"Hello mayor!"

After 13,400 people descended on the top of the stone mountain, they immediately surrounded the town center square in front of Xu Yuan's mayor's courtyard.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan got straight to the point and said: "I need you, do three things for me! Are you willing?" "

You must obey!" The

townspeople shouted in unison, the shouts were terrifying, and they had the potential of an army of 10,000 people.

Xu Yuan nodded, and let the 84 three-star townspeople come out of the ranks.

He said to the 84 three-star townspeople, "Today, we have a total of 8,400 one-star townspeople and two-star townspeople, and you divide them into teams of ten people and a squadron of ten people. And you, the 84 people, are the captains. 8,484 villagers, forming a sword brigade!"

As he spoke, Xu Yuan pointed towards a large clearing under the Black Earth Spirit Field.

Then, with a flash of light falling from the sky.

A huge barracks of swords was erected from the ground.

"Yes, Mayor Town!"

the 8,484 townspeople who were named immediately took the order.

They rushed in the direction of the sword barracks on the mountainside.

At the same time, Xu Yuan also felt that the sword battalion was in the process of transforming them, the townspeople, into genuine professional sword soldiers.

[8,484 sword soldiers are being trained...... It takes 2:21:24]

It looks like it will take a while to complete the training.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan looked at the remaining 4,416 three-star townspeople.

"You will divide 116 people, and in the future, they will be dedicated to farming and cooking!" Xu Yuan said.


So, 116 three-star townspeople went to the black soil spiritual field and began to take care of the green seedlings there.

This is not that Xu Yuan is overused, but farming also requires a lot of knowledge.

The more planting knowledge used in the Black Soil Spirit Field, the attributes of the dragon essence rice planted will be improved to a higher level.

Moreover, if the land is farmed by the townspeople of a higher level, when the time comes to harvest the dragon polished rice, the better the materials returned.

Perhaps new varieties can be developed.

Moreover, cooking can only be mastered by townspeople who are above three stars.

After the grain has been grown, they also need to cook nutritious and delicious dishes from the original ingredients.

Although now, there is no shortage of food in Shishi Village, it is a big deal that he allocates more farmers to specialize in farming.

However, the more new varieties are developed, the richer their dining table can be.

And the richer the variety of ingredients, the easier it is to give birth to a food culture.

Xu Yuan, who is well versed in the laws of history, knows very well the importance of food culture.

This is the most basic manifestation of a civilization's attitude towards survival.

Even the pre-Qin sages have already summed up the basic principle of "never getting tired of eating, and never getting tired of stewing".

For example, those barbarians who have no food culture will either belong to a civilization with a strong food culture, or develop their own food culture after a military power, or they will eventually collapse into the same monotonous and boring food culture.

Naturally, Xu Yuan arranged 116 three-star townspeople to specialize in planting and cooking, hoping that with the wisdom and knowledge of the three-star townspeople, they could brainstorm and finally develop a rich variety of food culture, laying the most solid foundation for the formation of civilization in Stone Town and even Stone Town in the future.


There are now 4,300 three-star townspeople and 500 four-star townspeople left in the town center square.

"You 4,300 people can be divided into three teams, one team will go to the wood and stone collection site, and the other team will build the collected stones at the foot of the mountain, form a fortress wall, and seal all the roads that can lead to the top of the mountain!"

Xu Yuan commanded, and the task of these 4,300 people was completely arranged.

"Yes, Mayor Towns!"

the 4,300 men quickly took charge of themselves, divided into three teams, and while supporting the timber and stone collection points, they also began to transport stone and timber and build the fortress walls of their stone town.

Of course, this also greatly accelerated the collection of wood and stone, and naturally there was spare manpower for the construction of new settlements, which of course was located on the lower mountainside where the Sword Barracks was located.

Collecting wood and stone, transporting materials, building new wooden houses, building city walls, farming, cooking, and a variety of tasks are carried out at the same time!

And these townspeople summoned from the heavenly and human realms also have high wisdom and self-management ability, and Xu Yuan only needs to command the general strategic direction, and the rest of the things will be completed by the townspeople alone, and he doesn't need to worry about it much.


, there were only 500 four-star townspeople left in the town center square.

This is by far the most core force in

Stone Town! Xu Yuan plans to develop them into a scientific research team to promote the development of the productive forces of Stone Town!

Therefore, Xu Yuan personally led them to the opposite side of the Sword Soldier Barracks.

With a flash of golden light in front of him, a delicately structured Baigong Research Institute appeared in front of 500 four-star townspeople.

The eyes of the 500 townspeople were shining.

They feel that their future is bright.

"From now on, you will become the five hundred engineers of this hundred engineering research institute

!" "In the future, you can concentrate on scientific and technological knowledge here, and whoever can invent equipment that is conducive to the production and development of Stone Town, the mayor of this town will reward him well!"

Xu Yuan said with a light smile.

A group of future engineers are all bright.

Does this mean that they don't need to work in the future, they just need to concentrate on studying knowledge here?

Who doesn't like it!

So, 500 four-star townspeople immediately entered the Hundred Crafts Research Institute.

However, it is only the first day, and the Baigong Research Institute needs enough knowledge to unlock the Gongwu Illustrated Book.

The amount of knowledge must be generated by these 500 four-star townspeople who read a large number of scientific and technological materials in the Baigong Research Institute to improve their knowledge.

Naturally, this also takes a certain amount of time.

Moreover, the time is not short.

Approximately, it takes 500 points of knowledge to accumulate every day!

Xu Yuan opened the Illustrated Book of Works and Objects, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Each of these technologies requires at least 10,000 points of knowledge before they can be developed!

Moreover, in the process of studying scientific and technological materials and acquiring knowledge, the resources required by hundreds of workers are not a little bit.

Far more resources than other professions would have to consume!

With the concerted efforts of more than 10,000 townspeople, and the bonus of the items that Xu Yuan returned from the system through the development of the village, it is not a small amount, enough to supply this huge astronomical consumption!

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