Luoding Mountain, the Zhizhou of Wugang Road, and the Zhixian of Qilu were riding horses at this moment, looking at the incomparably tall eternal night city wall in front of them, and they were also amazed for a while.

"When did this Jingzhou Road appear such a spectacle

?" "My God, could it be that this thief of Jingzhou Road is some kind of god who descended from heaven

?" "Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think? If it were you, how long would it take to build such a magnificent spectacle?"

"I'm afraid it will take ten years...... No, thirty years!" "

Lord Zhizhou, we think it's better to retreat......"

The Yuan army, which had broken through thousands of large and small countries, was stunned at this moment.

How confident they used to be, how inferior they are now.

After all, in the face of an invincible enemy, as long as it is an individual, it will be afraid.

Luo Dingshan shouted loudly: "If we retreat, then we are also deserters! Dayuan, you should be clear about how to deal with deserters, right? Tattoos, and then eternal life, are all shameful! It will even affect future generations and fathers and villagers! And in the face of war, perhaps we still have a glimmer of life. Even if you die at the hands of the enemy, it is better than being a deserter

!" "As the saying goes, a soldier can be killed, but not humiliated!" Luo

Dingshan almost shouted these words.

Knowing it with affection, moving it with reason.

The Yuan army had to be silent.

They clenched the weapons in their hands tightly.

They can't afford not to fight this battle!

They have no way out.

Sheng, is a person of Dayuan.

Death, it's Dayuan's ghost


I don't know who shouted first.

As soon as he said this, he shouted.

It's like a plague, it's spreading everywhere.

One by one, they shouted.

The shouts were monstrous, and the sound was overwhelming.

It made people frightened and retreated, so that the birds and beasts in the forest heard it and scattered and fled.

They are under the leadership of Luo Dingshan.

Even the

crossbowmen and artillery did not show weakness at all.

They also showed their own magical powers, and each of them unleashed their most powerful attacks.


Xu Yuan saw that the Yuan army really dared to attack them.

He shook his head helplessly.

I wanted to give them a way out.

If these people are willing to surrender, then Xu Yuan can give them the opportunity to be slaves.

After all, he wasn't a murderer.

War is not an end in themselves, but a means of self-defence.

He didn't take life as a mustard.

But if a man with bad intentions comes to the city, he will not repent.

Then it will be like a horse galloping on a cliff, and if you fall, you will fall into the abyss!

" "Look!"

At this time, the soldiers and civilians of Xu Guo who were originally behind the gate of eternal night, watching every move of the Yuan army.

At this moment, they all looked up and looked at the Tower of Eternal Night, which actually emitted a dazzling blue light!

The blue light, like thunder and lightning, came in an instant.

Strafed at those Yuan troops who dared to step into the ten-mile forbidden land!

No, this is not one.

It's a lot

of ways, or so many ways.

Just one!


Those who rushed to the forefront of the Great Yuan Iron Horse.

Even the sweaty BMW they are driving, help them to break through thousands of cities.

But at this moment, under the devastating blue light emitted from the Tower of Eternal Night.

Their bodies turned into a puff of green smoke and dissipated in an instant!

The people of Xu Guo were all very shocked to see the unexpected effect of the Eternal Night Realm.

It's like a god from the sky.

And now, on the walls of the eternal night.

Xu Yuan, who became the first night watchman, looked at the iron knight who was swept into ashes, but there was a different scene in his eyes.

In front of him, it was not the Great Yuan Iron Cavalry that turned into green smoke.

Instead, it turns into a string of blue numbers

!【Your Tower of Eternal Night kills Iron Cavalry*1, and gets random critical hits to return True Qi Pill*10!】[Your Tower of Eternal Night kills Iron Cavalry*1, and gets random critical hits to return Qi and Blood Pills*10!] [Your Tower of Eternal Night kills Iron Cavalry*1, and gets random critical hits to return Eternal Night Crystal*10!]


With the death of one after another Dayuan Iron Cavalry.

In the end, they became Xu Yuan's props!

Xu Yuan was very satisfied with this.

In this way, the lost energy can be replaced.

As for these Yuan army ......

What if there were 100,000 iron cavalry?

In the end, they couldn't defeat a round of strafing from the Eternal Night Tower!

"Mingjin, collect the troops, retreat!"

Luo Dingshan looked at the invincible Dayuan Iron Cavalry, but he didn't even see the shadow of the enemy.

The blue light emitted by the tower, which looked like an ornament, was swept into green smoke.

Even a fool knows it.

The 100,000-strong army rushed over, but it was only regarded as cannon fodder!

Mingjin collects the troops in time and saves half of their strength, so that in the future, when the court asks for guilt, they can also use the enemy who is too strong as a shield.

What's more, instead of fighting against such an invincible god of war.

It's better to use the preserved strength to fight against other human enemies.

In this way, at least a glimmer of life in Dayuan can be retained!


With the military order of Luo Dingshan issued.

The Great Yuan army retreated one after another!

"Wang, they're going to run away!" Although

Xu Guoren saw the strong military strength of his country, they all applauded.

But now that I see that the enemy is fleeing without a fight, I can't help but sigh, and even feel a little pity.

After all, who knows if these enemies have escaped and will come back in the future?

Everyone knows that these iron cavalry are only around level 20 or 30.

These are the main local armament forces in various Luzhou counties.

However, if they make a move, then in terms of cultivation level, they will at least reach the terrifying level of 30-50!

When the time comes, it will not be like now, and it will be so easy for them to win.

After all, the cultivation level has reached level 30 or above, and the previous level 30 has the same power as the previous level!

All of them have magical powers and spells that can move mountains and reclaim the sea.

Perhaps, there is no need to rush over at all.

All you need to do is throw a supernatural power or spell at a distance, like the Tower of the Eternal Night.

Then they may have to take action to prevent the enemy army from causing damage to their Xu Guoyongye border!

"Want to leave, it's not that easy!"

However, Xu Yuan saw that the remaining 50,000-odd Dayuan troops wanted to retreat.

It's just a hurry.

After all, these are living experience points.

Moreover, although the Tower of the Eternal Night is strong, it is only active defense and passive attack after all.

If you want to prevent these Great Yuan troops from retreating.

Then there is only one way.

Ferocious Tide!

came to mind.

Xu Yuan just didn't keep his hand anymore.

Instead, he directly took out his killer weapon!

I saw that he took out a large number of first-order and second-order teleportation charms from the system space.

And these are all made by the joint efforts of the 10,000 Yin Gods of the previous Sanqing Taoist Temple.

The number has reached 10,000! and 10,000

teleportation charms have been collected.

You can summon the gate of

the Netherworld! So, without hesitation, Xu Yuan threw out the Netherworld teleportation talisman in his hand!

Soon, as 10,000 teleportation talismans descended on the entire heaven and earth, they flew into the distance, blocking the way of the Dayuan army in time!

And at this time.

A huge netherworld gate also condensed out of the void.

The sound of the ghost crying wolf howl is about to come out from it

!"What the hell is this!?"

Suddenly, the Dayuan army was so frightened that they threw away their armor.

Now, they are afraid that they will sleep forever on the battlefield on the front line of Jingzhou Road!

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