"Second Senior Sister, you always have a day to retire, and it's not too late to raise a demon pet by then."

"Huh? That's a good idea.

"Then when I retire, it's up to you to help me find a suitable demon pet."

"But don't be as weak as your dragon lizard, I like more powerful demon pets."

"It would be better if it could assist me in fighting,"

Golan seemed to think of something interesting, and her eyes lit up.

"Okay, I'll help you find it then, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Davis nodded and said.

"Then remember to get one for me too, I want a cute and powerful demon pet."

Senior Sister also interjected at this time.

"Okay, well, when you all retire, then we will each take a demon pet and go to the end of the world together."

Time passed little by little between the three of them.

As the sky began to light up, several female elven attendants entered the hall.

They need to help the master sister sort out the clothes, hairstyles and the like again, and try to ensure her perfect image.

And Davis withdrew and went to find a place for breakfast.

The next thing will not be his turn.

He just had to wait for the ceremony to start and take his seat.

When the sun slowly rises, the music on the Imperial City Square also begins to play.

The music is played by the elven most famous band, and each participant in it can be said to be a master of music.

As they played, beautiful music floated over the square.

The guests who came from afar, as well as the great nobles of the elven race, began to enter gradually.

There are special elven officials and attendants who guide everyone to take their seats in the arranged places.

On the table, there are also delicious melon and fruit snacks.

Although there were a large number of people, the guests present were polite and did not have the slightest bit of clutter.

When the sun rises over the treetops, the music in the square suddenly quiets.

The smiling Empress Alistina, wearing a crown on her head, walked onto the stage.

And following her was the heroic Elder Caitlin Beth Gu.

"The law is rejuvenated, and everything is renewed."

"The Elven Empire has gone through a long period of time on the Cangyue Continent, with some exciting, some sad, and some bland."

"Along the way, no matter what kind of tribulations we encountered, we never gave up our faith in race and our hope for life."


past two hundred years have been two hundred years in which the Elven Empire has flourished."

"We have a number of Taishang Elders, and with them, our empire will be foolproof."

"The Tree of Life has also given birth to many elite talents for the Elven Empire, and they will be our hope."

"And now, it's time for our older generation to gradually withdraw."

"I am here today to cede the throne of the Elf Empress to a new generation of elite Elder Caitlin Beth Ancient Elder, hoping that she will make the Elven Empire more prosperous in the future."

After Elistina finished speaking, she took the crown off her head and put it on Caitlin Besco's head.

The expressions of both of them were very serious, and the small crown represented a heavy duty.

"Thank you Empress Elistina, as well as all the Taishang elders and elders for their trust."

"In the coming time, I will do my best to take on a new mission and create a new situation."


the two finished speaking, Alistana walked off the stage alone.

In the future, her identity will no longer be the empress of the elven empire, but she will become the elder of the elven race.

Although the power is a little smaller, it is many times easier.

From her bright smile, you can see that she is in a very good mood.

And Caitlin Besku, who remained on stage, still had many rituals waiting for her to complete.

Honor the sages, prostrate with the gods, etc....

Looking at the cumbersome etiquette on the stage, Davis only shook his head, feeling that this empress really didn't have anything to worry about.

After several hours of busyness, the entire Empress succession ceremony was finally completed.

The guests and nobles who came to watch the ceremony began to leave one by one after resting in the Elven Imperial City for another night.

Davis prepared some of the best fruit wine of the elven race, packed it in a delicate wooden box, and presented it to Garissa Sword Saint and Fred Sword Saint.

"The friendship between the Holy Light Empire and the Elf Empire endures!"

Garissa Sword Saint took the fruit wine and said to Davis with a sincere face.

As for whether both sides believe it or not, that's another matter.

"Elder Davis, you will always be a friend of the Orc Empire."

Fred Sword Saint, who looked quite rough on the outside, was also sincere.

And Davis, of course, smiled and nodded in agreement.

After the guests and nobles left, the Elven Imperial City, which had been busy for more than a month, finally regained its calm.

Before the second senior sister Goran left, she went to Teacher Lelika with everyone for a small gathering.

The teacher was quite happy, prepared a large table of dishes, and took out the fruit wine that he had treasured for many years, so that everyone could eat and drink a pleasure.

In the days that followed, Senior Sister Caitlin began to adjust to her new status as empress.

And Davis resumed the days of frequent retreat cultivation, and after each exit, he either went to Teacher Lelika to eat.

Either go to Elder Judith or Elder Lunyard to discuss art.

It's not a good day.


Time has passed slowly for more than twenty years, and there are no waves.

Compared to before, the slow-paced Elven Empire did not seem to have changed much on the surface.

However, at the border of the empire, the communication between the various elven chambers of commerce and the Terrans and orcs has become more frequent.

With the support of the powerful empire behind it, the trade between those elven chambers of commerce and other empires has become smoother, and there is no need to worry about persecution and suppression.

Even some powerful elves began to walk out of the endless forest and go to the residence of the Terrans and Orcs to travel and adventure.

In fact, thousands of years ago, when the elven empire was extremely powerful, there were also many elves who would travel.

In many countries on the Cangyue Continent, they can be seen.

It's just that with the convergence of the tree of life, fewer and fewer princes and princesses have been born, and the divine water of life has even dried up directly.

All this made the entire elven empire slowly enter a period of decline.

And if the empire is weak, then her people will not have a good time on the mainland.

Coupled with the excellent appearance of the elven race, it has brought disaster to them.

So gradually, the elves who were traveling abroad gradually returned to the endless forest, and no one even wanted to go out again.

The Elven Empire has thus become a semi-closed state.

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