
With the sound of an explosion, billowing smoke filled the air, and a large number of rubble splashed around.

The sound of the explosion alarmed the survivors around, and some looked out the window with curiosity and suddenly saw a large plume of smoke.

“What happened, could it be that an army is coming?” Thinking of this, many people became excited.

Soon the smoke cleared and a crater appeared in the ground, surrounded by a large amount of debris.

“The power is good, but unfortunately the speed is a little worse, it seems that it is suitable for clearing troops, and then try this.”

The explosion attracted more zombies, and at this time, the survivors in the surrounding buildings also found Ye Bai.

“Who is he, how dare he stand alone on the street, could it be that he caused the explosion just now?”

Just as these people were guessing, a large number of zombies surrounded from all directions, seeing this Ye Bai raised his arm, his index finger poked out, and the next moment a small fireball appeared on his finger.

“What’s that?”

Looking at the sudden appearance of the fireball, many people were stunned, and even thought that they were not blinded.


As soon as Ye Bai raised his hand, the fireball on his finger flew out, this time the fireball was very small, only the size of a ping-pong ball, but the speed was much faster.


In the blink of an eye, the fireball had hit a zombie, only listening to the “bang”, the fireball exploded, and then the flames attached to the zombie’s body and burned.

“It’s true, oh my God, what’s going on here, could it be that humans have mutated and possessed supernatural abilities?” At this time, many people were shocked, but after all, it is the end of the world, so they accept it quickly, after all, even the end of the world, the appearance of special abilities is not an unacceptable thing.

“Great, the human race has been saved, but I don’t know if I have the power, and how can the power awaken.”

Although Ye Bai sensed the gaze around him, he didn’t care, he was not a virgin, he was a somewhat selfish person by nature, so he was not interested in caring about those survivors, in this world, the only thing he cared about now was Ye Xin, who he had never met.

“The speed of the small fireball is good, but the power is a little worse, but I can compress the flame to increase the power of the fireball.”

Just think of it, and soon a fireball appeared on Ye Bai’s finger again, but instead of throwing it out immediately, he began to compress the flames.

Gradually, the size of the fireball decreased, but the color gradually changed from red to orange, which means that the temperature of the flame increased.

“Limit, it seems that it can only be like this, if you want to continue to compress, you must increase the energy level.” Thinking of this, Ye Bai threw out the fireball again.


Soon the fireball hit the body of a zombie, and this time the zombie’s body was directly shattered.

“Yes, this single attack is powerful enough, even a D-level cultivator will be injured if it is directly hit.” Ye Bai nodded in satisfaction, and then after seeing the zombies getting closer and closer, he condensed a large fireball again and threw it out.

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

A burst of explosions sounded, Ye Bai threw out four large fireballs in succession, and suddenly hundreds of zombies were killed, and then Ye Bai did not continue to use the flame energy, but directly rushed up.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

After approaching the zombie, Ye Bai turned into a killing machine, and almost every part of his body became a killing weapon, palms, elbows, knees and even shoulders, etc., all places have terrible destructive power, as long as he hits, no zombie can continue to remain intact.

It didn’t take long for a large number of stumped limbs and severed arms to be on the ground.

“God, this man is too powerful, if I can get his protection, don’t I have to fear zombies anymore.” Thinking of this, some people ran out with courage, ready to find Ye Bai and seek his protection.

Ye Bai was fighting, but in his mind he was thinking back to the information he had obtained about Bajiquan before.

At this time, Ye Bai is learning Bajiquan through actual combat, this kind of treatment can not be enjoyed by many people, after all, not everyone can have a large group of zombies as a sparring partner, and even if there is, not everyone dares to use zombies as sparring, after all, zombie poison is too contagious, if Ye Bai does not have primary toxin immunity, he does not dare to do so.

The battle lasted for more than an hour before it ended, and there were thousands of zombies who died in Ye Bai’s hands, and the strong smell of blood permeated the streets, and Ye Bai was covered in blood, including his own and zombies.

“Still can’t, although I have reached the D level, but I still can’t deal with a large group of zombies without injury, it seems that only by really reaching the strength and having the ability to not fall and mosquitoes do not add can I really be fearless of group attacks.”

Just as Ye Bai summed up his experience, several survivors came over boldly.

In fact, many survivors have come out, but looking at Ye Bai’s bloody appearance, most of them dare not come over, only these few daring people dare to come over.

“That, you, hello.” A young man stopped a few meters away from Ye Bai, and then said hello cautiously.

Ye Bai glanced at him coldly and said, “Something? ”

“I, I want to follow you.”

“Sorry, I don’t have time.” After saying that, Ye Bai was ready to leave with a step, he didn’t want to waste time here.

“This brother, don’t be in a hurry to leave, you see that now that the end of the world is coming, we as surviving humans should help each other, so, you stay, how about we make you the boss then?” A middle-aged man who looked rather shrewd tempted.

“I’m not interested, if you want to survive, just figure it out yourself, I won’t help you.” After speaking, Ye Bai walked forward.

“Why are you like this, since you have mutated and have great strength, then you should protect us, how can you be so selfish?” A young man said angrily.

“I’m selfish, does it have anything to do with you?” Ye Bai said after taking a cold look at this person.

Feeling the murderous aura in Ye Bai’s eyes, the young man couldn’t help but shiver, at this time he thought of the scene of Ye Bai killing all sides before, although Ye Bai just killed all zombies, but who can guarantee that he will not kill, so the young man suddenly withered and did not dare to speak again.

With a disdainful smile, Ye Bai strode away.

It wasn’t until Ye Bai disappeared that these people breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s terrible.”

“This person is a bastard, obviously he has such strong strength but refuses to protect us, he will die at the hands of these monsters sooner or later.” The young man who had previously accused Ye Bai cursed.


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