Faced with Chu Ran’s inquiry, Ye Bai did not rush to answer, but asked instead: “Did you find anything just now?” ”

“Discovered? No, I just saw that your clothes suddenly changed. Chu Ran said a little inexplicably.

“It seems that I guessed correctly, when the reincarnation enters the replica world, the time of the main world is paused.” Chu Ran’s answer gave Ye Bai an answer. He had done experiments before, but at that time, because there was no one else, he relied on the clock to test, and from the end of his second reincarnation, the clock only walked for a few seconds, but he also had to remove the time spent looking at the clock, so at that time Ye Bai guessed that time might be static.

But now Chu Ran’s answer undoubtedly confirms the accuracy of this guess.

“Tell me, were you doing magic just now?” Chu Ran asked again.

“It’s not magic, you’ll know about this later, I have some things to do now, don’t bother me.” After speaking, Ye Bai opened his own properties panel.

“Name: Ye Bai”

“Gender: male”

“Level: 1 (105/100) +”

“Strength: D-”

“Points: 38176”

“Skills: Fire Control, Primary Toxin Immunity (Passive), Primary Meditation, Flame Energy, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, etc.”

“Skill Points: 10”

Looking at the points that exceeded 30,000 points, or even almost close to 40,000, Ye Bai suddenly showed satisfaction, if he spent all these points, then his strength would definitely be able to improve a lot, and it was even possible to reach C level.

However, Ye Bai did not rush to exchange things, but looked at the level.

At this time, the experience points of level 1 are full, which means that Ye Bai can continue to improve the level.

Without hesitation, Ye Bai directly chose to upgrade the level.

Suddenly, the level became 2 (5/500).

“It takes five hundred points to upgrade to the third level, even if you get fifty points each time on average, it takes almost ten times, it seems that it is impossible for me to upgrade to the third level in a short time.”

Ye Bai didn’t expect that his experience points would increase so much at once, but because of his skills, he could now have third-level permissions in advance, which made Ye Bai look forward to it.

“I don’t know what new permissions the third level can have.” Thinking of this, Ye Bai began to check.

Soon, information about the third-level authority poured into Ye Bai’s mind.

“There’s a new feature!”

After reviewing the permissions, Ye Bai was overjoyed, because there were several permissions that he needed the most.

The first is the permissions that existed before, such as storage space, item identification and item exchange, which have not changed much, but have been enhanced.

The storage space has doubled from two cubic meters to four cubic meters. There are also item identification and item exchange, and the upper limit has been raised to level B.

In addition, there are two or three new features, one is the Quest World Foreknowledge, which allows you to know the name of the Quest World a day in advance.

If this ability is given to other people, it is useless, after all, knowing the name is not clear about the plot.

But Ye Bai is different, these replica worlds are all film and television dramas of the earth world, as long as he knows the name, he basically knows the approximate plot, so that he can make some preparations in advance.

For example, this time, if Ye Bai had known that it was an alien world, he would have exchanged it for a weapon that was not afraid of alien blood in advance.

The second new ability is to travel through the replica world, as long as it is a replica world that Ye Bai has experienced, he can spend a certain amount of points to go back.

Different levels of quest worlds require different points, for example, the E-level world requires 1,000 points to open, and then it costs ten points for each day of stay.

This ability is also a bit chicken for most reincarnations, after all, most reincarnators do not have many points, and it is impossible to be willing to spend so many points to return to these worlds.

However, for Ye Bai, this is the most suitable for him, one is that he has enough points, and the other is that many of his abilities need time to improve.

Before Ye Bai lacked the most time, but now, he can enter the replica world to improve his strength, because the time of the replica world and the main world are relatively static, so the time in the replica world will not occupy the ten days he stays in the main world.

There is also a third ability, which is also of great help to Ye Bai, this ability is skill fusion, which can fuse similar skills.

However, because Ye Bai has only obtained third-level permissions now, he can only fuse skills below Tier B, and the new skills obtained after fusion will not exceed Tier B.

Although there were some restrictions, Ye Bai felt that this was enough for him to use now.

After checking the new permissions, Ye Bai began to exchange.

Soon Ye Bai found two things.

“Burning Determination: E-level fire system internal martial arts method, you can cultivate to the peak of the day after tomorrow, exchange points: one thousand.”

“Xuanhuangyan: C-grade Xenomorph, exchange points: fifteen thousand.”

These two things Ye Bai has long fancy, among which the burning is good, the points needed are not much, he can exchange it for a long time, but Xuanhuangyan, this is a real fetish, even if it is only the fire level, it has reached the C level, and it takes fifteen thousand points to exchange, Ye Bai can’t exchange it before.

Although incineration does not require many points, its own level is not high, even if it is cultivated, it will not have much effect on Ye Bai, because even if the incineration is cultivated to perfection, it can only reach the E+ level, which is of little use to Ye Bai, who has already reached the D level.

However, as a traverser, Ye Bai guessed that incineration needed to cooperate with special flames to exert its true power.

“Hope my guess is correct. But even if the burning is definitely not the exercise I thought, it doesn’t matter, Xuanhuangyan’s fire is what I need anyway, and I lose a thousand points at most, it doesn’t matter. Thinking of this, Ye Bai directly exchanged these two things.

Seeing that there were more than 10,000 points missing all of a sudden, Ye Bai couldn’t help but feel distressed, and quickly checked the content of the incineration.

“Didn’t you have one.”

When Ye Bai finished reading the incineration, his face showed disappointment, because he found that the incineration introduction did not mention that absorbing special flames could increase the level.

“Forget it, let’s cultivate first, but it’s not suitable here, let’s go to the copy world to cultivate.” Thinking of this, Ye Bai looked at it, and finally chose the Ye Man World, which is the most suitable world for his cultivation now.

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