Soon, Xu Yuan made a decision.

Arrange the food factory and the soap factory first.

After all, this is the most important armament.

So he shuttled to Xudu.

Today's Xu Du has already changed a lot.

All the people are living and working here.

After the initial turmoil, they gradually accepted the setting of Xu Yuan's rule.

Everyone obediently received military training in the barracks in the western suburbs of Xudu.

And after seeing Xu Yuan coming, they also greeted Xu Yuan one after another, after all, he was the king here.

"Your Majesty, there are currently a total population of 23,527 in the Xu Capital!" At

this time, a five-star townsman who was in charge of checking the household registration came to report to Xu Yuan.

[Xu Du's household registration inventory has been completed, and he has obtained ruby sorghum rice * 100,000!] Xu

Yuan nodded, this result was within his expectations.

Jingzhou City was originally only a lower county, so it would naturally have a population of 20,000.

Even so, Jingzhou City also occupies an important economic position in the entire Jingzhou, and the other five counties also regard this place as the state capital, so you can imagine how important the economic and political status here is.

"With so many people, have they arranged their careers, and how much tax can be collected at present?"

Xu Yuan asked.

That's the most important thing.

After all, with taxes, it's easy to get things done.

"Back to the king, at present, the tax is about 200,000 taels in the Xu Capital!" said

the household department, looking at the account book in his hand.

"Well, let's get the tax cut by half! And add the reduced tax to the goods. In the future, every time you sell something, you need to add VAT!" Xu

Yuan said.

In this way, consumption can be greatly stimulated and the circulation of the commodity economy can be increased without reducing tax revenues.

"But the king, in this way

, you have to have goods in the city to consume...... "The household department said with a wry smile: "The finance said that at present, in the city, even the amount of coins has been greatly reduced, and due to the lack of materials and soaring prices, the residents have reached the point where there is no money to use, and they are bartering ......

." "It's simple, you go to Stone Town, and bring a large number of bronze blocks that have been refined from there, and then use bronze to refine into copper water, and inject it into the mold for making coins, so that we have copper coins to use! If the people want to make money, they can farm the land, or collect resources from the mountains and forests, and after they harvest the grain, they will sell the grain to our government!" Xu

Yuan thought about it and said.

"However, if the people don't have grain seeds to plant, then how can they get them?"

Scratching his head, the household department scratched his head and said: "According to my preliminary investigation, it seems that there is no surplus grain in the city, and the peasants have long failed to harvest for years, and they still have to pay taxes to Zhoujiazhuang. Even though Zhoujiazhuang has been carved up now, and the people have obtained a lot of grain, they are reluctant to plant it at all, and they all say that they want to eat it!"

"Immediately implement the Seedling Law! Lend the people the grain seeds in Stone Town, and then let them plant them everywhere! When the harvest is over, return it tenfold!" Xu

Yuan continued.

In this way, with the help of the seedling loan law, it can ensure that farmers actively farm the land, and at the same time, the government can also reap a sum of interest in the future.

It's simply a win-win policy.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Tobe

quickly took the order.

And Xu Yuan went directly out of the West City Gate and came to the outskirts of the West City.

Here, many farmers have built straw huts scattered on the ground and built their own houses along the walls.

When Xu Yuan saw this, he frowned and said, "Why are you building

a dilapidated house here?" "Is this a dilapidated house?" "

Your Majesty, we can't help it.

"yes, it's too poor.

"If we get too far, we may be attacked by wild beasts. When they

heard this, they gathered around them.

They confided in Xu Yuan about the difficulties and hardships of their lives.

When Xu Yuan saw this, he asked directly: "Then do you want to change your life with your own hands?"

As soon as he heard this, everyone's eyes lit up.

This sentence seems to have infinite magic power, and it deeply attracts their hearts.

"So what are we going to do?"

the crowd asked.

They were not official residents of Xuduli, but savages who lived outside the city.

Naturally, according to the law of the Great Yuan, they basically have no guarantee of survival.

Although I have long heard that you can join Xu Du and become a citizen, as long as you become a member of Xu Guo's volunteers, you can receive a certain amount of food every month.

However, the fact that they received food did not allow them to settle down in the city immediately.

In particular, there may not be so much vacant real estate in the city that allows them to build thatched huts to live in the city.

So I can't think of how to solve this problem even if I kill them.

They can only put all their hopes on Xu Yuan.

Xu Yuan responded: "Produce some small items, naturally you can sell the small items, and then exchange them for coins, and use coins to exchange for the daily necessities you need."

"But we also have to have enough materials to make things? And we don't know any crafts, and we usually do hard work for people, and we don't have any skills."

Everyone said with a wry smile.

It can only be blamed, their cultivation is not high, and they have no culture.

Otherwise, if they could go out hunting, they wouldn't be like this.

"This king has his own clever plan!" Xu

Yuan said with a light smile: "As long as you can complete the production tasks every day according to my instructions, I can even calculate additional rewards according to the production tasks you have overfulfilled." You'll be able to build a new cabin in no time.

"Really, do we want to have a wooden house to live in?" everyone

looked at Xu Yuan in disbelief, this was undoubtedly exciting news for them ordinary people.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan nodded and said, "This king will never break his word! Okay, let's start!" Then, Xu Yuan

directed a vacant land to everyone.

At this time, as Xu Yuan placed the food factory and the soap factory in this vacant land, there were also two more large factories in this vacant land.

The modern cash equipment inside amazes everyone.

But soon, there was a look of eagerness in their eyes.

This will be a brand-new opportunity for them to display their ambitions!

They can't use force, they can't do culture, can't they even make things?

Soon, everyone will roll up their sleeves and do it.

Under the guidance of Xu Yuan, they slowly started the production tasks of the food factory and the soap factory.

[You have developed a food factory and a soap factory, and obtained the secret method of compressed biscuits*1 and the secret method of essential oil soap*1!]

Soon, Xu Yuan got the production method of the new product.

A knowing smile appeared on the corner of Xu Yuan's mouth.

Next, you just need to wait, Tang Sai'er will return with the army to see if the five counties in Jingzhou are subject to his rule!

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