“Is this the world of Ip Man 2, I didn’t expect that there was a single-player mode, I really don’t know how many functions the unlimited login device has.” Ye Bai, who had just woken up, thought secretly in his heart.

Although the infinite login looks similar to the main god in the infinite terror, but after all, it is not exactly the same, Ye Bai has just touched this thing, so he has not figured out all the functions of the infinite login, at least this single-player mode he did not know before, and thought it was all team mode.

Seeing that the light curtain around him was still there, Ye Bai knew that he was still in the protection time, so he did not rush to act, but began to check the task this time.

“Main quest 1: Worship a martial artist as a teacher.”

“Main Mission 2: Defeat the King of Fighters Tornado.”

“Side Quest: Rule the Hong Kong Martial Arts Community. Mission reward: 2000 points. ”

“There is only one side quest, and there is also the main quest, the difficulty is not great, sure enough, now the E-level world is no longer difficult for me, if it weren’t for the inheritance of national arts, I wouldn’t have come here.” Ye Bai muttered softly.

The level of the world is closely related to the strength of the people in this world, just like the Ip Man world, although there is such a big killer as the atomic bomb, but without counting this weapon, the strongest human race has only reached the E level, so it is an E-level world.

The world level is related to the rewards that Ye Bai can get in the end, the higher the level, although the difficulty of the task will increase, but correspondingly, the reward obtained after completing the task must be better.

Under normal circumstances, it is definitely to choose a higher world.

And the reason why Ye Bai chose the world of Ip Man 2 is not because he is afraid of being killed after entering the high world, but in order to obtain the inheritance of national arts.

Although you can directly exchange various national arts in the system, you can even directly obtain strength, for example, spending a hundred points can directly reach the early stage of Mingjin.

This looks good, but Ye Bai knows that the drawbacks are not small, the strength obtained from the system is not his own after all, it will make the reincarnation subject to the system, and this kind of strength obtained by external forces is difficult to completely control, only the power of their own cultivation can be fully controlled.

Of course, this is also because Ye Bai has initially possessed the power of self-preservation, so he has the qualification to pursue perfection, otherwise if it is replaced by someone else, there is no qualification to choose, in order to save his life, he must be exchanged directly from the system.

Although there are no strong people in the world of Ip Man 2, there is still a national art inheritance, which is what Ye Bai values the most. He knew that if he wanted to become truly stronger, then he needed to clarify a cultivation path, such as the flow of science and technology, the flow of national arts, the flow of magic, etc., no matter which genre, it must be clear.

And now Ye Bai chose the National Art Stream, which is also the most suitable path for him at present.

Just as Ye Bai was calculating his next plan, the safety time finally passed, and the translucent light curtain around him also disappeared, and suddenly the chaotic sounds on the street entered Ye Bai’s ears.

Ye Bai had already seen that he was in a secluded alley at this time, and he did not stop here, and soon came to the street.

Ye Bai did not blindly walk, he had already made a plan, he first stopped a citizen to inquire about the location of the pawnshop, and then rushed directly over.

Now Ye Bai is penniless, and if he wants to survive here, he must first get some money.

Although Ye Bai’s hand can directly rob the rich and help the poor, he has a lot of gold on him, so he doesn’t need to be so troublesome at all.

Before Ye Bai exchanged a lot of gold bars from the system, anyway, this thing is very cheap in the system.

In the system, whether it is gold or pig iron, it is considered ordinary metal, so the price is not expensive, and one point can be exchanged for a lot. And gold is hard currency in many worlds, so Ye Bai deliberately exchanged a lot of it and put it in the storage space.

After coming to the pawnshop, Ye Bai just pawned a gold bar.

Ye Bai’s gold bars are all one pound, that is, five hundred grams, although in this era, the price of gold is lower, but the money in this period has not undergone inflation, and it is more valuable, and a gold bar is enough for Ye Bai to do many things.

After the people in the pawnshop saw Ye Bai’s dress, they did not dare to offend, after all, Ye Bai was not from Hong Kong at a glance, very similar to coming from Western countries, so he did not pit Ye Bai and directly gave him 90,000 Hong Kong dollars.

If it is put in the era before Ye Bai traveled, 90,000 Hong Kong dollars is nothing, but Hong Kong in this era is completely a local tycoon.

After leaving with the money, Ye Bai did not rush to find Ye Man, but began to buy real estate, after all, he will stay in this world for a while, he can’t stay in the hotel all the time, he still has to cultivate, it’s not convenient in other places.

I have to say that Hong Kong house prices in this era are still very cheap, Ye Bai spent a few hundred yuan to buy a house, and it is still with an independent yard, which is hard to believe if it is put in later generations.

After buying the house, Ye Bai began to look for Ye Man.

Ye Bai did not blindly go to the street to look for it, after all, Hong Kong is not small, and now that Ip Man is not famous, it is not easy to find Ip Man by inquiring, so Ye Bai began to look for the newspaper, because he remembered clearly that Liang Gen, a friend of Ip Man, was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

Compared to Ye Man, it is obviously easier to find Liang Gen.

Ye Bai just looked for two newspapers and found Liang Gen.

“This… Sir, are you looking for me for something? Facing Ye Bai in a suit, Liang Gen looked a little restrained, because Ye Bai was not an ordinary person at first glance, regardless of his dress or temperament.

Once Ye Bai was an ordinary otaku with no temperament at all, but as he experienced a reincarnation, coupled with the strengthening of the T virus, the increase in strength made him very confident.

“Hello Editor-in-Chief Liang, I heard that you know Ip Man.” Ye Bai said with a smile on his face.

“Well, yes, Ip Man is my friend, may I ask if he has offended you?” Liang Gen asked cautiously.

“No, it’s not a secret, I came back from overseas, because I admire Huaxia martial arts, so I have always wanted to learn martial arts. I had heard by chance that Ip Man was very strong, so I wanted to learn Chinese martial arts from him. ”

“Phew!” Hearing this, Liang Gen let out a long breath, as long as he was not looking for trouble.

“That’s right, Ip Man is planning to take an apprentice recently, since you want to worship him as a teacher, I will take you to him now.” Liang Gen seemed very enthusiastic, he knew that Ye Man’s current situation at home was when he lacked money, and Ye Bai was a person who was not poor in money, if there was such a disciple, Ye Man’s life would undoubtedly be much better.

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