing that there was no high-level strong person inside, this 꺳뀪 bear-man image swaggered inside.

There are not many people in this city, it is about the same size as a county town.

The residents inside are all kinds of monsters.

After he entered the city, he spread his spiritual consciousness and wandered around the city for a day.

As for which family is rich and which is poor, the city lord's warehouse can be clearly understood.

In particular, he discovered that there was also a group of monster beasts and horses here.

The citizens of the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom are all half-demon. The country is also particularly good at taming various monsters, raising them for work, fighting, eating meat, etc.

Therefore, taming monster beasts is one of the important industries of the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom.

After Ergou found out the situation in the city, he found a place to stay.

When it got dark, he put on his cloak, disappeared, walked into the streets and alleys, and visited every house.

There is a lot of food in this house, and there is also a basket of salted eggs, so I collected them.

There are several dishes in this kitchen. Take them away and you can use them for military supplies.

This family is amazing. They raise two monster golden pigs, weighing more than 500 kilograms, and put them into gourds.

Finally, he visited the city lord's house. This city lord was a demon with a bull's head and body, which was equivalent to the strength of a human being in the late stage of Qi refining.

The warehouse of the city lord's house was also filled with rotten and moldy food that could not be eaten.

I also found a batch of elixirs and some elixirs.

The most important thing is that the city owner has more than a dozen monster beasts and war horses.

These horses are slender and up to one foot tall, possessing the strength in the early stages of Qi training.

All these monster beasts and horses were collected into the gourd.

When Ergou was working, he knew very well that what he put in the gourd was his own, and what he put in his storage bag was what he took back for work.

The good stuff goes into the gourd first, and the rest goes into the storage bag.

In just one night, all valuable things in the city were moved away without disturbing anyone.

More than 30 of the 50 storage bags given by General Chen were barely filled.

If you can't find other items later, you can just hand it over when you go back.

As for the heavily guarded place like the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom's army warehouse, after listening to Yang Tie's reminder, he didn't want to go.

He is just a minor official, and the empire of the Zhou Dynasty is not his own, so there is no need to take this risk.

Before dawn, Ergou had already left the city and was about to head towards the border. He would sneak back all the way and reach the border.


Ergou was walking on a mountain road, humming a tune, when suddenly a loud shout came from behind him.

Looking back, it turned out to be a small group of troops from the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, wearing leather armor and holding large axes.

Was it discovered so quickly?

Ergou glanced at him again with his spiritual consciousness. He felt that he was well disguised and should not be exposed.

I can only force myself to calm down and stand still and wait.

It was only when this group of soldiers got closer that they saw clearly that they were a group of bear-men who looked similar to themselves.

They are all tall and covered with thick black hair.

"Why are you walking so fast?"

"You have been recruited to do some work with us."

Ergou 떚 was relieved when he realized that his identity was not leaked.

There are only 5 soldiers in this team, but each one is strong in the foundation building stage, and one of them is relatively strong in the late stage of foundation building.

"I wonder what you officials are doing?"

Ergou is not sure that he will win with one blow, and may escape alive, so he plans to wait and see what happens.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Let me move something."

Ergou was relieved when he heard that it turned out to be moving things. He was very good at this and it was his strength.

You should have told me earlier!

Ergou gave up resistance and followed the team honestly.

This team may carry a lot of items, and forcefully recruit dozens of demons along the way.

It turns out that the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons also has the habit of forcibly conscripting husbands and wives.

Looking at the route forward, the bear team actually led them towards the direction of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

And it goes directly to the city wall of Zhou Dynasty.

The dozens of civilians who were forcibly recruited were now scared.

"Master, I am going up to the old man and down to the young..."

"Can you let us go back..."

When these civilians saw the spiritual crossbows set up on the city wall, their legs were shaking with fear and they did not dare to move forward.

"Coward, don't worry, you won't die!"

"I'm not here to die. There are people in front of me to help you."

A bear man said as he kicked dozens of civilians in the buttocks.

Even Ergou Da, who didn't say anything, got a kick on the butt.

Sure enough, their group took advantage of the night to walk under the city wall, and never found any danger.

Several soldiers patrolling the city wall turned their heads deliberately when they saw them appearing.


A small door under the city wall quietly opened, and a bearded man stuck his head out from behind the door and waved to this side.


"Everyone, follow me!"

"No noise, no fuss!"

The leading bear man waved his hand behind him and led everyone in through the small door.

From the looks of it, he is quite familiar with this place, it probably isn't his first time here.

After walking in from the small door, I saw that the lights of the military camp in the distance were still on, and people were patrolling faintly.

Ergou did not expect that he would go around in a circle and come back.

However, this section of the city wall does not fall under the management of General Chen, and it is not clear which general is under it.

The bearded man greeted them inside and led them into a large room filled with wooden boxes and sacks.

Ergou quietly looked at the bearded man. From the first glance, he felt that this person looked familiar.

At this moment, I saw the opponent's arms that were thicker than my own legs, and my thighs that were thicker than my waist.

I finally remembered that I had seen this person when I stole... and borrowed salt in Qingzhou City last time.

This person was buying supplies from the quartermaster named Xia, who turned out to be a spy from the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

I just don’t know if the quartermaster named Xia knows his true identity.

"Each person carries a large sack and goes away. Be gentle and don't make any noise."

The bear soldiers were talking angrily as they put the precious-looking wooden boxes and the like into storage bags.

The group of them came quietly and left quietly.

A large amount of military supplies were carried away without disturbing any of the officers and soldiers stationed in Zhou Dynasty.

Everyone turned around when it was time to turn around, closed their eyes when it was time to close their eyes, and slept when it was time to sleep, all with a tacit understanding.

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