At this moment, Xu Yuan was standing on top of the sentry tower.

He folded his hands behind his back, feeling the breeze blowing in front of him.

Although he didn't have the eagle eyes of an archer.

But he can still feel the live broadcast of the battle situation through the system panel

![Your Guan Yu general, lead a hundred archers and five hundred sword soldiers to suppress 134 people of the fire barbarian clan!Get a random crit to return the flame spar*134 tons!] [Your Lu Bu general, lead a hundred archers and five hundred sword soldiers to suppress 127 people of the fire barbarian clan!Get a random crit to return the flame

core *1.27 million!].

[Your general Liu Bei

, lead 500 archers and 2,000 sword soldiers to suppress 567 people of the fire barbarian clan!Get random crit returns 5.67 million fire barbarian puppet design blueprints!] [Your Cao Cao general, lead 500 archers and 2,000 sword soldiers to destroy 457 people of the fire barbarian clan and capture the leader of the fire barbarian clan alive!Get random crit return flame ginseng*457 tons, archer skill cheats: Flame Arrow!]


With his generals, the troops were divided into four routes, and in the four directions near Xinghua Mountain, they broke through the encirclement of the Fire Barbarian clan one by one, and smashed the enemy's strategic plan to encircle them

! In the end, the soldiers and civilians of Stone Town won a complete victory!

The blood of the soldiers was boiling, and they were not exhausted by any will to fight after this battle, but they gained rapid growth in this battle.

After defeating the enemy, they felt that the strength and qi and blood in their bodies had grown to a bottleneck

! It seemed that they were still one step away from being able to enter another new world for their bodies!




Cao Cao, escorting the patriarch of the Huoman clan, brought him to Xu Yuan.

"Hurry up, let me go!" The

patriarch of the Huoman clan roared unwillingly while being escorted over by Xu Yuan's generals.

But no matter how unwilling he is, he is already powerless.

When he was forced to kneel in front of Xu Yuan and looked up to see Xu Yuan's young and handsome face, he was even more stunned.

Unexpectedly, he was actually defeated by such a young leader!

"Who are you?"

Xu Yuan's mouth showed a chuckle.

He looked at this fiery barbarian, with fiery red muscles on his body, and he looked very strong.

And above his head, there was a figure of light and shadow.

Level 15!

Xu Yuan didn't expect that the level of the Fire Barbarian Clan was quite high.

But it's a pity that the Fire Barbarian Clan is useless, and these Netherworld creatures are naturally no match for the soldiers from

the Heavenly and Human Realms! Even if their level is generally at level 11-14, the patriarch of the Fire Barbarian Clan has reached level 15, but in terms of attributes, they are naturally restrained by the creatures of the Heavenly and Human Realm.

In addition, the attack power of the two-star crossbow arrows in the hands of Xu Yuan's archers was amazing, and under the leadership of the four major generals under him, they even exerted extraordinary combat effectiveness

! Naturally, they defeated the Fire Barbarian Clan in this battle! As a result, the fear from Xu Yuan's body was deeply stationed in the heart of the Patriarch of the Fire Barbarian Clan!

He couldn't understand why the Fire Barbarian Clan's strategy to take down Xinghua Mountain had been planned for a long time

, and now it was actually Xu Yuan's first step? Where did this group of people come out of the sky and destroy his plan like this!

"I, the Fire Barbarian Clan Patriarch!" The Fire Barbarian Clan

Patriarch gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Yuan and said, "Who are you? Why haven't we seen you before?"

He thought that he had already explored all the forces within a radius of thousands of miles around here.

But he didn't expect that he was still defeated!"

Xu Yuan smiled and said, "Haven't you heard of the Fire Barbarian Patriarch before? This is a bit unheard of!" Hearing Xu

Yuan's words, the Fire Barbarian Clan Patriarch was almost so angry that he vomited blood.

"This is impossible! Earlier, the owner of Baiyuzhai had clearly told me that he had slaughtered all the villages near Baiyuzhai cleanly! You, how could you still be alive?"

The patriarch of the Fire Barbarian Clan felt the shock in his heart again, as if the sky was shaking.

He couldn't believe that Xu Yuan hadn't died under the iron knife of the Baiyuzhai mountain bandits.

On the contrary, they still possessed so many weapons and equipment ahead of the Zhou family, which made them unable to guard against the Fire Barbarian Clan, and finally suffered a fiasco

! At this moment, a look of death appeared on the face of the Fire Barbarian Clan Patriarch!

He knew that the Zhou family might be in a big disaster this time.

Bai Yuzhai may have been poisoned by the young man in front of him.

And their fire-barbarian clan will be destroyed in his hands.

The Zhou family, I'm just afraid that it's in trouble!"

"Is there a possibility that the original leader of Stone Mountain did die under your mallet." However, I, Xu Yuan, am the new leader of Stone Mountain!" Xu Yuan

said, waving his hand.

He asked Guan Yu to take the Fire Barbarian Patriarch down.


【Your military general Guan Yu killed the patriarch of the Fire Barbarian Clan, and obtained a random critical hit to return the four-star flame spear*1!]

Seeing this, Xu Yuan's eyes couldn't help but light up.

This weapon seems to be suitable for

Lu Bu! So, Xu Yuan called Lu Bu over in private.

The other generals were ordered by him to continue to build the fortifications of Xinghua Mountain

! There is no way, the weapons of the other generals have not yet been found!

Except for Guan Yu, who was first summoned with the Blue Dragon Glaive.

The other generals were not equipped with weapons at hand.

This is not conducive to their true abilities.

Therefore, Xu Yuan decided to give the flame spear to Lu Bu first.

Later, he obtained other weapons, and then found a way to arm the ten generals under him!


Lu Bu, who was full of spirit, walked in front of Xu Yuan.

At this moment, Xu Yuan was holding his hands behind his back, looking into the distance.

He suddenly turned around and laughed loudly: "Abu, you say, what is the use of this world?"

"The world is to use divine weapons to open up the territory and expand the territory with sharp weapons!" Lu Bu responded.

"Okay, then I will give you this flame spear, hoping that you can hold the fire spear, go into battle to kill the enemy, be invincible, and expand the territory for me!" Xu

Yuan said, only to see his hands clenched, and constantly rotated alternately.

It was as if a spear was dancing in his hand.

Lu Bu looked at it, his eyes full of disbelief.

He soon saw that with Xu Yuan's dance, a red spear appeared in the air splashed by Mars

! "Hum!"

As the red spear was finalized, Xu Yuan suddenly took a horse step, held the red spear flat on his chest, and aimed the tip of the spear at Lu

Bu! An invisible coercion suddenly spread out from the red spear!

Lu Bu suddenly let out a sullen sigh!

He involuntarily took a step back.

Looking at Xu Yuan's eyes, he was already full of shock!

He didn't expect that Xu Yuan would give him such a divine weapon!

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