Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 61 Worse than Beasts

괗The Gouzi locust extermination team was victorious, thanks to the two big geese.

Although locusts are not strong individually, they are better in numbers and can fly. It is useless for dogs to be strong.

But the geese didn't, they flew into the locust swarm, swept their wings, and swept the locusts within about ten feet.

The originally dense swarm of locusts was smashed to pieces by the giant geese, which put a lot of pressure on the locust extermination team and reduced casualties.

Therefore, when Gouzi's team is progressing smoothly, other teams are not so lucky. They often lose troops, lose morale, and progress slowly.

However, in addition to Gouzi, there is another team that is progressing relatively smoothly.

늀It's his cousin Zhang Youliang's team.

Although Zhang Youliang was only at the first level of Qi training, he didn't have a big white goose to help him.

However, the locusts near Chazi Town were all attracted by the ginseng on Shekou Mountain. Every time they fought with the geese, there were many casualties.

In addition, the group of people that Gouzi bought back from a month or two ago have been hunting small groups of insects in this area.

As a result, the number of locust swarms in this area is not large, and the damage is not too serious.

Zhang Youliang led his team and easily eliminated several small swarms of locusts.

In just a few short days, most of the locusts in the area under the jurisdiction of Chazi Town have been eliminated, and they actually completed the task one step ahead of Gouzi.

Zhang Youliang arranged for his team to patrol the surrounding fields to hunt and kill locust swarms, and he himself found an excuse to return home.

"Brother, is the matter done?"

When Zhang Youxin saw his brother coming back with the locust extermination team, he had already wanted to ask.

"Of course, all the hundred and ten taels of silver have been spent, isn't it?"

Zhang Youliang said, taking out a neatly folded piece of white paper from his arms.

Spread this piece of paper on the table and see the word "Wind Control" written on it, and below is the method of practicing this spell.

"You spent so much money to copy a piece of paper and come back?"

Zhang Youxin looked at the black and white writing on the table with confusion, feeling that this was too expensive.

"What do you know? This is an immortal spell. It is not spread to outsiders. Every spell is extremely precious. It doesn't matter to you. You can't get it for hundreds of taels."

"I said a lot of good things, so they copied this copy and gave it to me."

Zhang Youliang looked quite proud when he said this.

After Zhang Youxin heard this, he picked up a pen, ink, paper and inkstone and came closer to copy.

"I'll make a few more copies and sell them for 100 taels each. Our family will become rich."

"Stop! Stop!"

Zhang Youliang quickly grabbed the pen and stopped him.

"You think you are smart alone, but don't you think about it, why don't others copy more fairy spells and sell them for money?"

"Publicizing the Immortal Dao Kung Fu privately is a punishment. It can range from beating a board and confiscating the house to killing the nine clansmen!"

"Among the immortal cultivators, at most they secretly copy one or two exchanges, and whoever doesn't tell them will go ahead."

"That's what you did, our family was ransacked and destroyed."

After hearing what his brother said, Zhang Youxin was stunned, as if he was deep in thought or having an epiphany.

Anyway, 늀 became stupid. Zhang Youliang shouted several times, but 껩 didn’t respond.

After a long time, he took a long breath.

"I understand, the sage said: We are all unruly people, and they have the skills of herdsmen, but they can be weak, poor, and trapped, and we must not let them know about it!"

"Hahaha...I understand!"

Zhang Youliang touched his brother's forehead and felt that his scholarly habit had returned.

"Brother! Teach me martial arts."

"You have been reading for so many years and you don't want to read anymore?"

"No more reading!"

At this moment, Zhang Youxin's eyes were firm.

"There is no point in reading, learning to write your own name is enough.

I embark on the immortal path and take the power into my own hands. This is the right path and the great road! "

"Whatever you do, don't regret it. This road is not easy to follow."

Zhang Youliang felt that his brother was a scholar, so he was too lazy to pay attention to it and hid in another room to practice wind control.

Since he obtained the method of practicing magic, he has been pondering it in his mind for the past few days and has been eager to try it.

Wind control is the simplest of all spells. It took Zhang Youliang a few days to master it to a minimum.

That night, the Zhang Youliang brothers quietly came to the foot of Shekou Mountain again.

Because Gouzi had arranged for someone to be stationed before he left, the two of them took advantage of the darkness and quietly walked around to the back mountain.

"You won't fall from above again, will you?"

The last time my brother fell here, he suffered broken bones and tendons, and my father was crushed into a puddle of rotten flesh by a boulder.

Zhang Youxin looked at the smooth cliffs. This place had failed too many times, and it was very sad for his whole family.

"I have learned the wind control technique, and I will definitely succeed this time!"

Zhang Youliang was full of confidence this time. Although the wind control technique did not allow him to fly, it made him as light as a swallow and he could fly up with a little bit of strength.

