"Okay, tonight, the three of us will go to the teacher's place to eat!"

"Prepare more wine and have a drink then!"

Second Senior Sister Goran slapped the table and quite agreed.


In the evening.

The eldest apprentice Caitlin, the second apprentice Gorannel, and the younger apprentice Davis, each holding a large barrel of fruit wine, came to Mr. Lelica's small courtyard.

"Teacher, we came to see you!"

Before the courtyard door could enter, Golan shouted open.

"Oh, why do you bring so much wine?"

Hearing the voices of the disciples, the teacher was quite happy.

The older he gets, the more he likes the feeling of being with his disciples, lively!

"I want to have a good drink with your old man today."

"And we have another plan that we have been thinking about for a long time and want to discuss it with you."


The second senior sister walked into the house and directly placed the wine barrel on the table.

"What plans do you have to discuss with me?"

Teacher Lelika took out the tea leaves and prepared to make another pot of tea.

There are many people, and the tea prepared before is not enough to drink.

"Our three junior sisters and brothers plan to go out on adventures with your old man, and they can go wherever they want."

"What do you think of this idea?"

Glan continued to laugh.


Teacher Lelika was suddenly stunned when she heard this word.

Even forgot to continue putting tea leaves in the teapot.

"I'm so old, why take any risk?"

"You young people just go and play."

After a few pauses, he finally came to his senses, continued to stuff the tea leaves in his hand into the teapot, and said flatly.

"Teacher, you should only play when you are old."

"Don't leave regrets in life."

Glan said, tugging at his old man's sleeve.

Although the second senior sister is a lot older, she is coquettish, but she does not have the slightest sense of discord.

"Teacher, you come with us."

"Now that there are many saint levels in the Elven Empire, it is completely possible to change people to come and station."

"You have guarded the Tree of Life for so many years, and it's time to rest."

At this time, the master sister also followed everything to persuade.

"Teacher, come with us."

"Have you forgotten your youthful dream?"

Davis also came over to persuade.



"In the last few decades, let's go on an adventure and break into the Cangyue Continent."

Teacher Lelika thought about it for a long time, but finally let go.

And when he said this, his originally peaceful eyes burst into a shining light.

It was as if there was a unique spiritual will that slowly awakened in his body.

In the evening, the teacher rarely prepared a lot of dishes.

It's not the daily three dishes and one soup, there are a lot of meat.

The four masters and apprentices ate and drank happily.

Early the next morning, everyone started to act.

First of all, the four masters and apprentices need to report to the new Empress Rolanda.

After all, as a Taishang Elder, if you want to leave the Elf Empire and travel, it is not like saying a word without telling him.

Especially this time, the four Taishang elders traveled together, which would make the defense power within the Elf Empire suddenly decrease a lot.

At the same time, Elder Lelika has always shouldered the responsibility of guarding the safety of the Tree of Life.

All this needs to be arranged in advance to avoid loopholes in all aspects of protection.

Fortunately, in the past few years, the Elf Empire has added several saint-level Taishang elders.

And the Terran Empire and the Orc Empire have not grown for hundreds of years.

Otherwise, the new Empress Roland will really feel very embarrassed.

In addition, the four masters and apprentices also need to make some preparations.

For long trips, buy some groceries in advance.

Especially the master sister Caitlin and the second senior sister Gorner, as girls, they have to bring a lot of things.

Fortunately, on the Cangyue Continent, there is such a thing as a space ring.

Although they are very precious, who let the little junior brother Davis refine it himself?

On this day, he took six space rings and gave them to the two senior sisters, as well as his teacher Lelika.

Two per person, so everyone can carry more things.

It also makes the upcoming journey more comfortable.

"This is...?"

"This is a hundred cubic meters of space ring?"

After checking the size of the space inside the ring, their voices even had some tremors.

"You are now able to refine a spatial ring of this level?"

"What is your strength?"

Even the grinning Second Senior Sister was full of disbelief.

"I don't know what kind of strength I have, but it's stronger."

"So this time out on an adventure, everyone can let go of their minds and go wherever they want."

Davis said with a faint smile.

The reason why he exposed part of his strength to everyone this time.

On the one hand, because the teacher is older, he is most relieved about the three apprentices.

Even though the three apprentices had already stood at the top of the Cangyue Continent, they still felt that everyone had not grown up.

And exposing some of his strength can also make him more at ease.

On the other hand, exposing some strength can also be more convenient for the next travel adventure.

The first is the space ring, each person wears two 100-cubic meter space.

One of them, let the teachers and sisters, is specially used to store food and water.

So even if they can't open the valley, as long as they make reasonable use of space and store the right food.

Ten, or even decades, you can no longer worry about eating and drinking.

A lot of worries were solved at once.

Secondly, some strength is exposed, then in the next journey, he can also ride the big head with everyone.

There is a dragon in the middle of the ninth level emperor level as a means of transportation, although the Cangyue Continent is vast, but anywhere, you can go.

Fulfilling the teacher's adventurous wishes when he was young was done with ease.

Otherwise, it takes months, even years, to get to a place, which is very bad.

"You boy, it's really hidden."

"It seems that all of us really underestimated you before."

The master sister took the previous space ring from her finger and brought the two new space rings with each of them.

He then punched Davis, blaming him for hiding too deeply.


"I said that the most powerful geniuses in the history of the elven race, how do you feel that they are not much stronger than the three supreme geniuses in history."

"It turns out that this is all pretended by your boy."

Second Senior Sister Goran also came over and smacked him fiercely.

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