
Jingzhou City.

In the center of the boxy state city, there is a towering walled tower.

This tower is exactly where the county government of Jingzhou and the state Yin Mansion are located.

In the city of Jingzhou, there is a prosperous scene.

The people here are all dressed in exotic black and blue cloth clothes.

They are also tattooed with all kinds of tattoos.

Some even bare their upper bodies, showing off their solid and strong armor muscles.

There are also people who are dressed tightly, carrying a medicine basket on their backs, or holding a crooked branch cane in their hands, and their clothes are also embroidered with mysterious runes, which has a wizard's atmosphere.

They were originally carrying out their daily trading activities in great peace in exchange for the cultivation resources or food resources they needed, so that they could use these resources to improve their strength after returning to their homes, and then they could go to the mountains to obtain more resources, accumulate assets, and better cultivate themselves.

But, suddenly, almost at the same time, the entire city of Jingzhou became extremely commotionous! The

air, which had been peaceful, suddenly became full of dark clouds, and the wind was raging, as if the demons of hell were about to crawl out of the abyss of sin.

Everyone raised their heads in surprise, and they all sacrificed their weapons one after another, and looked at the crack that suddenly appeared in the sky above Jingzhou City with a vigilant expression

! This crack surging out of it, a large amount of yin qi, made some cultivators who understood what was going on immediately understand that someone was coming back from the netherworld!

Yin and yang are not incompatible.

The sirens of Jingzhou City immediately sounded throughout

the city!"Please evacuate all the people immediately, please evacuate all

the people immediately!" "The government has just detected that a nameless Yin Spirit fluctuation suddenly appeared in the Netherworld

!" "The other party's intention is unknown, it is likely that he is here to attack Jingzhou City!" "

All the people, evacuate outside the city immediately!"

When everyone heard this alarm from the state capital, a look of disbelief immediately appeared on their faces.

But in the end, they still obeyed the arrangement of the state capital, and one by one they left what they were doing and ran in the direction of the outside of the city.

Of course, there are also some strong men who lick blood on the knife edge to live, and at this moment, they saw the opportunity, and they all ran in the direction of the official mansion, and their eyes showed a look of eagerness.

They knew in their hearts that their business was coming

! For mercenaries like them, who licked blood on the knife edge, a war was their chance to make a fortune

! Moreover, if they had made a contribution in this sudden war of invasion of the Netherworld, they might also be recruited by the government as a full-fledged catcher!

When the time comes, isn't that little day much stronger than the current days of worrying about making an order and not placing an order?



At this moment, within the Jingzhou City Officials' Mansion

, the county officials, the Prefecture Yin, and other officials were all gathered on the walled tower.

From here, they could clearly see that the crack that had cracked in the air actually appeared on the platform at the top of the walled tower

? They were about to be stolen by the Yin Spirit

of the Netherworld? Moreover, everyone could see that from the crack in the Netherworld, a scene of paradise appeared!

A clean street paved with bluestone bricks connected to a tall and magnificent fortress wall in the distance!

Among them, a group of 3,000 men, holding refined steel knives and refined steel shields in their hands, under the leadership of two tall and mighty generals, rushed out to kill them

! "This is really too deceitful! How could the people of the Netherworld suddenly attack? Didn't my Emperor Yuan Shun already sign an armistice treaty with the Netherworld Underworld before? Or is there a powerful place that wants to rebel

?" Suddenly, Xili Lingbu, a county official specializing in body refining, and Buhua Timur, who held a golden sword, guarded not far from the crack in the underworld, and their round faces full of beards showed a fierce meaning.

Although they didn't know who the person who came was, why did they suddenly attack Jingzhou City at this time.

However, as the county officials and governors of Jingzhou City, they naturally bore the brunt of the attack, and they had an unshirkable duty to kill the invaders or rebels!

And the officials and catchers behind them all drew their swords one by one, looking at the crack with great vigilance.

These people include Han people, Yuan people, Semu people, and other ethnic groups.

But no matter what nationality they are, they have a different fighting talent.

Now, they are all in a group! They are all cultivating the iron wolf sword technique unique to the Yuan army, and with the blessing of each other, they can exert a far greater strength than the sum of their own strength

! If their county officials and government officials, once they give the order, they will not hesitate to rush at the people and horses who rushed out of the cracks in the underworld and kill them!

Soon, not long.

In the cracks in the underworld, the figures of Lu Bu and Guan Yu rushed out

! Behind them, there were also three thousand steel sword soldiers

! In their hands, they also held small round steel shields!

What surprised these aliens the most was this.

These people are all of them, typical Han people

! And their strength is not even more than level 10

! How dare they easily launch this sneak attack?

This is really boring

! "Kill!" When

Sirilingbu and Buhua Timur saw this, they immediately launched the sound of the battle horn!

Their strength was level 26 and level 28.

As for the servants and catchers behind them, they are also the most elite armed forces in the city.

The general True Qi cultivation is between level 17 and level 24!

They dare to predict it.

These Han people who dared to rush out of the netherworld would not be their opponents at all

! Therefore, Xili Lingbu and Buhua Timur decided to crush each other with their own

absolute strength! What strategy?

What tactics?

In the face of absolute strength, none of these can be counted

! "Archers, shoot and kill, shield soldiers, resist! Sword soldiers, overbearing sword attacks!"

Guan Yu and Lu Bu are not reckless.

They methodically commanded their soldiers and launched a fierce counterattack against these soldiers!

Soon, the small round steel shield built an iron wall.

Not to mention those ordinary Yuan soldiers, even if the true qi moves of Xili Lingbu and Buhua Timur hit it, it also rebounded with the splashing and rebounding power of calcium carbide fireworks

! Suddenly, they all felt numb.

But before they could recover from the hard defenses.

The archers who were in the rear of the team were ready to shoot their crossbow arrows mercilessly at the bodies of these soldiers at this moment

! Suddenly, the arrows that were densely packed like a storm stabbed those soldiers into a sieve!

Even those soldiers who were far away in the rear

were no exception! As for the stronger leaders such as Sirilingbu and Buhua Timur, they were no exception.

Not only will you be killed by a storm of arrows.

Moreover, they had to accept one after another domineering sword qi attacks with pale yellow sword light

! They suddenly felt even more numb! For

a while, they were powerless to fight back! They

could only constantly urge their true qi, forming a protective shield on the surface of their bodies, and doing their best to resist the attacks of these Han soldiers who seemed to them to be low in cultivation.

Killing them all couldn't understand why these Han soldiers who had returned from the Netherworld were so powerful.

Could it be that because they had suppressed the peasant revolt that had suddenly erupted, the peasants they had slaughtered had suddenly returned from their studies in the Netherworld and were about to launch a retaliatory attack on them



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