Mortal Seeking Immortal

Chapter 72 Corpse Puppet

Er Zhuang found that the outermost shield in contact with the black smoke did not show any signs of corrosion, and roughly judged that the black smoke was non-toxic. Even if it was poisonous, it would not pose much threat.

But he did not dare to be careless.

Just as Er Zhuang was about to summon the black snake, he heard a sound of a sharp weapon breaking through the air behind him. Er Zhuang turned around hurriedly, and saw a sharp dagger with spiritual power flowing fiercely stabbed into his shield, instantly breaking through the first layer of shield and being blocked by the second layer of shield.

After missing the first attack, the dagger quickly retreated into the black smoke.

Er Zhuang snorted coldly. He was now sure that the purpose of the other party releasing the smoke was just to block his sight and then take the opportunity to attack.

"Humph, a trivial trick. In the face of absolute strength, these crooked means are all vulnerable!"

Er Zhuang quickly summoned the black snake and released his spiritual sense to find the location of the black-robed disciple, but after sensing the other party's location, he was shocked.

He sensed three figures in the black fog!

How come three people suddenly appeared?

Er Zhuang frowned slightly.

At this time, there was a person standing on the left and right sides of Er Zhuang and opposite him. They were holding a giant hammer, a giant axe, and a giant sword respectively. They were all wearing black robes that blocked the detection of spiritual consciousness, and they wore iron masks on their faces, making it impossible for Er Zhuang to distinguish who among the three people was the real one!

The black snake seemed to sense Er Zhuang's doubts, raised its head, and spewed out a slender tongue from its mouth quickly. After doing this several times, the huge head of the black snake slightly tilted to the side, and a pair of snake eyes stared at a group of black smoke not far from Er Zhuang's body.

Er Zhuang's spiritual consciousness quickly swept over the group of black smoke again, but this time he didn't sense anything. It seemed that there was nothing else there except black smoke.

Er Zhuang murmured in a low voice: "Did they activate some kind of hidden skill? Interesting."

"In that case, let's defeat them one by one."

As Er Zhuang gave the order, the black snake swung its tail and quickly rushed to the man holding the giant hammer on the left. At the same time, the remaining two people holding the giant axe and the giant sword approached Er Zhuang.

When it was still two feet away from the man holding the giant hammer, the black snake stopped suddenly, opened its mouth, and a ball of hot flames sprayed out of its mouth, attacking the man holding the giant hammer.

However, the man holding the giant hammer dodged to the side with a slightly stiff figure, and the black snake's head spewing flames also moved in the direction of the man. Although the man dodged quickly, he was still inevitably burned by the flames on one side of his clothes.

After the man holding the giant hammer extinguished the flames on his body, he rushed towards the black snake in front of him. The black snake turned around and turned around to escape.

But there was a whistling sound in the air, and a huge hammer fell straight down from the sky, hitting the ground heavily, and a big pit was smashed on the hard ground, and gravel splashed everywhere, blocking the black snake's retreat.

The black snake paused, and in the blink of an eye, the man had already rushed up and grabbed the black snake's tail, and used his other hand to pull the black snake towards him.

With a "sizzling" sound, the two palms of the man holding the huge hammer, which were tightly holding the black snake, were burned by the high temperature on the surface of the black snake's body, and a burst of white smoke was produced. A faint smell of oil drifted in the air, but he seemed to be unaware of the pain, and the strength in his hands did not weaken.

The black snake twisted its head, and its body rushed to the man, wrapped around the man's upper body several times, and then the snake body strangled fiercely, and the surface of the strangled man's body made a "sizzling" barbecue sound!

Under this huge force, the body of the man holding the giant hammer began to deform slightly with a creaking sound. The two thick arms bound by the snake body stretched out forcefully, as if trying to break free from the stranglehold of the black snake. The black snake's body was stretched tight by him.

Just as the two were in a stalemate, a giant sword and a giant axe fell on the shield outside Er Zhuang at the same time, chopping off the two outermost layers of shields as easily as cutting tofu, and fell heavily on the third layer of shield.

Seeing that several gradually expanding cracks appeared on the third layer of shield, as if it was about to burst at any time, Er Zhuang hurriedly circulated his spiritual power, slapped the storage bag, and a red ball the size of a baby's fist flew out of the storage bag.

Er Zhuang hit the ball with several spells, and the ball began to spin above Er Zhuang's head, and spewed out a misty red light that enveloped Er Zhuang's body in this red light.

As soon as Er Zhuang finished all this, the last shield could no longer withstand the heavy blow, and the light around it shattered like fragments. The sword and axe outside the shield also fell towards Er Zhuang in the red light, but were firmly blocked outside by the red light and could no longer get close to Er Zhuang.

Er Zhuang's eyes flashed with disdain, and his hands moved quickly, hitting the black snake on the opposite side with several spells. The black snake's momentum soared, and its originally stretched body quickly shrank.

After a burst of "crackling" explosions, the hands that were tightly holding the black snake's tail fell down weakly, and the black snake loosened its body, and the man below fell to the ground as if he had no bones.

The black snake turned around and spit a flame at the man, and a blazing fire ignited from the man.

The black snake quickly shot back at Er Zhuang, and with a flick of its tail, it lashed out at the two men holding the giant sword and giant axe. Before they could react, the black snake swam closer to them again, opened its mouth, and sprayed a large ball of fire onto the two men.

A blazing flame ignited on the two men, and at this time, two spells came out of the black smoke not far from Er Zhuang, fell on the two men, and quickly extinguished the flames on their bodies.

The flames burned the black robes on the two of them, revealing their true faces hidden under the black robes. They were a fifth-level Qi training corpse puppet and a fourth-level Qi training corpse puppet.

Er Zhuang looked at the black-robed man who came out of the black smoke calmly, not surprised, as if he had already known where the black-robed man was hiding, and said lightly: "You finally came out."

After that, the black snake on the side raised its head and rushed towards the black-robed man. The black-robed man hurriedly said: "I admit defeat."

The battle was over.

Er Zhuang waved at the black snake, and the black snake turned into a bracelet and wore it on his wrist. Er Zhuang stretched out his right hand again, and the red light of the bead spitting out red light fell back into Er Zhuang's hand and was put into Er Zhuang's storage bag.

The black-robed man hit the black gourd in the air with a spell, and a suction force came out from the mouth of the gourd, sucking all the black smoke into the gourd again.

The servant standing in front of the bell pulled the bell and hurriedly announced the result of the competition: "The competition is over, Er Zhuang won."

Er Zhuang pretended to glance at the headmaster sitting on the high platform casually, only to see that the headmaster's face was calm and there was no emotion.

It seemed that he still failed to catch the headmaster's eye.

Er Zhuang withdrew his gaze with a little disappointment, but caught a glimpse of the great elder on the high platform nodding slightly at him, with an expression of appreciation.

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