“Of course not, we are all martial artists, since we have strength, why can we only open a martial arts hall? I heard that many people from the underworld will come to the martial arts hall to learn martial arts, so why can’t we set up a club ourselves, as long as we can dominate the Hong Kong underworld, then are we afraid that there is no money? And in this way, not only money, but also power, when the time comes, foreigners will have to think twice about dealing with us. ”

Hearing this, Hong Zhennan was silent.

“It’s not right, the underworld is not a good person, do you want us to do bad things?” Ye Man shook his head and said.

“No, there is white and black in this world, and the underworld cannot be eliminated. The current underworld is indeed not a good person, but if we can dominate the underworld, then can’t we make rules, when the time comes, we can let everyone not hurt ordinary people, so that we are not only not bad people, but also do good things. ”

Ye Bai’s words moved Ye Man, he is not a person who eats ancient times.

“There is some truth in what you said, but I am afraid that a few of us alone are not enough for this matter.” Ip Man said.

“That’s right, so my suggestion is that everyone unite, with the strength of all our martial arts halls in Hong Kong, I don’t think any society can compete with us, so that everyone can quickly rule the underground world of Hong Kong.”

“Okay, I’ll leave this matter to me, and I’ll find the owners of the various houses now.” Hong Zhennan nodded and said.

Hong Zhennan did things resolutely, and in the afternoon of the same day, he found all the pavilion owners of the martial arts hall, and then told Ye Bai’s plan.

“Underworld, this doesn’t sound like a good reputation after all.”

“It can’t be said that it is an underworld, we are an association, and we can even establish a regular company, which is nominally a preservation company.” Ye Bai explained.

“It’s okay to set up a company, but I don’t know who counts?” Master Zheng asked.

“We are a company, so naturally we have to look like a company. In Western companies, companies have a board of directors, and big things are decided by the board members together. After we establish a preservation company, we can also set up a board of directors, establish a company, everyone has money to contribute, someone to contribute, and finally divide the shares according to everyone’s contribution…” Immediately, Ye Bai said the plan he had thought of for a long time.

Ye Bai wants to establish a company, naturally to complete the task of unifying the martial arts world, as long as the people in the martial arts world are pulled into the company, and then he serves as the chairman, isn’t it considered a unified martial arts world.

Because Ye Bai said in detail, everyone understood, especially after hearing the grand blueprint planned by Ye Bai, they felt that a large area of gold and silver mountains appeared in front of them.

As the saying goes, wealth touches people’s hearts, no one doesn’t like money, and under the temptation of money, everyone agrees.

In this way, the security company began to be established.

Ye Bai paid for it, Hong Zhennan contributed to it, but in a few days the company had been initially established, because Ye Bai contributed too much money, so he directly became a major shareholder, accounting for 40% of the shares, although not more than half, but because his shares are the largest, he still became the chairman.

Although some people were a little dissatisfied with this, they did not dare to say it, one was because Ye Bai was rich, and the other was because Ye Bai’s strength was strong. Before Ye Bai beat all the pavilion owners, this has proved his strength.

In the end, the martial arts world still worships the strong.

And just after the company was really established, Ye Bai found that the task was completed.

“It seems that I am right, the unified martial arts world does not necessarily have to rely on brute force.” Ye Bai thought a little proudly.

The company was established, although Ye Bai is the chairman, but he is not interested in managing the company, after all, he is a reincarnator, sooner or later he is going to leave, the things in this world are not attractive to him, so Ye Bai let Ye Man be his agent, responsible for managing the company, as for Ye Bai, still the same as before, began to cultivate, after all, after a while will have to fight with the boxing king, although Ye Bai is sure, but still have to prepare well.

In the time after that, Ye Bai did not care about the outside world, and spent most of his day cultivating by the sea. A month is not a long time, and for most warriors, it is impossible to make the strength grow by leaps and bounds in a month.

But Ye Bai is different, his potential is too great, so one month is enough time for his strength to change dramatically.

A month ago, Ye Bai was only in the late stage of dark energy, but now he has reached the peak of dark energy, and dark energy has almost covered the entire body, only the head has not yet been covered by dark energy.

As long as the dark energy covers the head, Ye Bai can break through to the chemical strength level, and his strength will inevitably grow by leaps and bounds.


Finally, the day of the contest has arrived.

“Xiaobai, how are you preparing, are you sure of today’s battle?”

“One hundred percent sure, Tornado was not my opponent a month ago, and even less so now.” Ye Bai said confidently.

I am very confident in defeating Tornado Ye Bai, although the tornado is strong, but at most it is the strength of the middle to late stage of Dark Energy, even if he does not consider his strong physical quality, the national art level of the peak of Dark Energy alone is enough for Ye Bai to defeat the tornado.

Soon Ye Bai and his party arrived at the competition venue, and at this time Hong Zhennan and the others had already arrived.

Because of the establishment of the company, the relationship between everyone has become much closer.

“Ye boy, come on, don’t disgrace us Chinese.”

“Teach those foreigners a hard lesson, so that they often look down on us.”

“Thank you for your encouragement, I won’t lose!” Ye Bai said confidently.

The collision between Chinese martial arts and Western martial arts this time has a lot of impact, so it attracted many Chinese and Westerners to watch, and the ring was overcrowded at this time.

“When the time comes, the next thing to ask the Western Boxing King Tornado Taylor!”

As the host’s words fell, Taylor, who had healed, stepped into the ring.

“Last time Taylor was defeated by a sneak attack by an Eastern warrior, this time our tornado will inevitably be a shame!”

“What, what is a sneak attack, obviously the tornado himself careless.” Hearing the host’s words, the Chinese present immediately became dissatisfied, and even wanted to go up and hit the host.

“Okay, let’s invite Mr. Ye Bai, the representative of the Chinese martial arts world, to the stage!”

Hearing the host call himself, Ye Bai walked up.

When Ye Bai and Tornado met again, it was really a red eye when the enemy met, and I saw Taylor’s murderous look at Ye Bai, and then raised his hand to scratch his neck.

“I will definitely kill you!” Tornado said viciously.

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