The room where the big snake was before had collapsed because of the battle, so Ye Bai had to change places.

“This is the only house left that is still intact, and hopefully there are no surprises this time.” Ye Bai walked to the door and smiled.

“Ah! Yes, it should be fine. Chu Ran said a little nervously.

“Don’t worry, there will definitely be no trouble, the beasts are all territorial consciousness, there will be no other mutant beasts in the big snake here, otherwise they would have fought long ago.” Ye Bai comforted, and Chu Ran was relieved when he heard this.

This time there were indeed no accidents, although the room was a little chaotic, at least there were no monsters, and Ye Bai found that even the zombies were missing here.

“Could it be that those zombies were also eaten by the big snake?” In the end, Ye Bai could only come up with such a possibility.

“It’s not early, I have some food here, you can rest early after eating.” While speaking, Ye Bai took out some burgers and water from the storage space and handed it to Chu Ran.

“Thank you, thank you.” After thanking her, Chu Ran didn’t care about any ladylike temperament, and directly gobbled it up, she hadn’t eaten all day, and she had to leave because she didn’t have food before.

However, Chu Ran was also a little lucky, if she hadn’t left early, I’m afraid she would have become food for the big snake.

Just when Chu Ran was eating, Ye Bai was not idle, he first went to wash a simple wash, wash off the blood on his body, and then began to eat dinner.

After eating and drinking, Chu Ran only felt sleepiness attack, and soon fell asleep leaning on the corner of the wall, but Ye Bai was not in a hurry to rest, with his current strength, although he could not do sleepless, but he only needed to sleep for two or three hours a day.

Sitting on the ground, Ye Bai began to study the secret book that had been exchanged before.

Unconsciously, the time came late at night, just when Ye Bai was about to sleep, but found Chu Ran curled up into a ball, only then did he react, this is the season of spring and summer, during the day is fine, the temperature will be higher, and at night it will be a little cooler, Chu Ran does not wear many clothes, it will definitely feel cold.

“Forget it, good people do it to the end.” Shaking his head, Ye Bai took out a thin quilt from the storage space and covered Chu Ran’s body.

Feeling the warmth, Chu Ran’s body suddenly stretched out.

After a night of silence, it soon came to the next day.

“This quilt…” When Chu Ran woke up, she immediately saw the thin quilt covering her body, there was no one else here, obviously Ye Bai covered her, thinking of this Chu Ran’s heart warmed.

Once as a school flower, Chu Ran did not lack suitors, and there were often boys who offered her courtesy, but she was not moved at all. And this time he was just covered with a quilt when he was asleep, which moved Chu Ran, and it can only be said that the impact of the environment is great.

But soon Chu Ran reacted, and she found that Ye Bai was not in the room, which made her a little anxious. When the end came, Chu Ran had already used Ye Bai as a lifesaver, and once she left Ye Bai, she didn’t know how long she could live, so Chu Ran hurriedly walked out of the room.

“Ye Bai! Ye Bai, are you there? Chu Ran shouted, and finally saw Ye Bai in a clearing, and at this time Ye Bai was practicing boxing, although he heard Chu Ran’s shout, but did not care about her.

Seeing that Ye Bai was still there, Chu Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and then he was not in a hurry, and directly stood on the side and watched.

“Huh! Is he practicing? But it looks very similar to the tai chi ball played by those old people, can this thing really be used for fighting? After observing for a while, Chu Ran became a little puzzled.

Ye Bai’s movements were very slow, and she didn’t see any lethality at all, if it weren’t for Chu Ran seeing Ye Bai kill a large number of zombies with her own eyes yesterday, and even kill a big snake, she would have thought that Ye Bai was embroidered with a fist.

“Break it for me!”

Suddenly Ye Bai burst into a drink, and the next moment a terrifying momentum burst out, and suddenly set off a strong wind, blowing up the dust on the ground, and the body burst out a sound, if there is a national art master here at this time, he will recognize it, this is the refining method in the national art.

“Wow! That’s awesome! Seeing this scene, Chu Ran couldn’t help but show admiration.

“Finally broke through, is this the strength?”

The breakthrough was successful, but Ye Bai did not stop, and still continued to punch to consolidate his cultivation.

After more than ten minutes, Ye Bai slowly recovered.

“I finally reached the transformation strength, but it is not enough, only the achievement of the Dan energy can make me completely degenerate.”

“Ye Bai, are you, are your cultivation over?” Seeing Ye Bai standing still, Chu Ran waited for a while and stepped forward and asked.

“Well, it’s over, you’re hungry, I’ll give you food.” Saying that, Ye Bai did not hide it, and directly took out a few hot buns and a cup of soy milk in front of Chu Ran, which directly made Chu Ran stunned.

“You, you this is…”

“It’s nothing, it’s just one of my abilities, so let’s eat quickly.”

Thinking of Ye Bai’s strength, Chu Ran was relieved. Even the end times have appeared, what else is unacceptable.

“By the way, Ye Bai, were you cultivating just now, how do you look…” Speaking of this, Chu Ran stopped, and she was a little embarrassed to continue.

“You’re saying that it doesn’t look powerful, you’re right, because the punch I just hit belongs to the training method. National art is divided into playing and training, training is used to exercise the body, usually there is no lethality, the real killing move is the way of playing, but the playing method should not be passed lightly, because a bad one may kill people, play the way to play, a dozen to break the law, so most people have only seen the practice, but have not seen the play. Ye Bai explained.

“So that’s the case, by the way, are you practicing national arts? It looks so good, can you teach me? Chu Ran asked with an expectant look.

“You can teach, but can you really hold on? Cultivating national arts is very tiring. Ye Bai asked with a skeptical look, Chu Ran looked like she didn’t have ten fingers on the spring water, and he doubted that she could endure hardship.

“I can, I can endure hardship!” Chu Ran assured that she is not a vase, but a high-quality student, and her IQ is not low, so she is very clear that in the world where the rules collapse in the last days, only strength is the foundation of survival, and Chu Ran does not want to die, so she must have the strength to protect herself.

“Well, I’ll teach you when I have time, and it’s up to you whether you can stick to it or not.” Ye Bai didn’t care if Chu Ran could stick to it, after all, the relationship between the two could only be regarded as familiar strangers at most.

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