As he said that, he tucked up his clothes, trotted towards the cliff to help, jumped ten feet off the ground, then used his hands and feet together on the cliff to gain strength, and rushed upward quickly.

Zhang Youliang felt his body being lifted up by a breeze, becoming much lighter and more agile, and there was a whistling sound in his ears.

There was a feeling of being as light as a swallow, and the flying dragon was enjoying itself, and he wanted to look up and roar.

Seeing that we were getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain, 놙 almost took a breath and rushed up.


This time it finally happened!



늀At this moment, a loud sound came.

A huge white shadow flew from the air, its wings like knives slashing towards him.


Zhang Youliang was swept away by this wing, and all the upward momentum he had used to gain dissipated, and his body fell downwards involuntarily.

Fortunately, he has now mastered the wind control technique, and he can borrow a little force from the cliff along the way to slow down his fall.


He fell to the ground and fell on all fours.

Zhang Youxin hurriedly came over to check and found that it was fine this time, nothing serious.

Sure enough, it is different after practicing the immortal method, and it is even more bearable.

Zhang Youliang got up from the ground, holding his waist and grinning.

"Flat-haired beast! How dare you bully me!"

This time he drew his sword in his hand and used the wind control technique again to rush towards the cliff.

Zhang Youxin looked up. The light was weak at night and he couldn't see clearly. He couldn't figure out the specific situation yet.

놙After a few breaths, Zhang Youliang fell from the air again.


He fell to all fours again, and the sword in his hand fell out of his hands and fell into the rocks, making a crisp "ding-dang-rang" sound.

The long sword had been twisted and deformed by a huge force, and it was obviously useless.

"Flat-haired beast, I don't believe I can't beat you!"

Zhang Youliang did not believe in evil, so he got up from the ground and rushed up the cliff again.


After a few breaths, Zhang Youliang fell down again. This time he finally changed his position and fell like a dog.

Zhang Youliang didn't get up immediately this time. Instead, he turned over and lay on his back, staring blankly at the sky.

After performing the wind control technique several times in a row, the mana in his body was exhausted.

"elder brother!"

"Are you okay!"

"Did you fall silly?"

Zhang Youxin came over to check worriedly.

"I'm fine!"

"It's okay, don't take it to heart, it's just a flat-haired beast!"

"But I lost to a beast, even worse than a beast..."

At this moment, a deep sense of frustration surrounded Zhang Youliang. He had learned martial arts since he was a child and practiced hard for more than ten years, but in the end he couldn't even beat a beast.

What’s even more detestable is that this beast is still a dog.

"Isn't he just a beast?"

Zhang Youxin disagreed with this.

"The sage said: The difference between human beings and animals is wisdom, so the sage will not fight with strength!"

"It's just a beast, we don't want to compete with 돗."

"I have a plan..."

After a while, the two brothers carried a large bag of rice and came to the foot of the mountain again.

"There are a lot of geese on this mountain. Is your medicine reliable?"

After Zhang Youliang experienced the last setback, he doesn't have much confidence now.

"Don't worry, I mixed a dozen packets of rat poison into the rice, and it won't be a problem to kill ten cows."

"If you don't believe me, try eating some!"

Zhang Youxin is full of confidence. If he feeds it to a goose, he will definitely be poisoned to death.

The two walked to the foot of the mountain, sprinkled the rice mixed with poison, and then hid aside and watched quietly.

However, the two of them kept watch for a whole day, and not a single goose flew down to eat the rice.

No. 괗꽭, No. 꺘꽭.

After guarding the 꺘꽭 one after another, many birds and mice were poisoned to death, but not a single goose took the initiative to commit suicide by taking poison, or even looked at it.

"I'll deliver it to you personally!"

Zhang Youliang got impatient with waiting, cut off his clothes, wrapped some rice in them, and rushed up the cliff.

This time he didn't need to rush to the top of the mountain. There was still about a few feet away. He threw the grain bag up, then turned around and went straight down.

By the time the big goose came after him, he had already fallen to the ground.

A group of geese surrounded the kindhearted people and threw them rice. They stretched their necks to look at it again and again.

I found that these foods have no aura at all.

Who eats this stuff?

I am used to eating food with aura, but when faced with this pile of yellow rice, not even a goose could eat it.

Then, with a "pop", the bag of rice was thrown down again by the big goose and landed in front of Brother Zhang Youliang.

After working for several days, I still got nothing.

No matter the battle of wits or fighting strength, they didn't gain the slightest advantage.

Are the two brothers really worse than animals?

"Catch the thief!"

"Catch the thief!"

늀At this moment, torches were lit in the darkness, and Qiuyue led a large group of people and chased here with sticks in hand.

It was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, and coupled with a guilty conscience, the two temporarily ran away in embarrassment.

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